The Poison Digest
Brought to you by the Virginia Poison Center
National Poison Prevention Week Video Contest
Looking for a fun activity for your kids this winter? Check out this video contest for students in grades 5-12.The deadline to submit is 11:59 pm EST on Jan 18, 2021.
Click on the "Learn More" button for details.
Holiday Food Safety
How to use a food thermometer:
  1. Use an instant-read food thermometer to check the internal temperature toward the end of the cooking time, but before the food is expected to be "done."
  2. The food thermometer should be placed in the thickest part of the food and should not be touching bone, fat, or gristle. Check the temperature in several places to make sure the food is evenly heated.
  3. Compare your thermometer reading to the USDA Recommended Safe Minimum Internal Temperatures to determine if your food has reached a safe temperature.
  4. Make sure to clean your food thermometer with hot, soapy water before and after each use!
Large-dial oven-safe or oven-probe thermometers may be used for the duration of cooking.
Because there are so many types of food thermometers, it is important to follow the instructions for your food thermometer.

Other Holiday Hazards
Children, especially babies and toddlers, are constantly putting things in their mouths, noses, ears, and other places where they don’t belong. Holiday décor often glows, sparkles, and shines, so it is extra appealing! Here’s what you need to know about decorating safely:
• The liquid in “bubble” lights is very toxic.
• “Heirloom” ornaments and décor may contain lead or lead paint. Make sure these items are well out of reach of children.
• Snow globes made in the U.S. are usually filled with water. Those made in other countries have been found to contain toxic liquids like antifreeze.
• Oil used in a menorah can be very dangerous if swallowed!
If you are concerned about exposures to any of these items or other holiday décor, call the Poison Help hotline (1-800-222-1222). You can also get help through our online tool webpoisoncontrol.

Before you buy: Toy safety guidelines from the Virginia Poison Center