The digital magazine for faculty, staff, students and friends of Pensacola State College
March 25, 2021
Four of the 22 PSC female faculty members, advisers and employees honored as role models during the Women Making History at PSC initiative (left to right): Joni Verlin, Evelyn Gant, Sarah Meyer-Paterson, Rameca Leary.
They received a rose and a card of appreciation – and both mean so much to the 22 Pensacola State College female faculty members, advisers and employees who were selected by students and colleagues as inspirational figures and role models.
The initiative to honor the women – Women Making History at PSC ─ is part of Women’s History Month observances of the PSC Black History/Multicultural Committee.
Celebrated annually in March, Women’s History Month is a celebration of women’s contributions to history, culture and society and has been observed in the United States since 1987.
“During Women’s History Month, we as a nation always recognize well-known activists and politicians and other high-profile women," said Toni Anderson-Steele, chairwoman of the PSC Black History/Multicultural Committee. “But this is a way for us to honor our own colleagues who inspire their students and colleagues.”
PSC Allied Health Program to present Open House March 30
Pensacola State College’s Allied Health Department will hold an open house from 4-6 p.m., Tuesday, March 30, in Building 3100 on the Warrington campus.
Dental Hygiene, EKG (Electrocardiograph) Technician, Health Information Technology, Medical Assisting, Medical Coding and Billing, Pharmacy Technician, Phlebotomy Technician, Physical Therapist Assistant, Radiography and Sonography are among the participating programs.
Information on other allied health programs also will be available at the event, said Julie Burger, director of the College’s Pharmacy Technician program.
“Some of our allied health laboratories and state-of-the-art simulators will be open for tours, and potential students can meet with TRIO and Admissions representatives,” she said.
Registration for Pensacola State summer and fall classes begin on Thursday, April 1.
Attendees must wear face masks and follow social distancing protocol. All other CDC guidelines also will be followed.
Burger said the need for allied health personnel is at an all-time high.
“In my program, the need is insane. There is such a shortage of pharmacy technicians right now. And Pensacola State is prepared to train the next generation of these health care employees,” she said.
The open house has nearly been a year in the making. In 2020, Pensacola State received a $400 League for Innovation in the Community College grant. An international nonprofit organization, the League’s mission is to cultivate innovation in the community college environment.
“We had originally planned to hold an event during Public Health Week in April 2020. However because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we had to change those plans,” Burger said. “Public Health Week draws attention to allied health workers who play such critical roles in public health service.”
The Warrington campus is at 5555 W. Highway 98.
For more information on the event, contact Sheila Nichols, PSC’s Executive Director of Marketing and Information, at 850-484-1428 or
New Baars Technology Building set for April 9 ribbon cutting ceremony
The giant ceremonial scissors are sharp and ready. More importantly, the new Baars Technology Building is looking sharp and ready for a Friday, April 9, ribbon cutting ceremony that will signal a new chapter in Pensacola State College’s 73-year history.
The $15 million, 23,839-square-foot two-story building will be home to PSC’s STEM program courses, including cybersecurity, mathematics, computer science and other high-tech fields of study and features state-of-the-art technology.
Kirk Bradley, dean of Baccalaureate Studies and Academic Support said some math and cybersecurity classes should be able to move to the new building during the current spring term following the ribbon cutting.
The building features a cybersecurity center and a cybersecurity warfare room, as well as various classrooms, faculty offices and a tutoring center.
Aesthetic features include an artistic light feature, luxury vinyl tiling, study areas and new furnishings.
“It couldn’t come at a better time because our cybersecurity program is really growing," Bradley said. “This will allow us to expand our program.”
PSC President Ed Meadows said cybersecurity is the College’s “fastest-growing program.” The College offers associate and baccalaureate level degrees in cybersecurity.
“There are over 4,000 cybersecurity job vacancies in Northwest Florida," Meadows said. “These are good-paying jobs. There will be no shortage of opportunities for our graduates.”
Robert Pratten, a PSC cybersecurity instructor and program coordinator, said the new facility will improve the College’s ability to serve students.
