Weekly News & Updates

October 4, 2022 | Issue 10


Upcoming Events

  • Oct. 06 - Parent-Teacher Conferences
  • 1:30 pm Dismissal
  • Oct. 07 - No Classes
  • Oct. 10 - Faculty In-Service/No Classes
  • Oct. 12 - Senior Career Development Day
  • Freshman Retreat at EC
  • Sophomore Retreat at Washington Avenue Christian Church
  • Juniors - PSAT
  • Select Juniors - IOWA Test 
  • Oct. 14 - $2 Dress Down Day - El Centro
  • Oct. 16 - Open House - 11:30 - 2pm
  • Oct. 19 - Picture Retake Day (Gr. 9-11)
  • Oct. 22 - HSPT at EC
  • Oct. 25 - End of Quarter I

For a complete list of dates for the year please click HERE!

Photo by Erik Leith '23 - at Homecoming Game

AP Exam Fees Due

AP Exam fees are due to Mrs. Adkins by Friday, October 14. All AP students were provided a registration form for their exams in their AP classes. Cash or checks made payable to Elyria Catholic High School must be submitted with the exam registration form.

Conferences are tomorrow

Thank you to all who have scheduled appointements with your student's teachers. We have several times still available. Please reach out directly to your student's teachers to schedule those.

Testing Dismissal Times | Oct. 12

Students taking the PSAT can expect a dismissal time between 11:15 -11:30am, however, if your student has extended time, the dismissal will be later. Those students taking the IOWA Test expect a dismissal between 12:00 and 12:30 pm. No lunch is provided that day.


Lost & Found

Parents, when you are here for conferences, please stop by the Lost & Found table outside the Main Office. There are several items that have not been claimed, including clothing, new lunch boxes, expensive water bottles, binders and more! All items not claimed will eventually be donated.  

Picture Retake Day

for Grades 9 - 11

On Wednesday, October 19, students will be called down after prayer and announcements.

Students are to be in full uniform. Please see the 2022-23 Student-Parent Handbook for full uniform guidelines.

Tutoring Services

Attention parents: Tutoring services are offered to students FREE of charge in all levels of Spanish and all facets of English, from writing to ACT prep before or after school BY APPT. Ms. Claire Evans and Mrs. Madeleine Heinrich are approved by Elyria Catholic HS and the Elyria School District to offer in-house tutoring in these areas. Contact them at: 

to schedule an appointment that fits your student's needs.

Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA)

As required by the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), we are notifying parents, teachers, and employees of the availability of the Elyria Catholic High School asbestos management plan.

$2 Dress Down benefits El Centro

Friday, October 14 is a $2.00 dress down day to benefit El Centro, a Latino non-profit advocacy organization whose mission is to enhance the socio-economic status of the Greater Lorain County community by providing essential social, educational, cultural, and community development services. El Centro offers many services related to physical and mental health for the Latino Community and is located in Lorain, Ohio. 

Please remember your $2.00 and to follow our dress down guidelines as stated in the Student Parent Handbook.

Admission Department 

FACTS Grant & Aid Applications

The application window is now open for completing the FACTS Grant & Aid application. Families who will have freshman during the 2023-24 school year should complete the application by November 15 in order to receive financial aid information by the end of December.

Click on FACTS Grant & Aid application to apply. Please note - if you will not have a freshman next year, please wait to complete the application until after you have completed your 2022 income taxes.

Athletic Department

Campus Ministry 

Collecting Pull Tabs

We are still collecting pull tabs for Ronald McDonald House! Tabs can be brought to the Campus Ministry office all year long.

CLE 21:6

Last call to guarantee a spot for CLE 21:6, the Cleveland Catholic Youth Conference being held at John Carroll University on Saturday, January 7. All students-freshmen through seniors-are invited to come spend the day hanging out with teens from all across the Diocese of Cleveland while listening to dynamic speakers, jamming out with the praise band, playing some games, and celebrating Mass. (Bonus: it counts as your Sunday Mass obligation so you can sleep in the next day!) Last year, the food was pretty great and they all collected some swag too! You don't want to miss it! Registration forms are available outside the Campus Ministry office. Tickets are being ordered on Tuesday October 11, so be sure to get your form in before then!

Center for Student Excellence


The School Counselors will be available for conferences on Thursday October 6, 2022. Please reach out to your students' counselor.

Senior Career Development Day

Don’t forget to register for your Career Development Day activity. 

Options (Choose one):

  • College Visit Day
  • Group Service Project at St. Jude’s
  • Health Career Day at LCCC
  • Lorain County JVS Tour
  • Lead Teacher at St. Jude’s
  • Retreat Leader for EC 9th or 10th Graders
  • Youth Challenge Career Information & Activity

The link to register is on your English Google classroom site.  Registration deadline is 4 pm, Thursday, October 6. Questions? Email Mrs. Mey at Mey@elyriacatholic.com.

Attention Seniors

Please check google classroom weekly for all upcoming scholarship opportunities. Reach out to your counselor if you have questions or need help.

Isabella Notarberardino '25 awarded NOIA Scholarship

The NOIA (Northern Ohio Italian American) Foundation awarded several scholarships to high school students recently at a dinner held in their honor. Our very own Isabella Notarberardino was a recipient of one of these scholarships. Congratulations, Isabella! Please watch for news regarding next year's application process and deadline.

Click below to watch the video.

HOBY Leadership Conference

Counselors met with the sophomore class about the HOBY Leadership Conference held in the summer on October 4. This is an amazing opportunity for students to build leadership skills with their peers. Each year Elyria Catholic sends 2 sophomores to attend the conference. Students must apply by writing an essay about why they would like to go and how they could benefit from the conference. Essays will be reviewed by a committee of teachers/staff and chosen based on their essay. One student will receive a full scholarship to attend this conference and another student will receive a partial scholarship for this conference. Please click HOBY for more information about the HOBY Conference for Parents and Students. Please encourage your student to apply. APPLICATIONS ARE DUE NOVEMBER 14. Please let counseling know if you have any additional questions.

College Now Advisor meetings begin

Our College Now, Mrs. Reaser advisor has begun on our campus. College Now helps to increase postsecondary educational attainment through college and career access advising, financial aid counseling, and scholarship and retention services. Elyria Catholic provides this service free of charge to all EC students and parents. She will be available for meetings on the following dates and you can book an appointment by clicking on the button. 

10/17/2022 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

10/24/2022 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM

10/31/2022 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Book appointment HERE

Click below for full details.

College Rep Visits

We have begun College Rep Visits with our juniors and seniors. Juniors and Seniors have chosen 2 schools in which they will attend a College Rep Visit. Please review the visit schedule below for the rest of this month. Please talk with your student about any questions you would like answered about the schools they have chosen.

College Visit Schedule

School Safety

The Counseling Department has and will continue to go into classrooms this month to talk about School Safety. We have created resources for students to use and ways to help promote safety in our school. We also have been going into Junior and Senior classrooms to prepare students for the college process. Please see our website page (elyriacatholic.com/guidance) for resources regarding these topics and don't hesitate to reach out any questions to:

  • Miss Gauntner (Last Names A-L) or
  • Mrs. Brooks (Last Names M-Z)

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