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Christmas in July & Ice Cream treats at the Motherhouse | St. John students at Good Samaritan

Words of Wisdom

“I have seen the Lord!”

-Mary Magdalene

A Column by the Leadership Team

Summer Schedule for The Preaching Continues

Important information will be sent out in separate emails during the summer season. The newsletter will be published on these dates: August 11th; August 25th and September 8th.

Sister Stories

Sister Marie Happ Coordinates New Medical Program at St. John the Baptist Diocesan High School

S, Marie Happ is celebrating 50 years at St. John the Baptist Diocesan High School in West Islip. 

  This year, she undertook a new project! She spearheaded a new program for students who expressed interest in the medical field at St. John the Baptist Diocesan High School. The program entitled "We Care" is a partnership between the school and its neighbor Good Samaritan Medical Center. 

  During the Fall, there were 12 lectures with 40 to 60 students attending each Wednesday. Those students who submitted reflections for most lectures received a half credit for the first semester. Thirty-two students continued in the program, shadowing professionals from 3 to 5 pm each Wednesday, submitting reflections on their experience, and receiving another half credit. Shadowing programs included the Cancer Institute, Radiology and Cardiology, Maternity mother and baby, Nursing unit and Advanced Professional.

  This new experience culminated with a day of hands-on learning at the hospital with medical professionals on Saturday, May 7, 2022. Twenty-five students were given access to the operating rooms. They learned hands-on techniques of minimally invasive surgery with the DaVinci and Monarch robots, practiced inserting intravenous tubes, intubating on manikins and also watched a demonstration of inserting stents and valves in the heart. "It was a wonderful morning," said S. Marie Happ. 

  "We have explained the program in TV promo and emails to all future sophomores, juniors and seniors, and more than 100 students have shown an interest in it for the coming year," said Sister Marie Happ. 

S. Marie Happ Hatches A Plan That's For the Birds!

S. Marie Happ - a science teacher at St. John the Baptist Diocesan High School -- has been bringing her biology curriculum to life by incubating eggs and hatching birds for the last four decades. This past school year was no exception!  

“It’s incredible!” marveled S. Marie Happ. “How many students or even adults have ever seen a duck hatch?”  These puffy, fluffy yellow baby birds are a welcome guest in the classroom even after they hatch! She loves teaching while watching the students pet the ducks until they fall asleep in their laps!  “I tell them I have to teach. I will let you hold them–but I only have seven ducks, so you have to share.” 

  The ducks are then adopted by students.  “If they hatch on Monday or Tuesday, they all have good homes by the weekend.” Click here to see a video of Sister Marie's "HAPPenings" at St.John the Baptist including the ducklings hatching!

S. Diane Capuano featured in Newsday

Our very own Sister Diane Capuano was featured in Newsday in their section called "On Faith," answering the question, "How does summer restore the spirit?" Sister Diane Capuano responded, "

  "Summer is my favorite season," she said. "It is when God's presence is revealed to me in ways that incorporate all God's wonderful creation, a time to refresh my body, mind and spirit."

In Newsday, she praised the summer as a time to soak in "the rays of the sun" or "the magnificent blue sky and clouds," but also to soak up the joy of friendships. During this season, she nurtures her relationships while spending time outdoors at the beach or pool or in the backyard or on a bike ride.

"I also take a retreat to spend quality quiet time with God. After the retreat, I feel renewed and ever so grateful for this holy and sacred time."

Newsday subscribers can read it here

Our Lady of Guadalupe Remembers S. Ann Martin 

The Tablet, Brooklyn's Diocesan Newspaper, recently featured the late Sister Ann Martin Kelly in their print and online publications covering a special story in which Our Lady of Guadalupe parish in Dyker Heights raised more than $50,000 to renovate their sacristy in S. Ann's memory. S. Ann was a beloved part of the church there, serving as a first-grade teacher for 29 years and helping at the parish for 52 years until her death at 90 years old. Most recently she served as sacristan.  

