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The Episcopal Diocese of

North Dakota

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The Prairie

January 11, 2024

Welcome to our email Newsletter!

A few highlights from this issue:

  • Special Convention: Recap
  • Winter Talk 2024
  • A Case for Love - Movie Release: January 23, 2024
  • Ministry Opportunities - Please Share!

Read on for other announcements and the calendar!

Did you miss a copy of the Prairie? The past four editions of the bi-monthly Prairie are now online! Click the button below to be taken to the webpage!

Online Prairie

Special Convention Recap


The Special Convention for the election of our next Bishop Provisional took place on Sunday, January 7, 2024. The lay and clergy delegates of the Episcopal Diocese of North Dakota elected The Rt. Rev. Brian Thom as the next Bishop Provisional! Bp. Thom succeeds Bp. Tom Ely, who served as Bishop Provisional since January 2021.

At the meeting, Bishop Ely spoke fondly of his time as Bishop Provisional saying: "I am grateful for the climate of shared leadership and collaboration that [the diocese has] worked to create together." He went on to thank the diocese and speak to the future of what could be for us as a diocese. Bp. Ely ended his convention address with the following: "Please know that I will be holding you in my prayers, and that I believe in your capacity to follow the way of Jesus to a bright future as a diocese. May God bless and keep you."

After the convention address, the lay delegates and clergy moved into the voting process. Bp. Thom was successfully voted in as the next Bishop Provisional of the Episcopal Diocese of North Dakota. He spoke highly of Bp. Ely and is looking forward to his time with us over the next several years.

Before the investiture liturgy began there was a slideshow presentation in honor of Bp. Ely (you can view it here). Then the convention participated in the investiture liturgy and upon completion of the liturgy the convention was adjourned.

Please continue to welcome Bp. Brian as you are able and continue to hold Bp. Ely in your prayers as he retires from being our bishop provisional. Also hold the diocese in your prayers as we move into this next and new season of ministry.

Winter Talk 2024: 

Indigenous Ways of Learning, Knowing, and Relating

Winter Talk is an annual multi-day conference that honors and celebrates Indigenous and Native American traditions and contributions within the Episcopal Church. From the Office of Indigenous Ministries: "Exercising a deep spirituality grounded in respect for and care of creation and others, Indigenous Episcopalians enrich the church through myriad roles in lay and ordained ministry, modeling wisdom, resilience, and forbearance." This year Winter Talk will be held January 13 - January 15 at Mustang Island Conference Center 6981 TX-361, Port Aransas, TX

The Rev. Kim Fox, Robert Fox, and Bishop Thom have been invited to represent our Diocese at the conference.

To attend the event virtually, please register here.

Set your Calendar: A Case for Love

On January 23rd, there will be a documentary inspired by our Presiding Bishop's teachings on love: A Case for Love. This documentary will be playing in some theaters across the nation. It is set to play in Fargo theaters, so check your local theater for the release on January 23rd.

Click For More Information

Ministry Opportunities: Please Share!


The Diocese is now seeking candidates for full-time Missioner for Youth, Young Adults, and Congregational Ministry Development to be Priest in Charge of St. Thomas, Fort Totten; develop diocesan youth & young adult ministry; and provide sacramental and congregational development ministry in small congregations. This position addresses the New Season of Ministry goals of developing youth/young adult, Native American, and congregational ministries. 

St. George’s in Bismarck is seeking candidates for their next full-time rector. They are looking for an organized and passionate leader who is open to effectively managing a congregation in collaboration with part-time professional staff and many volunteer leaders and maintaining and improving worship through sermons that meet them where they are and challenge them to action, with a deep understanding of the importance of music in w0rship. St. George’s values outreach in the community and education in the congregation.

Find details, including application instructions and deadlines for both positions at:

Chalking of the church for Epiphany celebration at St. Michael and All Angels, Cartwright: 20+C+M+B+24. With thanks to Doug Gullikson for writing and to Karen Klose for the photo.


From Episcopal News Service: "The numbers, letters and symbols have been called 'holy graffiti,' and some people suggest the combination looks like the start of an algebraic equation. The letters C, M, B come from the traditional names for the wise men: Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar, whose arrival at Mary and Joseph’s home is celebrated on the Epiphany. The letters are also an abbreviation for 'Christus Mansionem Benedicat,' which means 'May Christ bless this dwelling.' The first and last numbers refer to the current year, and the plus signs in between represent the cross."

Cycle of Prayer

The Anglican and Diocesan Cycle of Prayer for Quarter 1 (January through March) is available on the diocesan website, in both PDF and Word versions, so you can include these prayers in your weekly worship.

If there is an edit needed to the Cycle of Prayer, please email the Diocesan office.

The Diocesan Office is considering updating our Cycle of Prayer. If there were things you would like to see included in the prayers each week, please alert the Diocesan Office. We are in the process of brainstorming, in case we want to update the Cycle of Prayer in the future. Thanks!

Anglican Cycle of Prayer.jpg


All times are Central Time

January 25-29: Bishop Thom in North Dakota

January 28: Bishop's Visitation at St. Stephen's, Fargo

  • January 13-15: Winter Talk 2024
  • January 15: Diocesan Office Closed - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • January 25: Diocesan Ministry Support Team Meeting (Jamestown); 11am
  • January 28: Bishop's Visitation (St. Stephen's, Fargo)
  • February 6: Clergy & Congregational Leaders Meeting (Zoom); 6:30pm
  • February 6: Province VI Small Church Gathering (Zoom); 7:30pm
  • February 14: Ash Wednesday


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Episcopal Diocese of North Dakota


[email protected]
