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A celebration for the Land and the Life of Homecoming Farm took place on November 19th. S. Vicki Toale visited the sisters to share information about Native Americans on Long Island.


“Love is a fruit in season at all times

and within reach of every hand.”

— Mother Teresa


A Column by the Leadership Team

Thank you: Thank you to all who organized, worked and supported the events two weeks ago including the "Celebration of Gratitude for the Land and Life of Homecoming Farm" on Sunday, November 19th, as well as the Opening Word Thanks-For-Giving Event on November 18th. We are grateful to all those who led and participated in these events. Read more about Homecoming Farm below.

Hosts for New Year’s Eve: We invite any local community to host a New Year’s Eve Recollection to contact Carolann Masone at 631-842-6000 ext. 313 or The deadline is December 8, 2023.

Fanjeaux Raffle: The Congregation is willing to finance two sisters to participate in the Fanjeaux experience this summer. If Sisters are interested in traveling to the Lands of Dominic this upcoming year from June 24 to July 2, 2024, please submit your name to by December 15, 2023. Attached are the brochure and registration form.

Motherhouse News

Special Thank you to our Musical Members

Thank you to Rosemary Jermusyk and Emily Masse for sharing their musical talents with us at recent Eucharistic celebrations. We are so grateful!

Eucharistic Ministers Needed at the Motherhouse

In our schedule of daily masses in the motherhouse, Sunday through Thursday, communion is brought to the sisters in Carlin Hall, while the congregation receives communion in the chapel. Three people each day are assigned to this ministry. We would like to invite more people to share in it. It would involve attending Mass on a given day, and then going upstairs at Communion time to one of the halls to bring the Eucharist to the sisters in Carlin Hall. It takes just a few minutes and you will be finished by the time Mass is over. Our “resident “ community is struggling to maintain the schedule and we would appreciate more assistance. If interested, please contact Elaine J at or call 631-608-9209.

Homecoming Farm

"Celebration of Gratitude for the Land and Life of Homecoming Farm" Held on November 19th

On November 19th, more than 100 people gathered on the grounds of Homecoming Farm at the Motherhouse for a special event called "A Celebration of Gratitude for the Land and Life of Homecoming Farm". Many of the people in the crowd were members of the CSA, while others were sisters, associates, and friends.

This year, Homecoming Farm will close to allow the land to rest and remain fallow while the Congregation contemplates how the land will be used in the future. The property will be conserved. This Monday, December 4th, the Leadership Team will sign an agreement with the Peconic Land Trust ensuring this area will not be developed.

"We give thanks for the land and the 27 years of nourishment and love shared through Sophia Garden and Homecoming Farm," said Prioress Sister Peggy Mcvetty at the event. "Land is our first teacher, helping us to understand our roles and responsibilities for all living things. We know this more intensely because of the efforts and vision of our Sisters Sophia and Jeanne Clark, Elizabeth Keihm (Executive Director), and Don Cimato (Farmer)."

This sad yet joyful day, celebrated what the organic farm has meant to so many people -- all-natural seasonal food, beloved community, education about the importance of a relationship with Earth and food justice for those in need. (The Farm has donated fresh vegetables to the Interfaith Nutrition Network as well as the OPening Word program.) Speakers that day included: Executive Director Elizabeth Keihm; S. Jeanne Clark; Board President Jody Gangloff Kaufmann, PhD; Board Member Susan MacDonald; Board Member Ellen Williams; Board Member Joe Martin; Farm Member Carolyn Kapuvari; Beekeepers Dave Kapuvari and Julie Kapuvari; William La Massa; Danny Martin; Photographer and Farm Supporter Sister Barbara Schwarz and Poet in Residence Tom Stock.

Homecoming Farm is a place of healing, explained S. Jeanne Clark. At the event, she spoke of a boy who found an unlikely friend at the farm: a tree. While his mother was grieving in other ways, he was able to talk to this quiet companion about the loss of his father. Others have found a sense of mission here: Over the years, many scouts have honed their leadership skills, while also building projects for Gold Star Awards and Eagle Scout Projects including a prayer labyrinth, the gazebo, and honey bee hives, to name a few. While many school groups have visited the farm to learn life lessons, adults have learned lessons as well.

"This season of Autumn provides learnings too, that change is real, that everything has a beginning and ending," said Prioress Sister Peggy Mcvetty. "We hold both gratitude and sadness in our hearts as the land rests, waiting for rebirth... We are grateful for all the relationships that have been formed and for the fruits of the land which have nourished so many." The event continued inside with a special video and refreshments in Mother Josepha Hall.

