Moving forward Elena will no longer send out a separate email each term to let folks know when EVRs can be submitted. Instead, we will provide the EVR submission schedule for the academic year each fall. We will continue to mention the term submission deadline in this PC Weekly.
If someone on your team completes/submits the EVR and they are not receiving the PC Weekly, please make sure you reach out to your Relationship Manager at TheDream.US with their contact information so we can add them to the PC Directory.
The instructions and video tutorial for those new to the process or who need a refresher can be found in the Program Management section on our website. The instruction sheet explains how to complete the form, a helpful hints section, and where the file should be uploaded once you are ready to submit it.
You may submit your fall EVR now until October 31st.
As always please reach out to Elena and Camila if you have questions about the EVR process.