Here is some of what I'm up to this Summer. Please join me if anything here calls you! And, if you are a last-minute person and live in Portland, join my Tag Along at the Last Minute list! I'm usually down for being invited out to do things, too! Try me!
I'd also love to play a backyard house concert this Summer - nothing booked yet!
5.17-27 - Jenkintown, PA Family Visit
6.9 - The Strawberry Party, Banks, OR
6.20-23 - Breitenbush Summer Solstice Healing Retreat (my 29th or 30th!)
6.28-30 - (if I have company...) Bodi Mojo Festival!
7.10-15 - Oregon Country Fair (see video below!)
7.18-21 - Shady Pines Campout
7.25-28 - Cascadia Songrise (very likely)
8.2-8.4 - Coastal thing - Heart Barn (ring me if you'd like to camp with me at this)
8.8 weekend - Subdued String Festival (long shot, but maybe)
8.23-25 - Garcia Birthday Band Festival - I went last year, no tix yet, but likely
8.25-30 - SAM Camp! (probably sold out)