Homecoming Farm’s Annual Christmas in the Cloister: 

The Babe of Bethlehem

A Contemplative Nativity Celebration

We are thrilled to announce that Christmas in the Cloister is back in the beautiful Chapel of Rosary Hall! There will be a very special concert event on December 17, 2023, at 1PM entitled, "The Babe of Bethlehem A Contemplative Nativity Celebration." The music was written in honor of the 800th Anniversary of St. Francis of Assisi’s Nativity in Greccio, Italy. At the concert, you might see some familiar faces!   The concert will feature reflections read by friends of Homecoming Farm and highlight the voices of member children.  There will also be a new choir and band assembled for the occasion -- including a Sister!  The new and original music was written by a wife-husband songwriting team Lena Pennino-Smith (Co-director of the Communications Office of the Sisters of St. Dominic) and Brian Smith. Also, there may a special appearance by a beloved pet!

 "Homecoming Farm has been a place of peace, love and acceptance for 27 years," said Elizabeth Keihm, Executive Director. "We have always honored the healing quality of nature and the expansive wonder of the Cosmos that we are all a part of. How wonderful for us to gather once again in the Cloister Chapel that reflects the beauty we have shared in this place, and on the land we have farmed together." There is no charge for this event.

Sister Stories

Sister Marlene's Halpin's Book Released (Again)

This Christmas, give children the gift of meditation with a book written by one of our very own sisters! Loyola Press has just released a new edition of Sister Marlene Halpin's The Ball of Red String. This children's book by Sister Marlene (1927-2019) leads readers on an imaginative journey to a quiet place where they "meet" Jesus. It is designed to help kids understand that they can talk to God at any time and about anything. "Now more than ever, amid endless screens and sensory overload, we must find ways to help children find quiet, tap into their imagination through gentle words and expert storytelling, and connect with Jesus, the One who helps them know they are loved, valued, and worthy," said Joellyn Cicciarelli, President and Publisher of Loyola Press. "Just as the classics and stories from the Bible must be passed down from generation to generation, The Ball of Red String deserves to be told and retold again and again and again as it is a timeless tale for everyone."  The new edition boasts new artwork by Carrie Schuler.

For 17 years, S. Marlene worked in Michigan teaching mediation and contemplation to children in kindergarten through eighth grade. Her success and passion led to speaking engagements across the country, and the publication of many books on related topics.

"She did prove her assumption about children being natural contemplatives through her books which flowed from her experiences with the children," said Amityville Dominican Sister Joy Castiglione, a friend of S. Marlene. "She taught every grade level and was extremely creative and effective. Her many books have not only helped children but also adults. I guess we are all children at heart." To read more about S. Marlene's amazing life, click here. To order her book, click here.

S. Ave Clark Featured on New Podcast/Blog

S. Ave Clark was recently interviewed by Tony Rossi on the Christopher Blog entitled "Embark on a Pilgrimage of Light This Advent and Christmas with Sister Ave Clark" You can read the blog and listen to the podcast here. Purchase her new book has written a new book "Advent~Christmas: A Pilgrimage of Light" on Amazon or directly from Sister Ave Clark on her website for Heart to Heart Ministry here.

S. Vicki Toale Shares Presentation on Long Island Native Americans On Tuesday, November 21st, S.Vicki Toale gave a presentation for Sisters at the Motherhouse entitled: Gratitude and Native Americans on Long Island. S. Vicki shared a map of Long Island that specified where the tribes were located. She also explained some of the history of how the Dutch and English came to Long Island. The song "Pilgrim Companions" was used to reflect on the idea of being a "pilgrim- a person who goes on a long journey often with a religious or moral purpose." S. Vicki shared her own pilgrim journey of coming to the Sisters of St. Dominic and some of the sisters shared their own story as well.

Office of Financial Services

Let Us Know the Council Members on Your Account

Thank you to the many sisters who have returned the Bank Information form to the Office of Financial Services. May we ask those who have not returned the form as yet, to please include the names of the council members who are signers on your account. If you do not recall, please call your bank and ask them for the information. They will only give that information to the signers on the account. Here is a copy of the form.

Please return by mail or in person the forms to the Office of Financial Services Attention Pat Koehler.

Communications Office

No Newsletter on December 21st and December 28th

There will be no "The Peaching Continues" on December 21st and December 28th. Any information that needs to be communicated, will be sent out as a separate email. Blessed Advent!

