PBC Feeding Site Changes Starting April 6, Child No Longer Required to Be Present
Posted on 04/01/2020

The School District of Palm Beach County continues its commitment to feeding students while schools are closed. Starting April 6, 35 sites across Palm Beach County will be distributing ‘Grab and Go’ bags filled with breakfast, lunch, supper, and a snack.

For the week of April 6, feeding sites will be open Monday through Thursday. Those who come on Thursday to pick up meals will be receiving meals for both Thursday and Friday.  Starting Monday, April 13 and until further notice, the 35 feeding sites will be open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Two days worth of meals will be provided each days'.
  • Click here for School District locations distributing ‘Grab and Go’ bags filled with breakfast, lunch, supper, and a snack, from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

  • Click here for FLIPANY-Eastern locations distributing food from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m., and three locations that are distributing food from 3 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Go to:  https://summerbreakspot.freshfromflorida.com/ for more information about site locations.   Meals are FREE to anyone under 18 years of age (under 22 for ESE students), regardless of financial need. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has provided a waiver to allow parents/guardians to pick up meals without the child being present. The parent needs to provide confirmation of the number of children for which they are picking up meals, by one of the following methods: student ID, student passport, student library card, student birth certificate, or a photo of adult picking up the meals with the students for whom they are picking up meals.

The parent will show the identification to staff providing the meals, and meals will be provided for the number of children identified. The District follows food distribution rules as outlined by the USDA.

To limit person-to-person contact, please remember to adhere to social distancing. Those driving to one of the feeding sites are asked to open the trunk of their car, or leave a seat open where staff can place the food. People walking up to a site should remember to maintain a distance of at least six feet. These measures are taken very seriously and are intended to keep everyone safe.

The meals provided may contain allergens. Adults picking up the food are asked to be vigilant and ensure they do not take food if allergies may be a concern.