Volume 4 | July 15, 2022

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Dear Prestonwood Montessori at E.D. Walker Families,

We hope you enjoyed the 4th of July holiday! In this week's newsletter, we share important information about sports sign-ups, school supplies and more. That being said, there is still plenty of summer left to enjoy!


Ashley Toole (Principal)

Fabiola Martinez (Assistant Principal)

In this week's newsletter: 

  • Special Announcement
  • Register for Sports
  • Open House
  • New Staff Highlights 
  • Specials Spotlight: PE
  • Supply List
  • PTO Updates

Important Information coming soon: 

  • New Staff Highlights
  • Specials Spotlight: Music


We are excited to announce that the Walker-Prestonwood schools have been selected to mentor a new principal resident for 2022-23! Our goal is to prepare Ms. Maria Hernandez to lead a school in 2023-2024, and we look forward to her impact on our campus as she learns and leads at Walker Middle and Prestonwood Montessori this year. Welcome to the pack!


It is almost fall sports season! Fill out the following form if you are interested in having your student join a Prestonwood Pups team!

Click here to complete the Sports Interest Form! 

Prestonwood Montessori partners with the Seamones YMCA to host games. ALL Prestonwood Pups will be given a discount flat rate of the member rate for each sport.

Fall 2022 rates: 

  • Soccer - $80
  • Volleyball - $85
  • Flag Football - $85

 If additional reduction is needed the family will need to complete the YMCA financial aid application.

Click here for financial assistance information


  • all ages
  • $80
  • Registration ends August 19th
  • Late registration begins August 11th and will be $30 more
  • Season dates: September 10th to October 29th
  • 7 games total (Saturday games)


  • 3rd grade only
  • $85 
  • Registration ends August 19th
  • Late registration begins August 11th and will be $30 more
  • Season dates: September 15th to October 20th
  • 7 games total (Thursday games starting at 5:30pm)


  • kinder, 1st , 2nd , 3rd grade  only
  • $85
  • Registration ends August 19th
  • Late registration begins August 11th and will be $30 more
  • Season dates: September 11th to October 30th
  • 7 games total (Sunday games)


Click here for the Primary Community List
Click here for the Lower El Community List 

Community Supply List 

We need your help! This year we have two supply lists (individual vs. community). The purpose is to differentiate the items for each child vs what will be shared in the environment, also to reduce costs for those who have less expendable income to fulfill a big individual list (like last year), and lastly to reduce cost overall, reduce excess materials and a shortage of others.

For this very Montessori approach to work, we need every family to purchase the items for their individual children AND to each purchase some of the items which they are able to from the community supply lists.

Individual Supply List

We are asking every family to purchase the items below for each of your individual children which you can bring to the school on Open House.

If you'd like to save time, check out the PTO Supply fundraiser posted in the PTO section below. 

Click here for the INDIVIDUAL list



Postcards with your child's classroom assignment go out late next week! Keep an eye out. 


Meet Guadalupe Rivera

Teacher Assistant 

Guadalupe Rivera was born and raised in Dallas, Texas. Rivera and her brother were raised by a single mother, until their stepdad came along. She is very family oriented. Rivera has loved kids and helping others since she was young and believes that teaching is the profession that best suits her. Rivera graduated high school in 2019 and started college the following fall with a focus on Early Childhood Education. After having her daughter in the spring of 2020, Rivera decided to work full time as a teacher assistant. She is excited to join the Prestonwood family! 

Meet Diana Garcia 

Teacher Assistant 

Diana Garcia, who has a background doing dance, loves. to have fun! One of her greatest joys is helping others. She worked with both elementary and middle school students in Mexico. Garcia is known for being reliable and a positive person. In. the future, she hopes to become credentialed to teach. She. looks forward to meeting all of the Prestonwood families! 


Physical Education, led by Ms. McKay, is focused on preparing all students for lifelong wellness. At Prestonwood Montessori we believe that through quality instruction, students can improve their physical, emotional and social development. 

"P.E. is my favorite because Ms. McKay makes it fun! "

-Leo (PK 4)

Students see Ms. McKay once a week for an hour. Class begins with a warm-up and then transitions into the focus for the week. From learning the basics of sports like soccer and basketball. to juggling scarves to improve hand-eye coordination, Ms. McKay ensures that all kids have a blast. 

PTO Updates 

Can't wait to see you at Jamestown Park on Saturday, 7/30 at 10:30am! If you can't make it, don't worry - we'll be handing out popsicles at Meet the Teacher night on 8/10. 


Uniform Tops: Collared shirt in White or Sky Blue

Uniform Bottoms: Shorts/Skirts/Jumpers/Pants in Gray or Navy Blue

Where to purchase uniforms?

Logo on the uniform is not mandatory. If you choose to buy uniforms at a different retailer you may take them to Affordable Uniforms to add the logo for a small fee. 


Follow us on all of your favorite social media channels!   


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Prestonwood Parents' Group


Prestonwood and Walker

Prestonwood Montessori at E.D. Walker


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