The Pine Tree Clergy Newsletter
October 2022
This newsletter sent to Active and Retired Clergy
Notes from the Bishop
17 October 2022
Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, and Martyr, c. 115
Dear Friends in Christ,
David Letterman's Late Show, though long since discontinued, is still known for and credited with The Top Ten. Hats off to David Letterman...drumroll please for October's Top Ten Tips and Actions for Maine's Clergy:
10. At clergy day on 27 September I asked clergy who oversee congregations to begin conversations with lay leaders about when and how to resume pre-pandemic Eucharistic practices. I recognize that science, psychology, and emotions are not completely aligned regarding COVID safety protocols. Moreover, in some congregations what were innovative practices two years ago have become "the way we do communion." However, if we are going to live with COVID, which is the basic message from world, federal, and state health officials, we can begin the process for returning to a deeper expression of Eucharistic reverence. For those who are using pre-packaged plastic combo cups of grape juice and a wafer please use whatever supplies you have, and then re-introduce the chalice, or administer consecrated bread only.
9. Sudie Blanchard, deacon at St. George's in York Harbor (who retires this month) wrote this terrific feature about ministry with refugees.
8. Peggy Day, deacon at St. Patrick's in Brewer (who will finish there this month) recently received additional training to support people who are grieving; Peggy is now a Grief Educator. Congratulations!
7. Last Saturday's consecration and ordination of Jeff Mello as the 16th bishop diocesan of Connecticut was an occasion of great joy for me, and Tom Mousin, too. Jeff & Paul, and their son, Ardani, are chosen family to us. I'm excited for Connecticut, and selfishly thankful to be connected with Jeff once again as a colleague.
6. Anne Dyer is the Bishop of Aberdeen in the Scottish Episcopal Church. I met Anne this summer and took an immediate liking to her. You may have read about turmoil between Bishop Dyer, some leaders in that diocese, and the other six bishops in that province. I don't know all the details, but I know misogyny plays a big part. Anne will be spending time in New England this fall. If you would be interested in meeting Bishop Dyer during a weekday morning in the Bangor area in early December (nothing yet finalized) please email Canon Barbara Martin.
5. Dr. Catherine Meeks, a bright light in teaching about racial healing and justice, will be with us twice during this program year, thanks to the planning of the Clergy Formation Committee. The first is for an online event on Thursday, 3 November (note this date because in other places I've said or written differently). Active and retired clergy, please register in advance for this meeting. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. The entire diocesan community will be invited to watch Dr. Meeks' keynote livestreamed on YouTube, and the clergy of the diocese will have time with Dr. Meeks for discussion. Then, for clergy conference, Dr. Meeks will be with us at the Schoodic Institute, 30 April - 2 May 2023.
4. The Bishop's Apartment at St. Saviour's in Bar Harbor is an excellent place to get away, for vacation or for a mini-retreat. Please contact the parish office to arrange a time.
3. We can help you plan a sabbatical, and point you in the direction of financial resources. Please contact either Canon Michael Ambler or Canon Barbara Martin.
2. The 203rd convention of the Diocese of Maine is this Saturday! Tomorrow at 7:00pm is the final Town Hall before the convention. If you have not registered for the convention please do so right now! The deadline for registration is Wednesday. Remember: if your congregation has the greatest number of parishioners who watching the convention (remember to say hello on YouTube and share what church you're from !) we'll send your vestry new Episcopal Maine apparel. #churchmerchforme
1. The Diocese of New Hampshire invites us to worship with them and the Presiding Bishop on the morning of Saturday, 5 November at Capitol Center for the Arts, 44 South Main Street in Concord, New Hampshire. The Presiding Bishop will join Bishop Rob Hirschfeld and the diocese of New Hampshire for a Eucharist and Panel Discussion. Coffee hour for attendees begins at 9 am. The event begins at 10 a.m. and concludes at 12:30 p.m. Register for the in-person event here! Registration closes this Friday, October 21.
In Christ,
Pastoral Notices, Prayer Requests & Clergy Updates
Congratulations to Gwen Fry. Gwen has been called as priest in charge at St. Mark's in Waterville.
Pray for Nancy Moore. Nancy fell at home, literally trying to get out the door to take a few days of vacation, and is recovering. Emails of support and encouragement can be sent to her via email.
Laura White, former rector at St Martin’s in Palmyra, has been released and removed from the ordained ministry, at her request. Please pray in thanksgiving for Laura’s faithfulness in this church, and for her onward journey with the Anglican Church in North America. And, importantly, remember St. Martin’s in your prayers, and those of your own faith community.
Pray for healing for Audrey Delafield (retired archdeacon) who fell last week while helping a friend who stumbled and fell onto Audrey’s leg. The break is significant and will require surgery and a long time for recuperation at the healthcare wing at Piper Shores. Notes can be sent to Audrey at 15 Piper Road, Scarborough, Maine 04074.
Nota Bene —I am always happy to include your prayer requests in The Pine Tree; simply send me an email.
Saturday, 22 October: Diocesan convention. Click here to see a video shared earlier this month.
- Thursday, 3 November: Clergy formation event with Dr. Catherine Meeks via zoom, 9:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
- Thursday, 2 March, 2023: Clergy formation event via zoom, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
- Tuesday, 28 March, 2023: Chrism Mass, Grace Church, Bath, 11:00 a.m.
- Sunday, 30 April -Tuesday, 2 May, 2023: Clergy conference, Schoodic Institute
Congratulations go out to:
Priesthood anniversaries:
- The Rev. Betty Gilmore, 10/01/1982
- The Rev. Tim Higgins, 10/22/2004
- The Rev. Marsha Hoecker, 10/16/1995
- The Rev. Bob Landry, 10/20/2018
- The Rev. Katie Mears, 10/24/2020
Deacon anniversaries:
- The Rev. Christine Bennett, 10/17/1998
- The Rev. Peggy Day, 10/25/1990