The Pisces New Moon on March 20 is a total Solar Eclipse. This is your first eclipse this year. It is a SuperMoon. This means it is closest to the Earth. Moreover, in direct alignment with the Sun and the Earth at the exact time of the
New Moon Eclipse. This makes it extra potent. It is a game changer.
Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac. It is the most spiritual sign. This New Moon offers you an opportunity to go deep within Self. You are to connect with your Inner Being. It encourages your creativity and spiritual growth. Pisces rules the twelfth house of magical places and your hidden strength. It is time to dream big.
- What are you dreaming?
- Who inspires your dreams?
- What empowers your dreams?
- What would you dare to dream and do if you knew you could not fail?
- What would the world look if you created it through your dreams?
The Sun, Moon, Chiron, Mercury and Neptune are in Pisces at the time of the eclipse. Eclipses are the most powerful transit that you can experience. The herald major beginnings and endings. Pisces is the most psychic and sensitive sign in the zodiac. Your emotions will feel strong and deep. You may be moody and introspective. This is because your feelings rising from your subconscious may be difficult to articulate and communicate. Your sub-conscious speaks in a different language than your conscious mind. Your physic abilities are increasing. Your intuition is strong. You could have spiritual experiences. Trust your intuition. Trust your instincts. Much insight can come to you now.
This is an excellent New Moon to dream and meditate. Visualize what you want to create. Use the Shift for Visionaries tool it will empower you. Watch out for fears and phobias that may wash over you. Stay in the present. Your power is in the now. This Pisces eclipse is bringing to light your mission in this life. Your soul's purpose.
- What is your destiny?
- Are you living an authentic life?
- What have you come to do?
Wherever Pisces lands in your natal chart is where you have to use your intuition toward the house affairs. You will need to trust your hunches and intuitive insights. There will be no physical guidelines to help you. Everything will appear to be confusing or misleading. This House, then, is where you need to have faith. Faith in the future and faith in yourself. You need to have faith in your dreams. Believe.
Do not get caught up in feeling guilty. Guilt is your soul talking to you. Your soul is prompting you. You are to do the very thing that makes you feel awkward.
Guilt means that you are going in the right direction. Follow your guilt. Whatever the decision, do what gives you relief. Love you more than the need to please other people. Love you more than the need to be accepted. Do what is right for you. Align with your soul desires. Your soul holds the answers. You are not a worthless guilty sinner. You are a magnificent being of light! Love you! Love.
Dream what you want to see in the world. You do not need to fix, save and rescue other people. You want to let people live their own lives. Allow others to learn from their experiences. This is the path to Self-mastery. Practice the Law of Allowing. That is create the space for others to find their own answers. Practice Healthy Selfishness. This will strengthen you. If you want to help other people, role model a great life. When you do what is right for you, it is right for everyone else. The Law of Attraction is matching your energy, words and behavior. Use the Law of Attraction Program to attract your heart's desire.
- What are you attracting?
- Are you doing what is right for you?
- Are you in right relationship?
- Are you in right livelihood?
- Are you in your right living location?
The Moon enters Aries less than an hour after the eclipse. Thirteen hours later the Sun enters Aries. You have the Spring/Fall Equinox. Your mood will shift rapidly. You will be in a dreamy meditative place. Do not rest to long. For you will be ready to launch into action. Having both lights (the Sun and the Moon) in Aries. This is about new beginnings for you. Using your dreams and meditations to guide you. Using your passion to make things happen. Take your dreams and put them into motion is the message. Do not wait. Initiate. Take action now!
March 20 could be the most intense day this year.
The total eclipse followed by the equinox creates a powerful portal. You can access higher dimensions of consciousness. It is a stairway to heaven. This is an awesome opportunity to merge with your Soul Self. Be who you really are. Be your authentic Self. March 20 is a brilliant day for ritual and prayer. Set your intention for what you want to create in the new season. Dance with Creator.
The pace of life will pick up speed on March 30 as Mercury enters Aries. Think before you speak. Foot in mouth is infectious in this energy. You end the month with Mars entering Taurus on March 31. This can help stabilize you.
The Pisces New Moon message says that you are a powerful creator. You create through your dreams and imagination. You create from the invisible to the physical world. You are an extension of Creator. You have the divine tools inside of you to make your dreams come true. Given the right attitude and environment, you will be fruitful. You are a creative being. Your destiny is to make your dreams come true. Dream. Daydreaming is vital to your creativity, faith and inspiration. The Pisces New Moon says to dream the dream of your heart's deepest desires. When you are asleep, awake, at work, walking your dog or doing the dishes. You are to receive the nourishment and empowerment of your soul's delicious delights. Through the power of your dreams. Bon App�tit!
"When stars are born, they possess a gift or two.
One of those is, they have the power to make a wish come true."
--- The Blue Fairy, Walt Disney
Kelley Rosano
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