  “We wanted to pay tribute to her in a place that meant something to her,” said Msgr. Robert Romano, the church’s pastor.

  “Everybody loved Sister Ann,” said Virginia Carvelli, who had her in the first grade in the late 1970s. Carvelli recalled that Sister Ann was generous to her students, even when they had out-of-the-box requests. For example, she allowed Carvelli to bring her newborn sister Maria to class for show-and-tell. To read the full article, subscribers to the Tablet may click here

Motherhouse News

Liturgical Ministers Needed on Sundays and Vespers

We are glad to welcome anyone to serve at the Sunday Eucharist in the Motherhouse as a Lector or a Eucharistic Minister. Volunteers serve on a rotating schedule, averaging an assignment once a month.

We are looking for volunteers as we resume our monthly Sunday Vespers in September.  There are two ministries for each service: a presider and a preacher. These ministries are open to all sisters, associates, and young adults. For the presider role; a complete script is provided, no guesswork there! For the preaching role: Generally, the homily is related to the New Testament reading for that Sunday, but it can be at the discretion of the preacher. Here are the available dates:

October 16th: Presider Needed

March 19th: Presider and Preacher Needed

April 30th: Presider and Preacher Needed

If you are available for any of these ministries, please contact Elaine Jahrsdoerfer at [email protected] or 631-842-6000 x 209.

When Temps are Extreme, It's Time for Ice Cream!

Sisters in the Motherhouse were treated to treats from the ice cream truck! Because of the extreme heat, the sisters ate inside so they -- and the ice cream -- didn't melt!

Hot Outside but Wintery Cool Inside as Christmas Comes to Motherhouse!

Although the temperatures were in the nineties outside, there was Christmas in the air this past week at the Motherhouse. On July 25th, Motherhouse residents were welcomed into a Christmas experience with a raffle of Holiday items, Christmas music, festive decorations and more! Special thanks to recreational coordinators Joan and assistant Dianna for organizing the event! Click here to see a video of the setup.

Drivers Needed For Recreational Activities

Dear Dominican Family,

Any sister, associate or young adult who is interested in driving sisters to recreational activities, please contact Joan Regan at 631-608-9281 or [email protected].

Election Committee

Election Committee Announces New Members  

The Election Committee is pleased to announce the results of the recent election. We are grateful to all the sisters who offered their names for consideration and also for the many of you who voted. The following sisters were chosen and will be serving a three-year term on the respective committees.  



Pat Hanvey 

Rena Perrone 

Carolyn Sullivan 

Peggy Warren 


Charlene Kay 

Barbara Nirrengarten 


Joan Martin 

Alex Wolochuk 


Laura Arvin 

Lucille DeRosa 

Fran Gorman 

Donna Murphy 

Special Upcoming Celebrations

Peonies: Jubilee Reunion Will be Held on August 27th at 3 pm! 

Calling all Peonies - former and present - to our reunion celebrating 60 years. It will be at the Motherhouse on Saturday, August 27th from noon to 3 pm. Please send replies to Donna Murphy  [email protected].

Celebrating 100 Years of Corpus Christi School

Corpus Christi School in Mineola is celebrating its 100th anniversary.  Fr. Malcolm, will be celebrating a special Mass in honor of all those who were part of this wonderful school. Even though there is no longer a school or the convent, parishioners remember the sisters who were part of the school, very fondly. The parish has extended an invitation to those Sisters, as well as all the Sisters, to be part of this very special Mass which will take place on October 23rd at 11:30 am. Refreshments will follow after the Mass. Please contact Paula Hartlett, Parish Secretary of Corpus Christi Church, with any questions at [email protected].

Advancement Office

Dominic's Day Cards Available: Contact Advancement Office

In honor of this year’s Dominic’s Day, the Advancement Office will mail the attached card designed by S. Carolyn Sullivan, OP and Debbie Derupo, to our most loyal donors – those who have given to the Congregation consecutively for the past 20 years or more. If you would like a hard copy version of the card, a limited amount is available upon request. Please contact Stacy at ext. 269 for more information.

