Pity Pot Syndrome
August 9th
“I complained bitterly about having no shoes until I saw someone with no feet.”

How many times have you lived this?               

You start feeling sorry for yourself and you just can’t seem to get off your pity pot until God gives you the opportunity to observe someone who is, oh so much worse off than you are.

He always does.

We aren’t always open to His gift though.               

It is indeed a gift that He gives us. Without it we would stay stuck in our self-pity for way to long. It’s funny. When He does nudge us off our pity pot, opportunities for action seem to come along; sometimes ‘out of nowhere.’               

Someone (sorry I don’t know who to give credit to) said “God can’t steer and parked car.”

For as long as we are stuck in our self-pity we are in ‘park.’ We are not going anywhere, except perhaps backwards.               

This is not to say that sometimes things in your life have gone horrible wrong and you don’t deserve to spend some time in park.

Nydia and I met a woman who went in a coma, woke up and had to have both arms and both legs amputated.

Can you imagine? How in the world would you ever recover from that?

She did.

We own some of her beautiful art. We see it first thing when we come out of our bedroom each morning.

It reminds us that no matter what we may face that day, well, it we can, as she did, deal with it victoriously.               

So, what to do the next time you find yourself on your pity pot?

Look for God’s gift.

Who is He going to show you today is, oh so more worse off than you are?

Take notice and then look for the opportunities He presents to help you move on.

Pick which one you like best and put yourself in gear!

God’s many blessings on you and all you do today!—Larry    

A Word of Prayer

Have patience with me today, Lord, at least this morning. If I am not off my pity pot by noon, please give me shove! It is in your name that I pray. Amen!  

Scriptures for Today

The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving. Psalms 28:7 NLT
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