Pensacola State College’s SkillsUSA chapter won five gold, two silver and three bronze medals at the organization’s Florida 2021 Virtual State Leadership and Skills Conference.
Winning gold and advancing to the 2021 Virtual SkillsUSA National Leadership and SkillsUSA Championship are:
● Patrick Newburn: Commercial Banking
● Team A – James A. Martin and Keenan Stoughton: MRE Challenge
● Amelia Moore: Photography
● Ashlyn Cain: Restaurant Service
● Team A – LaTeisha Hughes and model India Malone: Esthetics.
Set for June 21-24, the SkillsUSA national conference will include localized hands-on elements for select competitions. SkillsUSA TECHSPO, delegate sessions, national officer elections, opportunities for leadership development and member/chapter recognition also will be part of the annual event.
Other PSC students placing at the state level were:
Silver Medals: Beth Burgeson, Commercial Banking, and Frederick Hallman, Photography.
Bronze Medals: Lisa Wicks, Commercial Banking; Carolyn Lungaro, Culinary Arts; and Enrique Viveros, Job Interview.
PSC SkillsUSA advisers are Jimmie D. Langham, Commercial Banking, Culinary Arts and MRE Challenge; Sonja McCall-Strehlow, Esthetics; Mark Francis, Job Interview and Photography; and Joni Verlin, Restaurant.