Dear Friends,

What a wonderful turnout we had last Sunday to hear Erica share her faith story! This Sunday, we are excited to hear from Ben Koch, who is a national expert in the arena of purpose coaching.

Together we'll explore the process of tuning into a personal truth beyond the conscious mind about why we are alive. Ben will also bring us some new practices that we can use to tap into spiritual wisdom through meditation. Kateryna refers to Ben as one of her favorite "true purpose" coaches. 

See you Sunday,


Benjamin (Ben) Koch is teacher, coach, entrepreneur, healer, and mindfulness expert on a mission to merge purpose work with mindfulness and other authentic practices to empower others to embody fulfilling, impactful, joyful versions of their lives.

He is also the co-founder of NuMinds Enrichment, an education company based in Dallas, where he sought for ways to merge his role in the educational revolution with his passion for self-development, healing modalities, and practices that help one find and align with their deeper life purpose.

As co-founder of Harmonic Hands, which is the provider of a unique sound-healing modality from Japan, Ben has been evolving not only his own skills as a healer, but using his entrepreneurial vision to expand holistic, powerful modalities into the modern world.

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Readings for the Coming Sunday:

Matthew 5:43-48 - Love of Enemies

43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your heavenly Father, for he makes his sun rise on the bad and the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust. 46 For if you love those who love you, what recompense will you have? Do not the tax collectors do the same? 47 And if you greet your brothers only, what is unusual about that? Do not the pagans do the same? 48 So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Quote from Composer Arvo Part:

"In my dark hours, I have the certain feeling that everything outside this one thing has no meaning. The complex and many-faceted only confuses me, and I must search for unity. What is it, this one thing, and how do I find my way to it? Traces of this perfect thing appear in many guises – and everything that is unimportant falls away."

Swedenborg’s Insight

It is important for us to realize that we have two forms of breathing, one of the spirit and one of the body. The breathing of the spirit depends on the fibers that come from the brain, and the body's breathing depends on the blood vessels that come from the heart and the venacava and aorta.

Last Sunday with Erica Stanton:

A Life of Gratitude and Faith

Last week's speaker, Erica Stanton, beautifully used her own journey to remind us all that we have our plans and God has a plan. We are wise to align the two. We must pay attention and be ready to pivot as needed to be our best servant leaders.

Many thanks to Erica Stanton!

The recording is linked below.

View the Recording

Intro to Swedenborg's Philosophy Course

As a gentle reminder, Swedenborg Course continues next Wednesday, June 14th, from 4-5 PM EST with a conversation on Swedenborg's Theology. We're using the same Zoom at the church.

Note: Classes are be offered via Zoom and recorded, so feel free to join live or listen to the recordings.

Recording of Yesterday's Class:

Suggested Readings:

Zoom Link to Join Class Sessions

PEW Research Center Findings:

Modeling the Future of Religion in America

Check out the PEW Center findings on religious switching trends in America.

The Center estimates that in 2020, about 64% of Americans, including children, were Christian. People who are religiously unaffiliated, sometimes called religious “nones,” accounted for 30% of the U.S. population. Adherents of all other religions – including Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists – totaled about 6%.

Depending on whether religious switching continues at recent rates, speeds up or stops entirely, the projections show Christians of all ages shrinking from 64% to between a little more than half (54%) and just above one-third (35%) of all Americans by 2070. Over that same period, “nones” would rise from the current 30% to somewhere between 34% and 52% of the U.S. population.

Click Here to Read More

Thought for the Week

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