January 24, 2020
In This Issue

  Sunday, January 26

Sunday Worship Gathering

Annual Meeting and Luncheon
Fellowship Hall

Boulder Voices
Fellowship Hall

Tuesday, January 28

Worship Planning Meeting
Church Office

Wed, January 29

Staff Planning Meeting

Oasis Women's Group
The Parlor 

Sunday, February 2
Sunday Worship

"Our Wisdom Tradition"
Adult Formation led by Waverly Matthews
Boulder Voices
Fellowship Hall
The Church at Prayer
Community Care List
God's desire for us is our wholeness; the Hebrew Scriptures call this shalom. This wholeness incorporates our physical, mental, emotional, and relational being.

Please use this list today and throughout the week, praying with special intention for:
  • Australia as wildfires consume the land, homes, wildlife, and your dear people who suffer. 
  • Puerto Rico as an earthquake has caused two-thirds of Puerto Rico to be without electricity.
  • Jewish neighbors after the attack on Saturday, December 28 at the home of a Brooklyn Jewish rabbi in the midst of a Hanukkah celebration
  • Out Boulder County and all those in our LGBTQ+ community
  • PSC's Off Broadway Preschool 
  • Those in our Boulder community who suffer from food insecurity and hunger and who are experiencing homelessness
  • All who celebrate joys and those who are distressed in mind, body, or spirit, and members of our spiritual family including:

Our prayers for:
Short term
Barb Fowler
Tom Fowler
Lizzie (Susan Anderson's daughter--stage 4 colon cancer)
Dan Torpy 
Carter Edgerly
Juan and Denise Aragon (PSC-supported missionaries in Chiapas, Mexico--Juan diagnosed with rare condition affecting quality of life)

Long term
Vondell Martin 
Shirley Scott 
Kathryn Stuart
Butch Stanko (friend of Polly McDonald)

Brendan Torpy
Iglesia Bautista Central de Villa Las Lomas (church in San Juan, Puerto Rico)
Pete Sprenkle
Jo Judd
Kerry Hassler
Dwight and Aladine Neuenschwander

Missionaries: Lance & Christina Muteyo, Juan & Denise Aragon, Ruth Fox, Pieter & Nora Kalkman

*Please notify the church office
(303-442-6530) or
t)  if there are people who should be added to
 or removed from our community care list.
A Word from Andrew... Annual Meeting this Sunday...

Dear Pine Street Church Members and Friends,

This Sunday, January 26, is our Annual Meeting immediately following our Sunday worship gathering. I encourage you to join your fellow Pine-heads for this year-in-review to celebrate our ministry successes over the past 12 months. 

We will also honor our outgoing Council of Ministries leaders, vote on a new slate of 2020 leaders for our newly formed Leadership Council as well as Chairs of Standing Committees. We will vote on becoming a congregational partner of a national group of LGBTQ+ advocates, Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists (AWAB), and we will vote on our 2020 financial plan/budget. 
As we step in to 2020, we do so with much momentum gained in 2019 and anticipation of the next 12 months of transforming ministry ahead that will lead us to fulfill our call to embrace everyone , inspire life, and create more. 

Thank you for who you are and all that you do (seen and unseen) to make PSC the  extraordinary spiritual  community that it is. I am  honored to serve among  you. We have so much to offer the world locally and globally. The world needs a church like this at a time like this. Our contributions are needed at this time of our lives and in the life of our times now more than ever. 

Here's to all that we will celebrate and accomplish  together in 2020. 

See you Sunday,
Absentee Ballot Available 

On Sunday January 26, 2020, the congregation of Pine Street Church will be voting on the recommendation put forth by the Council of Ministries to file an application for membership with the Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists. 
If you are unable to attend in person on Sunday and would like to submit a vote on this issue, you may use this absentee ballot below for that purpose. The ballot must be received by the church office by Sunday. January 26 at Noon. 
View absentee ballot HERE

Leadership Council and Chairs of Standing Committees 

On Sunday, January 26, the congregation of Pine Street Church will vote to elect leadership for the 2020 Leadership Council as well as Chairs of Standing Committees. 

