All the Gold Text in this email is clickable/tappable and will take you to the website or email address listed plus you can even click/tap on the pictures :-)

The Bulletins For This Coming Sunday Are All Below

please click/tap on them

8:00 AM

10:00 AM

Weekly Announcements

Kid's Bulletin

Daily Readings For The Week

You can also find the weekly bulletins, liturgies, & readings

on our Livestream Page

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Please make sure you only use

to contact the

St. Thomas Office

via email

Pancake Porky Breakfast/ Scout Sunday

It’s that time again. Boy Scout Troop 3 will be putting on a Pancake Porky, Sunday, February 9th. The price will be $5.00, Children 3 and under eat free. We will be serving after the 8 o’clock and 10 o’clock services.

Scouts will also be participating during the 8am and 10am services.  

Everyone is invited and all are welcome to St. Thomas' monthly Spaghetti Dinner!! Wednesday, Feb 12 5:30PM Spaghetti, sauce (with or without meat), salad, parmesan garlic bread, fellowship, conversation, and more!

⬆️ That's where you'll find all the dates and details and locations and information about the amazing Summer Camp program from the Diocese of Wisconsin with sessions and activities for all ages of students High School Middle School

Elementary School 4 - 7 year olds w/parent

Film School

7th graders and up @ 9AM

Our Sunday morning spiritual formation class has begun! For a full schedule and or more info click below

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7th-12th graders

Wednesday's 6:15 - 8:00PM

You can check out what we're up to by going to

Sunday Youth Group

Fun & Service

6th - 12th graders

Sunday Youth Events are an amazing mixture of big fun events and incredible opportunities to serve others. Students in 6th-12th graders are invited to come check it out. Make sure you see the website below to see dates and times and locations and events coming up!

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Sign Up For Stuff

There are A LOT of events coming up that our middle and high school students - as well as young adults - can participate in that require an online sign up ahead of time.

Children 3 years old through 6th grade. We meet Sunday mornings 9-9:50 in the downstairs classrooms from September 22nd - May 11th.

For children in K- 6th grades. We meet Wednesday’s 6:30-8pm in the parish hall. September 11th - May 14th. **No Kid’s Club 11/ 25, 1/1, 3/5, 4/16

Join us on Sundays 9-9:45am in the St. Thomas Church Lounge OR online via the ZOOM link below as we continue our Conversations on Scripture.

This Sunday School season we will be focusing on the Old Testament readings for each Sunday and consider how God meets us in the messiness of human life.

How do we find ourselves in God's story?

How do we understand ourselves as living in covenant with God?

When have we felt in exile?

How do we see God fulfilling the promises of God through history and in our lives today?

What does this mean for how we live our lives?

We will continue to use art images along with readings from the book Getting Involved with God: Rediscovering the Old Testament by Ellen F. Davis each week. If you are unable to obtain a copy of this book, let Jill Beverlin know. Her contact info is below.

The Zoom link is


And the passcode you'll need to enter is

869 9410 2175

Please contact Jill Beverlin with questions:

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Holy Eucharist, Communion,

The Lord's Supper, Agape Meal

All are welcome to attend, worship, prayer, and participate

(note the new days and times)

Wednesdays at 8:30AM

Join us in the chapel

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"A bible study different from any you've ever done before..."

Meeting 9:30-11:00AM

in the St. Thomas Lounge

Join us as we watch an episode of The Chosen each week and discuss and converse afterwards. The Chosen lets us see the human side of Jesus.  Each episode brings the Old and New Testaments to life in a fresh way.

Any questions your can can contact Mary Kay Hietpas at or 920-740-5737. 

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taking place after both 8AM & 10AM services

You're invited to COFFEE HOUR!! We'll provide the snacks, plus hot and cold drinks, and you all can take care of the fellowship and conversation with one another.

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The St. Thomas App has a ton of features such as ministry info, prayer wall, sermon videos, scripture passages, livestream

The easiest way to get the app is to go to St. Thomas' website
Scroll to the bottom and click/tap on "Get Our App"

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Did You Know That There's A Website Dedicated
to all things livestream?

You will find the Livestream video, weekly bulletins, liturgies, announcements, as well as links to all the other places you can find our Livestream. There are even links to past Livestreams and Sermons.

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Don't Forget That You Can Give Online To St. Thomas Church

Need help? There are details and instructions available at

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The St. Thomas Website is the
easiest place to find our livestream
Make sure you LIKE our Facebook Page so you get a notification when a Livestream begins
Make sure you SUBSCRIBE to our Channel to be notified when a Livestreams starts
No Livestream here but JOIN
the Group so you can SHARE photos, comments, & prayer requests
FOLLOW this feature of Twitter and receive an alert at the start of St Thomas' Livestream
Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to our Twitch Sessions so you'll know when we go live
Yes you can even find the
St. Thomas Livestream on
our very own App
If you are on any of these platforms
please Add or Follow St. Thomas Church
@stthomaswi1916 on Instagram
@stthomswi on Twitter
@stthomaswi on Snapchat
Have Questions? Need More Information?
Feel free to contact St. Thomas Church directly
(920) 725-5601
St. Thomas Church | (920) 725-5601 | 226 Washington Street Menasha, WI 54952 |
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