
April 2022


Adoption Wrecks You, then it Transforms You

by Rebecca Puls

I was emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically exhausted when we stepped off the plane from Taiwan. My husband, who can always look at the big picture, was more generous with his love and joy. He could immediately see that we would be okay. I tend to get stuck in a moment, and all I could see was my possibly ruined life. Read more

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Ask a Social Worker

Ryan Fontaine, LMHC

Q: What are some good activities or ways to help a child have better emotional regulation? Any tips would be helpful. 


A: Helping children manage their emotions is something we teach from birth. Seeing their caregivers and others around them displaying appropriate emotional regulation skills allows them, through observational learning, to pick up on and model those behaviors.  Read more

Click HERE to submit questions for our clinical team. All submissions are anonymous.


Drop the Shame

Although rewarding, and often filled with moments of joy, adoption is not without difficulty.  A common concern we hear from families is feeling a lack of connection with their new adopted child compared to the bond with their other children, adopted or biological.  While many parents feel this sense of disconnection, it is not often discussed. Read More


Where I’m From

by Natalie Press Del Pino

I am from the unknown,

From unanswered questions and the unnamed. I am from storytellers,

Recounting tales of epic battles and princesses.

I am from plane tickets and long drives, Somewhere new.

I am from 少 珠1 and 阿姨们2.

I’m from The Kissing Hand and the sound of music filling the house,

Voices accompanied by the piano, all in harmony.

I’m from the jokes that are too old, the punchline is wrong.

I am from the strong smell of jasmine that hits you as you step out into the backyard.

I am from family movie nights and bike rides around Sherwood Forest.

I’m from the splash and shouts coming from the pool on a hot day.

I’m from game nights and family dinners,

Laughter fills the air.

I am from late night conversations that last until the morning.

I'm from laughing until we’re gasping for air, Clinging to the memories.

I am from the red blanket, protectively bundled around me, The footsteps fading away, off into the distance.

I’m from my parent’s arms that held me,

March 22nd.

I’m from the stacks of photo albums that hold every memory.

I am from the stories that my parents tell me, and the ones I have to make up on my own.

I am from the found.

1 Shǎo zhū, meaning Little Pearl. It was the Chinese name I was given in the orphanage by the āyímen 

2 Āyí, Chinese word for aunt as well as childcare worker. When I was in the orphanage, the āyímen (plural) took care of me as well as all the other little girls


The Park Upcoming Events

Interning at The Park

by Julia Miracle

Fall 2020: If you had asked me how I felt about adoption, I would have said that I was all good — that I felt pretty solid in my identity. Fast forward to Spring 2021, the Stop Asian Hate movement was quickly sweeping across the US and Canada. I felt so detached and ungrounded, with no one else to share these feelings with. It was shortly after this that I was sent the application to apply for The Park as a Digital Marketing Intern. Read More

Julia standing with her mom at CCAI's HQ, holding a photo of her and her mom when she was a child

Photo: Julia and her mother visiting CCAI

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