Our mind-body RD gathering was Friday, January 26th

The topic was The Power of Pranayama with guest presenter Sanjay Lagoo. Sanjay is a yoga teacher who specializes in energy work and pranayama (breathwork). He offered a guided demonstration and talk about the impact breathwork has on the body.

General Mind-Body Meeting Info:

  • We meet once each season (4x/year)
  • Meetings include an experiential mind-body grounding practice, education on a mind-body topic, and time to network with others
  • All levels of experience are welcome to join us
  • We generally do not record meetings but registrants receive the meeting notes
  • Check out our past meeting notes
  • Add your contact info and network with others using this doc

Winter 2024 Meeting Notes:

Attendee Info

Attended: 55

Registered: 180

Is this your first mind-body meeting?

Yes 75%

No 25%

Where are you located?

Midwest 34%, Southeast 28%, Northeast 19%, Northwest 9%, Southwest 9%

What is your area of practice?

Private Practice: 31%, Clinical 28%, Academia 13%, Community 13%, Retired 13%, Entrepreneur 9%, Student 3%, Other 22%

Pranayama with Sanjay Lagoo- Recording 

About Sanjay Lagoo

Experienced & passionate Yoga teacher with over 30 years of experience and advanced training in Pranayama (Breathwork) & Dharana (concentration) & Dhyana (Meditation). Committed to providing extensive instruction and counselling to my present & future Yoga students, while motivating them to find true inner peace and their healthiest true inner self.

Conducting group seminars on any digital platform to reach out those who wish to embrace this transformation, selfheal and growth.Sanjay is adept in creating powerful teaching plans that aim to support and benefit each & every individual.

Sanjay Lagoo (Sanjay.lagoo@gmail.com)

Thanks for being part of the DIFM Mind Body RD community!

Pamela Malo, MHS, RDN

Contact DIFM Mind-Body Therapies Chair, Pamela Malo, at pamela@pamelamalo.com

P.S. We also have a NEW Mind-Body Discussion Board! Log in to integrativerd.org, navigate to Discussion Boards, and you will see it!

(While you are there, add yourself to your local region board, too!)

Announcements & Action Steps:

10 ways to be involved and support our growing community!

  1. Add your contact information on our Mind-Body RD Member list and reach out to someone for a virtual coffee date!
  2. Offer a 1-3 minute grounding at the start or close of our quarterly meetings and receive an ‘I am a Mind-Body RD’ sticker sent to you in the mail!
  3. Offer a 10-minute education on a mind-body topic at our quarterly meetings- fill out this form
  4. Join the mind-body mission, vision and values team!
  5. Take notes at our quarterly meetings 
  6. Help writing/editing handouts on yoga, meditation, reiki and other modalities
  7. Write an article for the DIFM newsletter
  8. Become the DIFM Mind-Body Associate (You would work with current chair this year and transition into chair next year) 
  9. Show up to meetings and share your energy and ideas!
  10. Wild card- your choice!!

To help with any of the above email pamela@pamelamalo.com or find a time here and let’s chat!

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