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(Left) Sharing at the St. Catherine's Book Club (Center) This past week, Girl Scout Troop #1418 painted rocks and shells for our Dominican Pause Walking Tour located on the Motherhouse Grounds. (Right) The Epiphany was celebrated at the Motherhouse with a special party and many raffle items!


“The world will be saved by beauty.” 

-Fyodor Dostoevsky


A Column by the Leadership Team

We encourage all sisters, associates and young adults to register for the Pre-chapter Meeting. (See below.) We are grateful to our Facilitator Sister Joanne Hanrahan, SSND, who will be present. Thanks also to the Steering Committee including Gina Fleming, Beth McGarvey, Maureen Muir, Barbara Schwarz and Peggy Warren.

Steering Committee

In-Person Chapter Preparation Meeting: Sat., January 27


Participation of sisters, associates, and young adults is essential to our chapter process, which we will be discussing at this in-person meeting on Saturday, January 27, 2024. The day will begin with a light breakfast at 8:30AM followed by the meeting at 9AM to 12:30 PM. Any sisters, associates, or young adults who wish to attend, please RSVP to S. Barbara Nirrengarten via email at or call 631-608-9334 by Thursday, January 11, 2024. More details to follow.

Motherhouse News

Welcome to Eileen Connelly, The New Receptionist

On January 3, 2024, we welcomed a new receptionist at the front desk: Eileen S. Connelly. Visitors and sisters will see her on Thursdays from 8 AM to 4 PM and Sundays from 8 AM to 8 PM. She comes to us after retiring as an administrative assistant from Black Veterans for Social Justice in Brooklyn as well as a receptionist for Denihan Hospitality Group, a privately-owned hotel management company in Midtown Manhattan.

Eileen is from West Babylon and has four children and five grandchildren from two to ten years old! She is looking forward to her new job. "Meeting the sisters and getting to know about this community is exciting," said Eileen.

What did the Magi discover on their journey? That God's love is already among us.

What An Epiphany: Celebrating Wisdom

There was a special Epiphany Prayer Service and Celebration at the Motherhouse on Monday, January 8th. It was led by Associate Rosemary Arena. S. Teddy Homan read one of the readings that concluded with the message that like the Magi, our lives are a journey following the light God has provided that leads us to Christ. It also answered the question:  S. Mary Anna Euring, S. Marilyn Pfriender and S. Margaret Briody represented the three kings. Afterwards, the Sisters enjoyed a party and raffle of more than 70 gifts!  The sisters were amazed at the overwhelming display of donated gifts that filled the front part of the cafeteria. Among the prizes were:  slippers, scarves, blankets, sheet sets, candy, notes w/stamps, furry socks, and even several Vera Bradley purses. Each sister attending received 10 tickets and then selected which gifts they were interested in. We thank all those who helped make this a special celebration for or sisters especially Associates Rosemary Arena for her thoughtful prayer and Marie Cuozzo who generously donated the food as a Christmas gift for the sisters. Special thanks also goes to Carole Maguire at Dominican Village who collected many of the donated items!  Happy New Year and many blessings to all!


Join Us for World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life

Join the Sisters of St. Dominic of Amityville for World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life on Sunday, February 4th, 2023 at 3PM in Rosary Hall Chapel. All are welcome. Light refreshments will be served after Vespers. RSVP by Tuesday, January 30th, 2024 to Carolann Masone at It will be live-streamed on our website for those who are unable to attend in person.

A Celebration of the Year of Consecrated Life

The Diocese of Brooklyn will be praying for Consecrated life on Saturday, February 3, 2024, from 1 to 4 pm at St. John’s University St. Thomas More Church. The Keynote Speaker is Sister Maria Pascuzzi, CSJ on “A Biblical Perspective on Consecrated Life”. See the attached flyer for more information.

RSVP by January 25, 2024, to S. Maryann Seton Lopiccolo, SC by phone at 718-399-5951 or email

Advancement Office

Advancement Sends Out Direct Mail Letter to Raise Funds

Attached is a copy of the next direct mail letter sent by our Office of Advancement. In this appeal, we highlight a few outdoor capital projects.

Communications Office

Would You Like to Paint a Rock?

Would you like to paint a rock? All are welcome to paint rocks -- with pictures, quotes, prayerful images --- which will be placed along our Rosary Walk/Dominican Walking Tour, a one-mile loop around our campus at Queen of the Rosary Motherhouse in Amityville. We thank those who have already painted rocks especially Girl Scout Troop #1418 made up of fifth graders from Greenlawn and Elwood -- as well as a seventh-grade class from St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Greenlawn.  It’s simple to do! Use acrylic paint or acrylic paint markers to create something lovely and we know God will do the rest – brightening the day of our sisters, visitors and all people who choose to visit these holy grounds! Thank you! 

