The third and final installment of the Northside Drive Home Companion, celebrating the 23-year ministry of Senior Pastor James Lamkin is set for Sunday, December 6, at 3:00 pm in the Sanctuary. The theme is  Home for the Holidays. Church member/singer/musician Kurt Thomas will be the musical choreographer with James Lamkin as chief storyteller and honoree. Other participating church members will be Dianne DaLee, Valerie Waters, Hal Meeks, Joel Stouffer, Steve Sheeley, Mary Lou Swan, Keith Walker, and the Johnson Family Ukulele Band. 
With the church's best Covid safety measures in place, please come prepared with a mask and expectation for more good times together. However, please make a choice about attending or not, per your own comfort zone and self-care. Once again the intention is to livestream the program and record it.   
Also, contribute your favorite stories about James and his ministry among us (short paragraphs only, please) to Syd Janney at or to her mailing address 705 E Morningside Drive NE, Atlanta, GA 30324. Examples of these memories will be sprinkled throughout each Northside Drive Home Companion event and/or assembled for his further reflection and enjoyment.
The NDBC Sanctuary is open for individual prayer
weekdays from 2:00-3:30 pm.
Please bring a coat, as the sanctuary is unheated.

The Wade Davis Nativity Gallery is open.  
The Wade Davis Nativity Display, introduced Advent 2019, is once again on view, but in a more concise format, on the balcony level of the sanctuary (level 5 in elevator). The display can be enjoyed any time the sanctuary is open for safe Covid gatherings.

Curator of the display Syd Janney says, "Flip on the overhead lights and begin in the elevator hallway by opening the glass-fronted display case lent by the Clark Family. Some child-centric activities using small nativities are available in the display case drawers. Enjoy this celebration of Christ’s birth through a former member’s collecting spirit."
On Monday, November 16, the Church Council heard a report and recommendation from the NDBC Ad Hoc Committee on Reopening, which can be viewed here. Given input from staff, Church Council members, and the committee itself, the Church Council voted unanimously to approve livestream worship every Sunday morning at 11:00 am. In-person attendance is limited to worship leaders and their families. This decision was reached out of caution, given the changing Covid circumstances. The Church Council will reevaluate at their next meeting on January 19.
The livestreamed worship service will be available on Facebook and YouTube each Sunday at 11:00 am. Click here for Sunday's service. A recording of the service will remain on those pages for viewing at any time. Because the livestream will be available, we will no longer pre-record the service prior to Sunday.
Many thanks to Brian Knight, Andrew Hardin, and Lewis Baumstark, who spearheaded the livestreaming initiative, and additional thanks to George Taylor, Patti Clark, Brian Knight, Jenney Headrick, and many others who worked on Covid protocols and other matters. 
Report from the NDBC Finance Committee - Status of the 2021 Pledge Campaign.  

Through November 30 we have received pledges of $411,260 or 66% of our needed offerings for 2021. This level of pledges is not sufficient for us to adopt the challenge budget, based on expected offerings of $621,500. We would like to finalize our pledging process soon and ask that, if you intend to do so, please make a pledge at your earliest convenience. We still hope to adopt the challenge budget that was approved by the Church in Conference on November 1. We have received a few pledges from people or families who have not previously pledged. This is encouraging, especially given the current pandemic environment.

The challenge budget considers the impact of the pandemic on our operations and further reductions to the budget would present some difficulties. At the appropriate time, we will follow up directly with those who have not pledged.

We encourage you to give as your situation allows.  For those who can increase their pledge over last year, that is most welcome.

The Finance Committee

Make your pledge by clicking here, emailing Rose Hidlay, or by calling the church office at 404-237-8621.

This week, watch NDBC children as they tell us what is special to them about their church.

It has been a long-standing and rich tradition here at Northside Drive Baptist Church to place poinsettias in our beautiful Sanctuary during the Advent season. This year is a bit different due to Covid, and we cannot be sure we will be able to worship in the Sanctuary. This year, instead of decorating our Sanctuary with poinsettias, we are offering the chance for you to donate a virtual poinsettia. The proceeds from the sale will be donated to the Atlanta Food Bank for those in need during the holiday season. Simply call the church office at 404-237-8621 or email Will at to place your order. Be sure to let him know the name of the person(s) (in honor or memory of) for whom you are donating. As our custom, the list of those virtual poinsettias will be placed in the December 13 order of worship.

The deadline for orders is Wednesday, December 9

The Art & Soul church school class will meet this Sunday, December 6 at 9:30 am via Zoom, ending in time for those who would like to attend worship in person to do so. You can prepare by reading the short Feasting on the Word preparatory sheet. Priscilla Eppinger will lead our discussion. Note that a passcode is required.

