September 10, 2020
The Policy Circle has hosted a series of virtual programs since March focused on the impact of policy decisions on women's economic security and leadership. Our programs provide reliable information, build leadership and critical thinking skills, which are imperative to move our country forward. These experiences also provide an opportunity for Policy Circle women and our partners to connect and cover timely topics with special guests, industry experts and thought leaders. See what experiences we have lined up below.

Tues | September 22 @ 12pm CT
Move The Needle Virtual Discussion: Combatting Human Trafficking in the U.S.
In an economic downturn, individuals are more vulnerable to human trafficking, which has only been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Some estimates show a 40 percent increase in the number of cases reported in the month following shelter-in-place orders going into effect. Join us to explore what is being done around the world and here in the U.S. to combat this global challenge, including tackling poverty and inequality. We're thrilled to be joined by Shelly Slater who will moderate the conversation.
Wed | September 23 @ 6:30pm CT
Partner Event: SheVOTES
What does Freedom mean to you? Freedom is about finding your voice, having an opinion and staying engaged and connected to your neighbors and fellow citizens. Join us and SheFactor for a lively and engaging virtual discussion on being the change you want to see in the world and how to take action in your community.
Wed | September 30 @ 12pm CT
Move The Needle Virtual Discussion: Understanding Law Enforcement and Policing in America
Today's environment calls for a better understanding of the role of police in protecting communities and holding individuals accountable. Join us as we explore how law enforcement functions,
what the various levels of law enforcement entail and the areas for reform. Come prepared for a rich discussion with thought leaders and take away action steps on how you can make an impact in your community on this important issue.
Wed | October 7 @ 12pm CT
Election Series: Understanding Your Ballot and How Do You Decide?
A Presidential election year always heightens Americans’ focus on voting and democracy. In true 2020 fashion, this year has shaped up to be an even more complex election year with new implications for all of us in ensuring free and fair elections. Join us to explore how ballot measures come to life and the best ways to assess candidates and ballot measures to ensure you're 100% prepared to vote in this important election.
Wed | October 14 @ 7pm CT
Virtual Policy Discussion: Empowering Parents through Education Savings Accounts & School Choice
What would you do if your child wasn't thriving in his or her school environment? What if you could use the money your state sets aside for him or her to tailor a better educational fit? Join us for a virtual Policy Circle Discussion to explore how parents can be empowered to find the best educational solution for their children. 
Tue | October 20 @ 7pm CT
Move The Needle Virtual Discussion: Socialism in America
How do you define socialism? What about your neighbors, friends or family? As terms like Democratic Socialism gain traction in the U.S. political scene, join us for a virtual discussion to explore socialism and what place, if any, it has in our domestic political scene.
In case you missed our previous virtual programming discussions, you can view the recaps and watch the replays below.
Tue | August 25
Election Series: EqualiTEA
The Policy Circle celebrated the fight to win the vote for women with insightful conversations about the history of the women’s suffrage movement, the role of women in the media and the journey for women elected officials. We were joined by a phenomenal group of women, including Susana Martinez, Former Governor of New Mexico, Amanda Becker of The 19th News, Leah Nahmias
Director of Programs at Indiana Humanities, and Dee Dee Bass Wilbon
Circle Leader & Principal, Bass Public Affairs.
Wed | August 25
Election Series: Be a Poll Worker
Serving as a poll worker or election official can help ensure that election rules are followed, thus ensuring the integrity of the results. Policy Circle Leaders and local election experts joined us to discuss how to be actively involved in your community’s election.
Wed | July 29
Move The Needle Virtual Discussion: Poverty in America
Chris Rufo, who’s film, America Lost, dives deeper into the human crisis of poverty, joined The Policy Circle for an engaging and enlightening virtual discussion on Poverty in America. The film was a perfect primer for the latest virtual discussion, and allowed Policy Circle members to hear Rufo’s first-hand account of poverty in three communities across the U.S.
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Connection is at the heart of The Policy Circle's model and mission. More than 3,500 women across the country gather regularly to learn about public policy and take action in their communities. Circles provide an open and encouraging environment that fosters friendship and purpose. We celebrate our shared love of country, community and our growing tribe of women who are starting the conversation to change the conversation.

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