Thanks, Mary Fuchs

We Move Forward Together

Dominican Summer Evening Prayer on Tuesdays

Join us on Tuesday Evenings at 9 pm, August 2nd through the 30th via ZOOM. We will project Evening Prayer in the Dominican Tradition on the screen and for about 20 minutes we can pray in gratitude together at the end of a summer day. Register at to this linkFor more information email [email protected]

See our Facebook posting and our website posting. 

Finance Office

Is Your Bank Account from Chase or Capital One?

Sisters if you have an account in Chase or Capital One Bank, your statements are coming to the Motherhouse.

              Chase Account ending in 6263 

              Capital One ending in 5530

Please notify S. Lorraine McDonald in the Finance office at [email protected] or call ext. 341.

Driving Committee

Defensive Driving Classes Offered This Summer

The Driving Policy for our Congregation states that “All Dominican Sisters of Amityville are required to take a Defensive Driving Course every three years to ensure their safety and the safety of others. Programs are available through AARP and the AAA Club. Please forward completed certification to the Office of Financial Services."

Recognizing that many sisters need to complete a defensive driving class this year, the Driving Committee is sponsoring several classes in Amityville. We have asked Fitzgerald Driving School to offer a specially designed four-hour Defensive Driving course for our sisters. This course has been designed for all of our sisters, but will have an emphasis on driving skills for senior drivers.

Defensive Driving Classes have been planned for the following dates: 

Tuesday, August 23, 2022: 9 am to 1:30 pm with ½ hour break

Wednesday, September 28, 2022: 9 am to 1:30 pm with ½ hour break

Please return the attached registration form to S. Eileen Mc Cormick along with a check for $37. We will be able to accommodate 20 sisters in each class.

Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to driving safety practices.

- The Driving Committee Members

NB: Sisters are able to register for any course of their choice at another location. Upon completion of the course, please forward the certificate of completion to Eileen Mc Cormick in the Office of Financial Services.  

JPIC update
Update on LSAP
We are getting ready to help inform parishes of Pope Francis' invitation to engage in efforts to participate in his seven-year Laudato Si' Action Plan (LSAP). Starting in September - the Season of Creation, a bulletin announcement will be sent to some local parishes to be inserted each week to encourage consciousness of the Pope's plan. The three goals of the LSAP that we will be giving emphasis to are: The Cry of the Poor, The Cry of the Earth and Ecological Education.

Thomas Berry Center
Connected to Caring for Our Common Home, we alert you to the opening of the Thomas Berry Center at the Passionist Monastery in Jamaica, NY. Click here to read more about the center.

With our concern for the Cry of the Poor, a committee has been convened to look at attitudes of Racism: ARCH - Anti Racist Congregational History. Those gathering for this ARCH group will share their past ministerial efforts in supporting our "non-white" sisters and brothers.

Associate News:

Core Committee: As we thank S. Margaret Kavanagh for her six years of service as a member of the Associates Core Committee, we welcome back S. Vicki Toale to the committee. We thank Margaret for her dedication and reliable presence over time, and we look forward to working closely with Vicki.


Save the Date for "Top 10 Preaching Pointers"

You are heartily invited into the next Zoom conversation for the 2022 Summer Enrichment Series on Thursday, August 4, 2022, at either/both 3 PM EDT and 8 PM EDT.  The topic is “TOP 10 Preaching Pointers.” What are YOUR best preaching tips? Come, hear, share & discuss what our best Dominican preachers have to say. 

Here is the Zoom Link:


Meeting ID: 832 7352 5344 | Passcode: 070734

This and all sessions in the 2022 Summer Enrichment Series are brought to us by the Midwest/Tacoma Associate Directors & Liaisons (MTDAD) & Dominican Sisters Conference (DSC).

