About Sanjay Lagoo
Experienced & passionate Yoga teacher with over 30 years of experience and advanced training in Pranayama (Breathwork) & Dharana (concentration) & Dhyana (Meditation). Committed to providing extensive instruction and counselling to my present & future Yoga students, while motivating them to find true inner peace and their healthiest true inner self.
Conducting group seminars on any digital platform to reach out those who wish to embrace this transformation, selfheal and growth.Sanjay is adept in creating powerful teaching plans that aim to support and benefit each & every individual.
Sanjay Lagoo (Sanjay.lagoo@gmail.com)
Thanks for being part of the DIFM Mind Body RD community!
Pamela Malo, MHS, RDN
Contact DIFM Mind-Body Therapies Chair, Pamela Malo, at pamela@pamelamalo.com
P.S. We also have a NEW Mind-Body Discussion Board! Log in to integrativerd.org, navigate to Discussion Boards, and you will see it!
(While you are there, add yourself to your local region board, too!)