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The Power of 7 Axes in

CNC Machine Tending

Cobot side placement facilitates

easy machine access

Don't let labor availability impact your manufacturing operations, increase your machine’s capacity and reduce downtime with an easy to use Kassow Robots machine tending solution that does the work for you. The Kassow Robots’ 7 axes can tap their full potential by being placed to the side of a machine’s opening. It reaches around the corner of the machine and performs CNC tasks. Because the KR810 is not located in the front of the opening, employees have easy access to the machine. 


Increase your production hours and reduce downtime with an easy-to-use solution that does the work for you.

Learn about CNC Machine Tending

Modular Gripper

System PXT

Optimal gripping system for

lightweight robots

The modular gripper system PXT can be used universally for various robot applications. The system can be quickly and easily adapted to changing requirements. The use of standard components reduces the variety of parts and requires only a small number of common tools for assembly.


PXT is a Flexible system for automating a wide range of handling processes with lightweight robots up to 25 kg load capacity. Its modularity enables fast adaptation to new workpieces and requirements.

Learn about PXT Gripping System

Get a Handle on Gripper Technology

Robotic grippers help handle automation

From electronics manufacturing to automotive assembly, Festo grippers have become an important part of material handling processes in many industries. 


Their recent growth is tied to the rise of robotics—including the need for robots to take on specialty tasks and handle increasingly complex workpieces. The result: you now have more grippers to choose from than ever.


Festo’s range of pneumatic grippers covers a wide variety of applications. Gripper EHPS, electric version of the pneumatically actuated gripper, is ideal for use as a front-end actuator thanks to its low dead weight.


Festo Gripper Product Selection

Learn more about Festo Gripper Technology

Robotbase Set

Enables fast and accurate robot redeployment

For multiple workstations and one robot, the robotbase set is a cost-effective solution. You can move your robot to other workstations without reprogramming. With this solution the robot can do multiple tasks in different workstations all over the production.


  • Fast and accurate movement - Re-deploys in seconds

  • Accurate - Re-positioning with the range of five hundredth of a millimeter

  • Easy to use - Quick release with accurate locking system

Learn more about Robotbase Set


Monarch Automation Line Card

MayTec Aluminum Extrusion

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