Kathy Merlock Jackson
published an article titled "Citizen Kane, Collecting, and the American Character: What, Why, and How Charlie Collects" in the March 2020 issue of The Journal of American Culture (43:1). This theme issue of the journal was devoted to collecting and collectibles.
Denise Wilkinson
presented "Integrating Web-Based Activities into Face-to-Face and Online Courses to Engage Generation Z Students" at the National Organization for Student Success conference in Nashville, TN.
Travis Malone
and 40 VWU students presented the war time comedy “
.” The production was a new adaptation of Menander's Ancient Greek comedy. It was co-written by VWU student
Ceclia Ward
, majoring in Classics, and Trey Delpo, VWU Theatre Alum and Enrollment Counselor. The production took place March 5 - 8 in the Susan S. Goode Fine and Performing Arts Center at VWU and was part of the Norfolk Theatre Festival.
Ben Haller
signed a book contract for his book “'Such, Charmed by Circes Luxurie, and Ease': The role of the Greek and Latin Classics in the Literary and Material Culture of Seventeenth Century Virginia Tidewater," which began with a VWU faculty development grant, and has already resulted in a second book chapter with Blackwell.
The course, "Recreation Therapy Management and Organization," taught by
Takeyra Collins
, and "Animals and Society" taught by
Kathy Stolley
, combined sessions to welcome campus guest experts.
Kathy Ames
presented on certified therapy dogs.
Heather Campbell
and Hans shared their experience working with wounded warriors and paralympians.