July 29, 2022
The Physician Decision - A Patient Empowerment Campaign
The Florida Academy of Family Physicians (FAFP) and the Florida Medical Association (FMA) continue to promote their joint public relations campaign, The Physician Decision, focused on informing our communities and patients about the importance of seeking a physician-led care team. When it comes to your health, a highly trained physician should be leading your care team.

Although the Florida Legislature approved Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) to practice primary care independently in 2020, the FAFP and the FMA encourage patients to research and understand the differences in education and training between a physician (MD/DO) and advanced practice providers (APPs). 

Recent News
Dr. Doug Murphy, a board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist with over 40 years of experience, was recently featured in West Orlando News, sharing three things your physician wants you to know to improve your health. Read more here: 3 Things Your Physician Wants You to Know to Help Improve Your Health
Dr. Rebekah Bernard, a published author and former professor, has worked as a Family Physician in Florida for over 20 years. She shared her opinion on how to overcome the physician shortage in Southwest Florida for Naples Daily News/News Press, which you can read here: Guest Opinion: Overcoming the physician shortage in Southwest Florida
Dr. John A. Gross, a family medicine/sports medicine physician at JAG Medical and former president of the Family Academy of Family Physicians, was featured in the Tampa Bay Times to share why physician-led teams are the secret to safe, efficient and more affordable health care. Read his guest column here: Physician-led teams are the secret to safe, efficient and more affordable health care
The FAFP hopes its members will embrace the campaign and work collaboratively with other members of the healthcare team to encourage patients to make informed decisions about their healthcare, or make ThePhysicianDecision!
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