Associate News

Christmas Project and Upcoming Meetings

Christmas Project: This Advent, the Associates will be collecting food gift cards to distribute to the following: Opening Word, Visitation, and St. Hugh of Lincoln’s Ukrainian family. Please send the cards to the Associates' Office at Queen of the Rosary Motherhouse, 555 Albany Avenue, Amityville, New York 11701. Associates and Candidates also can bring the cards to the December meetings or to Vespers on December 10th. The meetings are as follows:

Candidates: On Sunday, December 3, 2023 from 9 until 10:30 AM, Sister Kathy Finan will present on the Dominican Saints. The meeting will start in the De Porres Room and move to St. Albert Chapel. 10:45 AM. Liturgy will follow in the chapel.

Associates: The next Associates meeting will occur on Sunday, December 10th from 1 until 2:30 PM. Sisters Vicki Toale and Judy Flanagan will conduct the meeting in the De Porres Room on the first floor of the Motherhouse. We will celebrate Christmas at that time. Lessons and Carols in St. Albert Chapel will follow the meeting at 3 PM. Candidates are welcome to join the Associates at this meeting.


Dominican Month for Peace 2023 in Amazonia to begin this Sunday

We join in the recitation of the Rosary on the three Monday nights of December at 7 PM, including the 4th, the 11th, and the 18th for peace in Amazonia. Here is the Zoom link. In 2023, the Dominican Family around the world will join in this solidarity work for peace in Amazonia - the Dominican family has highlighted key themes each week. Please find more information below:

  1. The video of the history of the Month for Peace tradition and an explanation on 2023 Amazonia found here [English, French, and Spanish]:
  2. More resources including a brochure can be found on our website at
  3. Facebook events for the Dominican Month of Peace 2023 and the Rosary for Peace in Amazonia

Laudato Si

At our October 21 Assembly, those present suggested that in Year 3 of Laudato Si, also an Election Year, we focus on Political Engagement. Pope Francis reminds us in Laudate Deum that it is only at the level of worldwide political action that is obligatory, efficient, and readily monitored that real transformation will happen and our Common Home will be saved.

From November 30th – December 12th, COP28 the 28th annual United Nations (UN) climate meeting where governments will discuss how to limit and prepare for future climate change will take place in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. Follow COP 28 at Click Here Pray that the “Common Good” will win out.

“If we are confident in the capacity of human beings to transcend their petty interests and to think in bigger terms, we can keep hoping that COP28 will allow for a decisive acceleration of energy transition, with effective commitments subject to ongoing monitoring. This Conference can represent a change of direction, showing that everything done since 1992 was serious and worth the effort, or else it will be a great disappointment and jeopardize whatever good has been achieved thus far” (54).

Avoiding this “disappointment” is the concern of everyone: it is a process that calls into question numerous “actors”, which are mentioned more or less directly in Laudate Deum, in the hope that their interaction can make sure that “ethics will prevail over local or contingent interests” (39) and respond to the “failure of conscience and responsibility” denounced by Laudato Si’ (169).

Pray for for Peace in the Sudan. Middle East, Ukraine

You're invited to join at 9 AM (wherever you are) the community of Catholic Religious and their partners who work for justice through the U.N. system in silent prayer for peace on Friday mornings. During this sacred silence, intercessions are being offered up for humanity, including the many people who are suffering due to war and violent conflict, and all in a position to bring an end to violence. We remember especially the peoples of the Sudan, Palestine, Israel, and Ukraine.

   Food Collection on Sunday, December 10th

In our efforts to hear the Cry of the Poor (from Laudato Si') there will be a food collection and supermarket gift card collection at Lessons and Carols on Sunday, December 10th. Our Dominican Associates will distribute the gift cards and the JPIC Committee will give the collected food items to the students at The Opening Word. Thank you.

Black Catholic History Month: Amanda Gorman

This week, we take note of Amanda Gorman who inspired us with her poetry at President Biden's inauguration. Ginny Campbell of our JPIC Committee has given us our final reflection for this Black Catholic History Month. We say thanks to all four who helped: Sister Mary Nolan, Jennie Amendola, Sister Lenore Toscano and Ginny Campbell. Read more here.

Dominican Youth Movement

Young Adult Retreat on Saturday, December 9th

On Saturday, December 9th from 11:30AM to 6PM, there will be a Young Adult Advent Retreat in Rosary Hall Chapel. Young adults in their 20s, will be coming from New Jersey, Queens, New York City and Molloy University.

Sisters and Associates are welcome to the afternoon session with Exposition, praise and worship music, followed by Mass at 5 PM. The sisters are also welcome to mingle, meet and greet with young adults in the dining room at lunch time. For more information, contact Sister Gina Fleming at

December 2023: Announcing the Visit of the Apostle of the Impossible: Tour of the Relics of Saint Jude the Apostle.