Mare Wheeler - Racine Dominican Associate Leadership

5635 Erie Street, Racine, WI 53402-1900 | Office: 262-898-4098

Welcoming our Refugee Brothers and Sisters

On Wednesday, September 14 at 7 pm, S. Norma Pimentel, MJ, Executive Director of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley, will address the topic, “Welcoming our Refugee Brothers and Sisters” at the Center at Mariandale in Ossining, New York, associated with the Dominican Sisters of Hope. As many of our communities are opening their doors and hearts to refugees from Ukraine, Afghanistan, Latin America, and throughout the world, S. Norma’s words and witness to this critical ministry become ever so relevant. We are fortunate to have her with us. Click here for the flyer.

You can register for this event, in person or virtually, at: https://centeratmariandale.secure.nonprofitsoapbox.com/calendar/event/955

Mt. St. Mary House of Prayer Offers Programs
Mt. St. Mary House of Prayer offers many spiritual opportunities including "Lost your Waze? Get Back on Track" on August 17th from 7 to 9pm in person and on Zoom with Presenter Susan Delaney-Choma. Mark you calendar, S. Joan Chittster will be leading a special event on October 14th. Here is the upcoming calendar for events.
Ministry Opportunities

Needed: Executive Director for Religious Formation Conference

The Religious Formation Conference is in search for an Executive Director for the National Office. The Religious Formation Conference (RFC) is an animating resource for initial and ongoing formation in religious life on a local, national, and global level for both women’s and men’s congregations. If you or someone you know may be interested, please click here: https://www.relforcon.org/ED-search.

Catholic School Position on Montana Reservation

St. Paul Mission Grade School is hiring teachers and a principal for kindergarten through fourth grade. The school is situated in Hays, near the Little Rocky Mountains in North Central Montana, on Ft. Belknap Indian Reservation. The modern, recently built Catholic elementary school will re-open in the 2023-2024 school year and has positions for qualified teachers, K through 4th grades. Teaching positions offer competitive salaries plus housing and benefits. Applications need to include: Resume’, 3 letters of reference, copy of Montana or equivalent teacher certification (Bachelor’s degree) or demonstrate the ability to receive certification before August, 2023. For more information contact: St. Paul Mission Grade School, % Father Michael Schneider; PO Box 40, Hays, MT 59527; 406-351-3714, email: [email protected].

Needed: Director of Outreach Services at St. Brigid

St. Brigid's Roman Catholic Church is in need of a Director of Outreach Services. Read more in this attachment.

To apply: Email resume and cover letter to [email protected] or mail to:

St. Brigid R.C. Church, 85 Post Ave., Westbury, NY 11590

Attention: Reverend John Sureau, Ph.D., LCSW

Thought You'd Like to Know

The Catch the Fire, the newsletter for the Dominican Youth Movement

OP Word Preaching from S. Barbara Schwarz

Here are the August Updates:

Necrology Large Print PDF or Word FormatNecrology Foldover PDFDominican Praise Foldover and Large Print PDF, Christian Prayer Foldover and Christian Prayer Large Print PDF as well as the August Calendar and Birthdays.

Upcoming 2022 - 2023 Events: Attached is the updated listing of upcoming important dates and events in 2022 and 2023.

In Gratitude & Prayer Request

Dear Sisters, Associates and Dominican Young Adults,

When my niece, Pamela Pennella, was struggling with cancer, it gave her such comfort to know you were praying for her. Now that she has entered eternal life, your prayers, notes, visits, and cards have brought similar comfort to her family and to all those who loved her. Thank you for your fidelity to intercessory prayer. This sacred ministry is a gift to those who seek the holy even during suffering and loss. We are so very grateful!

- Mary Hughes and Family

  1. Driving Registration form
  2. Norma Pimental event flyer
  3. St. Brigid's Director of Outreach job posting
  4. August Updates: Necrology Large Print PDF or Word FormatNecrology Foldover PDFDominican Praise Foldover and Large Print PDF, Christian Prayer Foldover and Christian Prayer Large Print PDF as well as the August Calendar and Birthdays.
  5. Upcoming 2022 - 2023 Events listing

The Sisters of St. Dominic of Amityville
 555 Albany Avenue, Amityville, NY 11701