If your son or daughter is going to be absent for the day or has an appt. or will be either late or leaving early please email
If they leave for a Dr. Appointment please have the students get a note stating they were at the appointment. We can then mark the absence as medical.
Students can only miss approx. 9 days of school a year excused or unexcused. Medical Excuses do not count towards the 9 days of absences.
If students know they are going to miss school ahead of time, they must fill out a pre-arranged absence form. They can be found in the main office.
Students must arrive at school and be in their first period class by 8 a.m. They will be considered tardy if they arrive between 8 and 8:20. They are given 2 excused tardies each quarter after the 2 tardies they will receive a 30 minute detention the following day. If they are later than 8:20 it is considered an absence and we will need an email from the parent stating the reason for the late arrival.
Drop Off in the morning
We have a new procedure when dropping off students in the morning that we hope will alleviate the backup traffic on Poplar and Gulf Rds. When dropping students off in the morning, you will notice cones directing you to proceed along the football fence to the end of the drive, then circle back up the drive. If you are turning left out of Elyria Catholic you will drop the students off on the plaza next to the
auditorium. Please do not drop off near the side auditorium door. If you are dropping off and turning right out of Elyria Catholic onto Poplar, pull in the turnaround area in front of the plaza