April 8, 2022 | View as Webpage
It’s an easy trip from Pensacola State College to the University of West Florida – a few miles, a few minutes. Now, the journey from PSC to UWF is even easier.

PSC President Ed Meadows and UWF President Martha Saunders signed an articulation agreement on Thursday, April 7, that allows even easier and seamless student transitions from PSC to UWF. The agreement features 61 program fields and details PSC courses and the equivalent courses at UWF which will allow PSC students who earn an Associate of Arts degree to transfer to UWF in order to earn a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree.

The agreement also states that UWF will “expedite admissions” of these graduates. It also allows reverse transfer of credits from UWF to PSC so former PSC students now studying at UWF can complete their Associate degree if the student had not previously done so.
• David Alexander – Adult Education
• Dr. Stephen Gottschalk – Natural Sciences
• Dr. Alex Ledgerwood – English and Communications 
• Lauren Rogers – Natural Sciences 
• Dr. Brian Ward – Business
• Robert Thead – Outstanding New Faculty Member
Six of Pensacola State College’s best educators were treated like rock stars at a dinner in their honor on Tuesday, April 5. 

They were feted and toasted, and their achievements celebrated at the Academy of Teaching Excellence dinner in the Molly McGuire Culinary Arts Dining Room on the Pensacola campus.

Five instructors were inducted into the 2022 PSC Academy of Teaching Excellence: 
Just three weeks into his teaching career at Pensacola State College – and his first face-to-face teaching gig anywhere – Dr. Brian Ward underwent emergency surgery for stage 3 colon cancer just a day after being diagnosed. The cancer had advanced to that extent.

The surgery was supposed to last four hours – it took eight. He was so bad off surgeons had to stop the procedure four times to regulate Ward’s blood pressure.

Eleven days later, Ward, PSC Lead Human Resources Professor and a retired U.S. Air Force veteran, was in front of his students teaching class.
The best pieces from Pensacola State College’s best art students are now on display at the Switzer Gallery in the Anna Lamar Switzer Center for Visual Arts on the Pensacola campus.

The Art Student Honors Exhibition showcases 96 artworks in a variety of media, including ceramics, drawing, painting, digital design, photography and sculpture. The exhibition opened April 4 and runs through April 22.

The reception and prize ceremony for the exhibition is set for 5-7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 14. The exhibition was open to all two-year visual arts students.

Former Pensacola State College instructor Charles Donahue holds a photo of his wife, PSC alumna Dr. Sueann Donahue, who passed away on Monday, April 4. The Donahue family has established the Dr. Sueann L. Donahue Beginning Teacher Endowed Scholarship at PSC. 
Dr. Sueann L. Donahue was known as a teacher’s teacher. She was the teacher that other teachers came to for advice. She was the teacher who helped instruct the teachers who would follow her.
Donahue, a PSC alumna, died on Monday, April 4. She was 82 years old.
An endowed scholarship in her name will now help the next generation of educators studying at Pensacola State College.
Pensacola State College student Katelyn Powell is taking seven classes this semester. Six are Math and Science-based classes – she plans on going to Medical School – and one is Music Appreciation.
“The Music Appreciation class is the hardest class for me,” Katelyn said. “I can’t hear something and just understand the difference between the noises. It’s been hard.”
Yikes, that’s going to hurt a stellar 3.9 grade point average, isn’t it?
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