Collecting Pill Bottles for Shampoo

The Communications Office is working with Sister Fran Gorman to collect medicine bottles. The bottles will be filled with shampoo and added to a bag of toiletries, and then donated to those who are homeless. Drop off the bottles in the Communications Office. Thank you.


January Vespers Commemorates

Dr. Martin Luther

A reminder that the Vespers this Sunday, January 14, 2024, coincides with the celebration of the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in the historic Rosary Hall Chapel. All are invited. Sister Lenore Toscano will be the presider and Sister Maryann Mc Hugh, CSJ. will share with us her thoughts and reflections.

Responding to Pope Francis' Laudato Si' Action Plan

We have been responding to Pope Francis' Laudato Si' Action Plan for the past two years and we did some planning before we embarked on the effort. You will find attached here what has been worked on over the past two years. We now approach Year Three which is listed here. Our Common Home is precious - let us help to take care of it.

Associate News

Next Associate Meeting Scheduled for February 4th

Associates: Save the date for the next meeting on Sunday, February 4th from 1 to 3 PM. You will be receiving reading material by Joan Chittister in your email to prepare for the meeting.

We Move Forward Together

A Winter Retreat with Thomas Merton

[This has been rescheduled as a Zoom event with new dates.]

The celebrated spiritual writer Thomas Merton remains one of the most influential voices of our day. You are invited to spend six weeks with us prayerfully exploring his reflections on such topics as Call and Response, The True Self, Encounter with Christ, and the Demands of Love. Using the new 2023 edition of A Retreat with Thomas Merton: A Seven-Day Spiritual Journey by Esther de Waal, we will spread out the riches of this book to take us through the first two months of the year. All meetings are on Zoom. Commitment to the entire program is requested. Please purchase your own book and have it with you at the first Zoom gathering. 

Dates: Wednesdays, January 24, 31, February 7, 14, 21, 28, 2024

Time/Place: 7:30 - 8:30 pm, via Zoom

Facilitators: Sister Margaret Galiardi, OP and Associate Angela Belsole


Registration Deadline: Wednesday, January 17

See our web posting and Facebook event.

See our website for upcoming events!

The Gift of Hope from We Move Forward Together

Recently We Move Forward Together (WMFT) offered an evening Zoom program entitled, “The Mystery of Hope” with San Rafael Dominican Sister Patricia Bruno.  In these days when the daily news is so challenging we offer it to you through YouTube for your encouragement.

The handout distributed for the event is also attached. The program was offered by our San Rafael Dominican Sister, Patricia Bruno. Blessings in the New Year to all!

Irish Night

Irish Night's 50th Anniversary

& We Need Everyone's Help!

For 50 years sisters and lay volunteers have sponsored Irish Night as a fundraiser for our Senior Sisters! To make this year’s special celebration a major success, we need every local community to help us. The best way to help is to secure items that can be used in baskets. We are providing a letter that you can use to ask for donations. However, we realize that not everyone can solicit gift cards and items from stores. What the committee is asking is that every local community look to how they may be able to help!


How can you help? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Donate any of the following: gift cards, bottles of wine (red or white), lottery scratch-off tickets, or new items that could be used in raffle baskets.
  • Offer to make Irish Soda Breads (Margaret Kavanagh will be sending out information.)
  •  Make a monetary donation to be used to purchase items for raffle baskets (Any amount is greatly appreciated.)
  • Volunteer to sit and sell chance books at local parishes. (we will have a list of parishes posted next week). This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with former students who love to talk about their fond memories of our sisters. 


Donations can be sent to Pat Koehler/Advancement Office. Please remember, we need your help! 


Gratefully, Irish Night Committee:

Kathy Abberton, Ginny Campbell, Diane Capuano, Brother Kevin Finn, Pat Hanvey, Kathleen Friend, Trish Iannacone, Margaret Kavanagh, Pat Koehler, Rita Little, Kathleen MacBeth, Peggy McVetty, Maureen Muir, Moe Reedy, Lisanne Schatz, Jamee Sherman, Nora Toal, Julie Thompson, Karen Winship, Alex Wolochuk 


Former Members of Irish Night are: 

S. Kate Mc Grath, S. Mary Davies, S. Catherine O’Shea, S. Jeanne Andre, S. Rose Muriel, S. Noreen Butler, S. Marie Richardson, S. Jeanne Gregor, S. Kate Thornton, S. Mary Gavin, S. Ellen Patrice, S. Regina Rosaire, S. Corita Ryan, S. Mary Parry, S. Maelene Meehan, S. Denise Haviland, S. Pat De Marco, S. Liz Stringer, S. Mary Butler, S. Mary Urban, S. Kathleen Murphy, S. Mary Keane and....? If we missed your name and you were a committee member, please let us know!