Here are the recommendations from the Nominating Committee and as confirmed by the PSC Council of Ministries. The members of Nominating Committee are: Joann Roberts Stacy, Bob Owens, and Jane Gray. 

Leadership Council

Moderator: Stuart Lord
Vice Moderator: Phil Gruber
Secretary: Tam VanSpriell
Treasurer: Rick Vaughn
At large: Debbie Setlock 
At large: Alexi Molden 

Standing Committees Chairpersons

Finance & Stewardship Committee: Mike Simpson 
Properties Committee: Tom Fowler
PreSchool/SoFA Oversight Committee: Cindy Owens 
Pastoral Relations Committee: Larry VanSpriell 
Nominating Committee: Joann Roberts Stacy 

Please plan to join us Sunday January 26th after our morning worship service for our 2019 Annual Meeting. We will migrate downstairs to the Fellowship Hall share a meal and then celebrate everything we accomplished in 2019! 

The business portion of the meeting will include voting on a new slate of officers for our 2020 Leadership Council (The first ever in our newly implemented Governance Model!) as well as voting on a 2020 budget. 

The Church will provide a main dish and we ask that folks bring side dishes. So we don't end up with too much of one thing we'll go with last name starting with: 

A - I: Salads
J - R: Sides 
S - Z: Desserts

Look for the sign up sheet this Sunday during our regular reception time. We'll see you all there! Open to All.
Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering (RMMO)

Honoring the Service of God's Servants

Throughout the month of January, we will be receiving the annual RMMO (Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering). We sometimes refer to this as a Thank You offering....a time for us to remember, celebrate and give thanks for pastors who may have inspired, encouraged, mentored or supported us in times of joy and in times of sorrow.

You'll hear more about this offering each Sunday, but please begin reflecting on what you might contribute to help us reach our goal of $1,000. 

With gratitude,
Heart for Mission Team

The Pine Street Church family extends our love and sympathy to the family of Anna Jo Murrow.  May 22, 1935--December 13, 2019

A service dedicated to the glory of God and in loving memory of Anna Jo Murrow will be held Saturday, February 8, at 11am in the sanctuary at Pine Street Church.
Sharing and Experiencing  the Sounds of Sunday at PSC

Preaching this week: Rev. Andrew Daugherty
Text:   Isaiah 9: 1-4; Matthew 4: 12-23
Sermon Title: "The Disruptive Jesus"

Miss a sermon or Sunday? Want to re-live a sermon or musical piece? You can listen, re-listen to, and share sermons, music, and other special elements of our Sunday morning worship services. CLICK HERE to go to our website where you can instantly play previous week's recordings. Even better, feel free to share them with others.

Oasis - Wednesday Women's Group
Wednesdays, 1:30 p.m. in the Parlor. Open to all! 
Current series: The Oasis group is discussing Seven Lessons from Heaven, How Dying Taught Me to Live a Joy-Filled Life by Mary C. Neal, M.D.  
Dr. Mary Neal's unforgettable account of the Chilean kayaking accident that took her life and sent her on a journey to heaven and back riveted millions of readers.  In 7 Lessons from Heaven, Dr. Neal takes readers deeper into her experience, which included meeting Jesus face-to-face, encounters with angels, and a journey to a "city of light."
Front Range Art Asylum
Spirituality, The Arts. This engaging group meets Third Tuesdays @ 4:00pm in our Art Gallery. Open to All.  Click Here for More Information

Sunday Morning Refreshments
Each Sunday following our worship service we offer refreshments. Coffee is already made, but if you would like to volunteer to provide another beverage & snacks, email or call 303-442-6530. Thanks everybody!! -Joann Roberts Stacy & Judy Rothe, Hospitality Team Co-Chairs.

Men's Fellowship Breakfast
Every first Tuesday of the month starting at 7:30 a.m., the men of our church are invited to gather for good food and fellowship at the Parkway Cafe (4700 Old Pearl St. in Boulder, just north of the Larry Miller Toyota dealership). | 1237 Pine St. Boulder, CO 80302 | 303.442.6530