“The building will allow us the ability to expand the program and provide more class offerings per term," Pratten said. “We are currently stretched to the max in trying to provide classes for all of our students. Now we can offer classes with leading-edge technology in the classroom, keeping pace with industry and technological advances.”
The new Baars Technology Building replaces the Mary Ellison Baars building, which was demolished in January 2019. The building was 60 years old and was the College’s oldest building before demolition. It was named for the matriarch of the well-known Baars family in recognition of her making the original property available to the College. Members of the Baars family will attend the ribbon cutting.
Ajax Building Corp. was the general contractor for the project, which was designed by Florida Architects.
The Baars Technology Building is the Phase I east-wing of an ambitious project that will eventually include a Phase II west-wing building. The west wing will someday be home to high-tech programs such as advanced manufacturing. Total cost for both wings is $35 million.
-- Troy Moon
Click above to see a video tour of the new Baars Technology Building.
Pensacola State College graphic design and photography students won three Judges Choice Awards and 18 gold and 29 silver American Advertising Awards under the guidance of PSC professors ─ Mark Francis, Mark Hopkins, Kristen Regan and Keith Wall ─ at the local level during a virtual ceremony held on Feb. 26.
Judges Choice Awards winners were Jared Barrow for “Petrol Coffee” in the packaging category; Jennifer Manare for “EVERYTHING IS FINE” in the cover category; and Danny Nguyen for the “Genital Mutilation Poster Series” in the campaign category. All three entries also received gold ADDYs.
A reception to honor the student-winners is set for 3 p.m. Friday, April 23, in the Anna Lamar Switzer Center for Visual Arts, Building 15, on the Pensacola campus.
PSC, CareerSource ESCAROSA to host Virtual Job Fair on March 31
Pensacola State College and CareerSource ESCAROSA are teaming up to present a virtual job fair set for 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Wednesday, March 31.
Some of the participating employers include Air Design Systems, BlueWind technology, Buffalo Rock, Capstone Adaptive Learning and Therapy Centers, CareerSource ESCAROSA, Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Comfort Systems USA Southeast, Crown Health Care Laundry Services, the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, Fast Track Supply, Florida Department of Corrections, Gulf Cable and Electrical Industries Co., Goodwill Gulf Coast, Landrum HR, Lakeview Center, Paradise Beach Homes, Peaden Air Conditioning Plumbing Electrical Pensacola Florida’s First and Future, Pensacola State College, Saiia, Santa Rosa County, Sodexo Quality of Life Services, StaffEZ, ST Engineering Aerospace, TEL Payroll Risk Management Human Resources Employee Benefits Staffing.
“These are free events and job-seekers will have the opportunity to network with over 50 employers seeking individuals to fill their open positions,” said Jo McArthur, PSC’s Business and Industry Outreach Coordinator.
“Employers will be recruiting for positions in healthcare, communications, education, transportation, manufacturing, law enforcement, correctional, IT/cybersecurity, manufacturing, banking, aerospace industries and more.”
Announcing PSC’s LIVE and VIRTUAL Fall 2020 & Spring 2021 Commencement
LIVE: Sunday, May 9, 3 p.m., Pensacola Bay Center, Pensacola, Florida
Deadline to Apply for Graduation is Friday, April 2, 2021.
Click the Apply to Graduate tab in Spyglass.
Please note that you will need to “Save Your Seat.” Applying for graduation is not the same as saving your seat!
"Pensacola State Today," with host Dr. Rameca Vincent Leary, premieres at 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 25, on WSRE TV. Tune in to the episode, featuring the AAMES/Wiggins Scholarship recipients.
Pensacola State College provides high-quality, low-cost education to the residents of Northwest Florida through university transfer, workforce certificates, degrees, continuing education, corporate and professional development, and televised programming through the WSRE Public Broadcasting Service.
The PSC Foundation seeks to enhance the College’s ability to provide these services through a five-year campaign, "Your Community - Your Legacy," focused on supporting student scholarships, academic programs, faculty and staff professional development, and facility and technology infrastructure.
Click the button below to learn more about the campaign and to make your donation!