Sunday, January 21, 2024: Sister Pat Duffy invites you to an afternoon of reflection as we enter the New Year at Mary Immaculate Church in Bellport from 2 - 3:15 PM.

Saturday, January 27, 2024: Preparation Meeting for the Chapter with a light breakfast at 8:30 AM followed by the meeting at 9 AM to 12:30 PM.

Saturday, February 3rd from 1 to 4 PM: A Celebration of the Year of Consecrated Life at St. John's University St. Thomas More Church. Liturgy at 4 PM.

Sunday, February 4th from 1 to 3 PM: Associate Meeting

Sunday, February 4th at 3 PM: World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life 2023 in Rosary Hall Chapel.

April 13, 2024: Spring Community Assembly. If there is a committee of persons who would like to make a presentation on that day, please notify Ann Horn, OP, by the deadline of March 7th at

April 13, 2024: Celebration of Consecrated Life Today” at Immaculate Conception Parish, lower Church from noon to 4 pm with Mass at 4 pm in the lower Church. A simple lunch will be served at noon followed by the prayer and program. More details to come.

Sunday, May 5, 2024, at 2 PM: Diocesan Jubilee date with Mass at Immaculate Conception Center, Douglaston. Reception and dinner to follow for our guests. 

Women's Brunch Retreat on February 10th

There will be a special Women's Brunch Retreat called "A Muffin....and a Cup of Love" on Saturday, February 10, 2024, from 9:45 AM to noon at American Martyrs Parish in Sullivan Hall at 79-43 Bell Blvd., Bayside. The morning will feature Christian musician Alverlis. Hear some of her music and learn more at her website. To respond, RSVP to Sister Ave Clark at 718-428-2471 with your name, phone number, and the names of other people in your party. Friends, daughters, mothers, and grandmothers are welcome!

Nonviolent Offerings at Mt. St. Mary's House of Prayer

Join Mt. St. Mary's this month for offerings about nonviolence. Click here for more information about three programs offered on January 17th and 14th.

Nonviolence: A Connecting Thread on January 17th

“Nonviolent Social Movements: Change and Transformation: Ken Butigan on Jan. 24th

Our Lady of Grace Offers "Live Like You Are Loved"

"Live Like You're Loved" will take place on Monday, February 12th from 10 AM to 12:30 PM with Maryanne Juchem. Lean into a heartfelt knowledge of God's love for you. Click here for more information and to register. Click here for more programs.

Dominican Family

Celtic Spirituality in Myth, Art and Music

The Dominican Sisters of Blauvelt are hosting an event entitled "Celtic Spirituality in Myth, Art and Music on Saturday, January 14th. This event is open to all. Click here for the info.

Thought You'd Like to Know

Long Beach Condo

There is availability for retreat and vacation for any sister at the Condo during the months of February and March. Please contact Sister Judy Olsen at 917-991-2054 if you would like to make a reservation.

Dominican Institute of the Arts (DIA)

Attached is the Winter 2024 OPalette, a special newsletter which highlights the work of some of our DIA members.

Prayer Requests and Gratitude

Dear Sisters, Associates, Young Adults and Friends,

“There is a season for everything under the heavens. A time to weep, and a time to laugh. A time to mourn and a time to dance.” – Ecclesiastes 3:4

Please know how grateful I am for your kindness, and prayerful presence these past two years as our family accompanied my beloved niece Irene Rocco on her journey home. We mourn her absence while rejoicing that forever shall she dance.

Please continue praying for the Rocco, McKenna, DeMayo families.

Love, Bernadette DeMayo, OP

Dear Sisters, Associates, Young Adults and Friends,

Thank You all for your prayers I am retired now in Tampa, Florida praying, relaxing and enjoying life. Time seems to go by so fast. I appreciate all of your many prayers let us continue to pray for each other 🙏🏻❤️.

Marion Tarallo


  1. Brooklyn Celebration Year of Consecrated Life flyer
  2. Advancement Direct Mail letter
  3. Laudato Si work and Year Three
  4. Mystery of Hope handout
  5. Celtic Spirituality event flyer
  6. Winter 2024 OPalette
  7. January Updates: Necrology Large Print PDF or Word Format; Necrology Foldover PDF, Dominican Praise Foldover and Large Print; Christian Prayer Foldover and Large Print as well as the January Calendar and January Birthdays.

The Sisters of St. Dominic of Amityville

 555 Albany Avenue, Amityville, NY 11701