From September 2023 to May 2024, the arm of Saint Jude Thaddeus, venerated in Rome from ancient times, will be on pilgrimage in the United States, making stops in 100 cities. During November and December 2023, there are stops in parishes of the Diocese of Rockville Centre. Come and experience his transformative presence. Come and see what he has for you. Learn more here.

Dec. 11 & 18, 2023: You are invited to an Advent Series given on Zoom by S. Carol Perry: All Religious Sisters and Brothers of the NY Archdiocese are invited to attend this Advent series entitled "You cannot Plan on Christmas." Capacity is 100 viewing groups – so sign up early. Click here for more.

December 17th at 1 PM: Homecoming Farm's Annual Christmas in the Cloister. This very special concert event will celebrate the farm as well as the 800th Anniversary of St. Francis of Assisi’s Nativity in Greccio, Italy. Our beautiful Christmas concert, The Babe of Bethlehem, A Contemplative Nativity, is not to be missed…with music and singing in the beautiful cloister chapel. Please RSVP to Elizabeth before December 14th.

Thursday Evenings Advent Reflection Series at St. Fidelis with Sister Ruth Lautt

Deacon Dan Donnelly and S. Ruth Lautt will offer the opportunity to prayerfully reflect on the deep Biblical meaning of the Advent themes of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love on the following dates:

Thursdays at 7 PM on December 7th, December 14th, and December 21st at St. Fidelis Church at 123-14 14th Avenue, Queens, NY 11356.

Retreats at Notre Dame Retreat Center

Notre Dame Retreat House is offering various retreats during December and January, including from "Darkness into Light" by Sister Karen Dietz, SSJ. Click here for more.

Thought You'd Like to Know

December Updates: Necrology Large Print PDF or Word Format; Necrology Foldover PDF, Dominican Praise Foldover and Large Print; Christian Prayer Foldover and Large Print as well as the December Calendar and December Birthdays.

Christmas Cards from Sister Eileen Stattel

Please click on this link for Sister Eileen Stattel for this Christmas season.

Holidays Cards and Calendars

There is still time to order calendars of the Motherhouse grounds, Thanksgiving, and Christmas cards. To order contact Barbara Schwarz at or 516-695-3238. 

Calling All Kelp Lovers!

We need four sisters or associates to offer prayers, poems, and/or kind words to this year's crop of kelp via Zoom on Dec 4, 2023, at 10 AM. If interested, please send your name to Please us the Subject Line "Kelp" and more information will be provided. Thanks!

Attention Spiritual Directors

If you are a trained spiritual director currently accepting new directees please send your name and contact information, plus a brief bio of no more than 150 words to Margaret Galiardi at Please include this Subject in your email: Spiritual Director. Thank You!

Long Beach Condo

There is availability for retreat and vacation for any sister at the Condo during the months of December, January and February. Please contact Sister Judy Olsen at 917-991-2054 if you would like to make a reservation.

Ministry Opportunities

Opportunities at the Motherhouse

There are job opportunities at the Motherhouse that can be viewed on our website. Here is an application. Please feel free to share these:

1.Director of Pastoral Care

2. LPN/RNs: The Sisters of St. Dominic are looking for full-time LPNs/RNs and Aides to work in their Nursing department at their Motherhouse in Amityville, NY. The schedules are 12-hour shifts to include rotating weekends. The shifts that need to be filled are day and overnight shifts. The candidate(s) must possess compassion, experience in their chosen field, and be able to work closely with other team members/services. Send resumes and applications to

3. Business Manager - send resumes and applications to

4. Executive Assistant -send resumes and applications to

5. Human Resources Assistant - send resumes and applications to

 Attached is our job application.

Part-time Pastoral Care Worker Needed for SSND

There is a part-time pastoral care worker needed to minister to 30 SSND community members at Ozanam Hall. Contact Liz Klein for more:

Prayer Requests and Gratitude

Dear Sisters, Associates, and coworkers,

Marge Hayle wishes to thank all for their prayers, calls, etc. during her surgery. All went very well and she is presently in rehab for continued care. Contact her here:


  1. Christmas card flyer from S. Eileen Stattel
  2. Reflection on Amanda Gorman
  3. Fanjeaux brochure and registration form
  4. December Updates: Necrology Large Print PDF or Word Format; Necrology Foldover PDF, Dominican Praise Foldover and Large Print; Christian Prayer Foldover and Large Print as well as the December Calendar and December Birthdays.

The Sisters of St. Dominic of Amityville

 555 Albany Avenue, Amityville, NY 11701