Meeting ID: 824 8851 2109
Passcode: 936319
Christmas Giving 2020

During the Christmas season, Northside Drive provides many ways for members to brighten the holidays for others. Through gifts of clothing, food, toys, time, and money, we share God’s love in our community and beyond.

Because of COVID precautions, giving will be a bit different this year with opportunities to shop on line or to make donations through the church for the purchase of gifts.

The Andrew P. Stewart Center
The Stewart Center serves children and families in the Pittsburgh area of Atlanta. Their wish list for craft supplies, books, educational supplies, and snacks is available on Amazon. Click on the link, choose your gift, and then select the address for Ashley Hicks and your gift will be delivered directly to the Stewart Center.  If you prefer to make a financial donation, send a check to NDBC with Stewart Center on the memo line.
Morningstar Children and Family Services
Morningstar, a residential treatment facility in Brunswick, is home to about 50 youth ages 12-18. This year has provided additional challenges as opportunities for off-campus trips and family visits have been less frequent or non-existent. Let’s help make the holidays bright for these children!  Click on the link, choose a gift for Kayla and/or Alex. Then select the address for Laura Kitchens at Morningstar where Santa’s elves will wrap it for an exciting Christmas morning. If you prefer to help purchase clothing and shoes, send a check to NDBC with Morningstar on the memo line.    
Click here   

When ordering from Amazon for the Stewart Center or Morningstar,
please check delivery dates.
All gifts should arrive no later than December 15.

Buckhead Christian Ministries
“We’ll Be Home for Christmas”
The holidays are a time for families to be together at home, not worrying about evictions or foreclosures. As the mission of BCM evolves to focusing on building caring communities where everyone has a home in which to thrive, your donations to help with mortgage and rental assistance are important. Checks may be sent to NDBC with BCM on the memo line, mailed directly to BCM (2847 Piedmont Rd NE, Atlanta 30305), or made online.

If you have questions or need help with online shopping, please contact Nancy Hall at 404-791-7104 or Barbara Atchley at 404-310-9635.
     God is Here        
Isaiah 40:1-11 features those comfortable, familiar words: Comfort ye...comfort ye, my people. We can probably all sing those words from Handel's Messiah. In Sunday's sermon, I will explore the God who announces those words of comfort. The "gospel" of Isaiah explodes in this passage with the announcement from the mountaintop that "God is here." How and in what ways are you finding God's presence in these days of isolation?
--Daniel Headrick
Weekly Church Events

We are moving to live-streaming our worship in the next few Sundays, and we ask for your patience as we figure out the technology. We are grateful for the Audio Committee and the direction of Brian Knight.

Art and Soul Church School - This Sunday at 9:30 am via Zoom
Meeting ID: 824 8851 2109
Passcode: 936319

Sunday Morning Worship - 11:00 am live-stream via YouTube, a recording of which will be available for later viewing.

Wednesday Pastor's Morning Bible Study - 10:30 am via Zoom 
Meeting ID: 250 663 1572
Passcode: 6789

Saturday Prayer Meeting - 2:00 pm via Zoom
Meeting ID: 250 663 1572
Passcode: 6789

Sanctuary Open for Prayer - Daily - 2:00-3:30 pm. The Wade Davis nativity sets are on display in the church on the fifth floor.
Paxton Cooper - December 1
Steve Sheeley- December 2
Mary Lester - December 5
David Beavers - December 5
Hans-Luca Davis - December 6
Syd Janney - December 7
Laura Butts - December 7
Lisa Barksdale - December 8
Andrew Hardin - December 9
Jack Guynn - December 10
Ava Grace Cook - December 10
Elaine Eassa - December 13
Clayton McClure - December 18
During this time of remote worship, know of our prayers for you and your family. Contact our clergy if you have prayer requests or other concerns. 
You may make your donation via our website through this link or by mail to
Northside Drive Baptist Church
NDBC Staff

Nick Bonner, Custodian
Melinda Clark, Organist
Daniel Headrick, Associate Pastor
Rose Hidlay, Business Manager
Andrea Johnson, Director of Children's Ministries
James Lamkin, Senior Pastor
Will Mathews, Administrative Manager
Joleen Neel, Preschool Director
Mary Lou Swann, Director of Children's Choirs
David Vaughns, Custodian
Keith Walker, Director of Music Ministries
Church Office Hours
Monday through Friday
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
(404) 237-8621