
Pray for the Jews

The following recounts a vision I had on February 8, 1964, at 3:30 pm in the afternoon. I was not asleep; the sun was shining brightly. I was not deep in prayer or seeking any certain thing from God at that moment. Suddenly, I was in a vision and began to hear multitudes praying, weeping, and rejoicing. Many of the voices I could hear audibly in my room and the sound went on like the sound of many waters.

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Personal Prayer

For Such a Time as This!

With terrorist organizations ushering in the kingdom of the anti-Christ and Iran nearing nuclear capabilities, God is raising up an army in heaven and on earth in preparation for an epic battle between the Kingdom of Heaven and the kingdoms of this earth.

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Corporate Prayer

Pray for Israel

Pray for the peace of Israel that the church may be able to minister to the people and their children. "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem …" (Psalm 122:6). Pray for the remnant (10%) of 1.4 million Jewish people to accept Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ) as their Messiah. "The Remnant that shall return … unto the mighty God" (Isaiah 10:21).

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October: National Issues - Weeks 3 and 4, "Persecuted Christians" and "People Groups"

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