The Perfecting School of Ministry Bible College
Eagles Perfected for the Kingdom
Perfecting School of Ministry has been perfecting and equipping the saints of God since 2005. The mission of the Perfecting School of Ministry Bible College is to build the Kingdom by equipping the saints of God to operate in their Kingly and Priestly anointings, thereby producing sons of God who will be empowered to establish God's covenant principles throughout the whole earth. An exciting, rewarding, and dynamic Bible College using the International School of Ministry (ISOM) curriculum through world renown VIDEO PROFESSORS and anointed IN-HOUSE FACILITATORS. The Perfecting School of Ministry at Full Gospel Foundation Building Ministries, International is a school of the Spirit that changes lives forever. We too are former students and have experienced the move and presence of God expressed in every class, in the students and in the facilitators. It has added a dimension of ministry to our lives for eternity. The Perfecting School of Ministry is a Five Trimester Program
- Affordable Tuition
- Uplifting Chapel Worship
- Diplomas in Biblical Studies
- Associates Degree in Biblical Studies*
- Third Year Specialized Classes in Five-Fold Ministry Giftings and other Ministry Training