November 17, 2022

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Dear Prestonwood Montessori at

E.D. Walker Families,

With the Thanksgiving holidays swiftly approaching, I thought it would be nice to simply offer heartfelt thanks to all of our PWM community!

We are grateful you chose us and trust us to educate and nurture the minds and hearts of your children.

As we focus on the end of the semester and all the additional responsibilities that come along with the holiday season, I encourage each of you to prioritize self-care for yourself, families, friends, and fellow Prestonwood Pups. Remember to take breaks, play games, plan ahead, continue healthy habits, share smiles, and express your appreciation to those who have helped you.

It's the small things that sometimes have the greatest impact.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Break!


Ashley Toole (Principal)

Fabiola Martinez (Assistant Principal)

In this week's newsletter: 

  • #BetterTogether Month in Review
  • School Toy Policy
  • Nurse Health Screenings
  • Winter Performance
  • Montessori Material
  • Note from Primary Guides
  • Note from Lower Guides
  • PTO Updates

Upcoming Events:

11/21 - 11/25 - School Closed 

12/1 - Performance & Winter Market

12/15 - Pups at Play

12/15 - 3rd Grade Math ACP Test

12/20 - 3rd Grade Reading ACP Test

12/22 - Start Student Holiday

1/9 - Students Return to School

1/16 - School Closed

1/18 - Perot Museum Campus Visit

#BetterTogether Month in Review

Book Character Day & Trunk Or Treat

Lotería Night - ¡Todos Ganaron!

PWM P4 Chess Team

21 students participated in the first Chess Tournament of the Year. There were many heated battles, demonstrations of good sportsmanship, and fun!

Girls Scout Troops from across North Dallas visited Prestonwood Montessori at E.D. Walker!

They used our auditorium to perform their troop songs! It’s such a gift to have the space and resources to host an event for the community on our own site!

Everyone in the PWM community contributed to our Oferenda and Dia De Los Muertos. Thank you to all the parent volunteers who helped!

Students learned about Election Day and even practiced voting in their own class election - to decide on snack!

Attendance Matters

Every school day counts in a child's academic life... A missed school day is a lost opportunity for students to learn. Our attendance rate increased since last month!

Congratulations to Kinders who had the highest attendance rate this month of 96.8%

Thank you for doing your part to get your student to school everyday on time. Together we are all aiming for our goal - 98% Attendance! 

Health Screenings

Our school nurse, Nurse Gramajo, began yearly state mandated screenings: vision, hearing, and acanthosis nigricans (a risk assessment for type 2 diabetes). Below find a list of screenings by grade level, as mandated by the state of Texas:

  • PreK 3: None
  • PreK 4: Vision and Hearing
  • Kinder: Vision and Hearing
  • 1st: Vision, Hearing, and Acanthosis 
  • 2nd: None
  • 1st: Vision, Hearing, and Acanthosis 

The screening process will take a few weeks for the nurse to complete. Parents will be notified of screenings ONLY if your child fails a screening. If the nurse does not contact you by phone or in writing, it means your child passed all screenings. 


We are all excited to host "Holidays Around the World". All Prestonwood students and families are invited to experience this magical performance in addition to the Winter Market hosted by the PTO. Please read below for more details! 

Lower Elementary (1st, 2nd, 3rd)

  • Attire: Winter Best
  • 5:00 - 5:20 pm - Student Performers arrive and go to their classrooms to prepare for the show. Families head to the auditorium to find their seats.
  • After the performance families will pick up students from their classroom. Then, head to the Winter Market in the library!

Primary (PreK - 3, PreK - 4, Kinder)

Due to Ms. Johnson's unexpected medical leave the Primary participation has been an evolving plan. Our specials teachers stepped up this week to support Ms. Johnson as she prepares herself and students for her leave. The Primary Recording was amazing -- we cannot wait for you to see!

Parent volunteers are stepping up to facilitate Primary participation on the day of the performance. Teachers are superheroes but they can't do everything. We are grateful for parents taking the lead on this.

  • Attire: Winter Best
  • 5:00 - 5:25pm - Primary students stay with their families and enter the auditorium.
  • Follow the direction of your room parent.
  • If you have questions about Primary Participation in the Winter Show or would like to volunteer please reach out to Jennifer White

The show will start at 5:30 pm SHARP! It is important that by 5:20 pm - all Lower Elementary student performers are in their classroom. And, all Primary students and their families are in the auditorium.

Montessori Material: Golden Beads

The Golden Beads are a found in Primary and Lower Elementary classrooms. Golden Beads are the tactile experience of the decimal system.

Watch this video to see how Golden Beads used your child's classroom and across Prestonwood.

Click Here:

Click here to see a video of the Montessori Golden Beads in action!

In Primary, students first experience Golden Beads with all their senses. Seeing and touching the quantity of a unit (1 Gold Bead) vs. the quantity of a thousand (1000 Golden Beads). Then Golden Beads are used to as the foundation to build more math skills:

  • Develop understanding of the decimal system
  • Adding without regrouping (Static Addition)
  • Adding with regrouping (Dynamic Addition)
  • Exchanging
  • Static subtraction
  • Static addition

In Lower Elementary, children continue using the Golden Beads for the concrete experience of adding and subtracting. They also begin to multiply and divide with the Golden Beads. The use of Golden Beads is the most critical math experience in Montessori, and will continue to be used in Upper Elementary.


In the primary hallway, children are helping each other learn. Our older children are stepping up as leaders as they mentor younger children with academic learning and social emotional development. Each class truly has its own learning community that continues to grow stronger, smarter, and closer each day!

In the coming weeks, each primary class will study different fall and winter holidays and traditions. Please reach out to your guide if you would like to share your family’s culture with the class!

Language Studies

What are we learning?

  • Letters Sounds 
  • Rhyming 
  • Blending & segmenting CVC and CCVC words

What Materials are used?

  • Sound tubs & Games 
  • Nursery Rhymes 
  • Rhyming with objects 
  • Moveable Alphabet

Math Studies

What are we learning?

  • More or Less 
  • Number Building 
  • Static Addition

What materials are used?

  • Number Rods
  • Teens Board
  • Tens Board 
  • Golden Beads

Cultural Studies

What are we learning?

  • Land & Water Forms: gulf & peninsula, lake & island, and cape & bay
  • Maps of the Continents, North America, South America, and United States

What materials are used?

  • Land and water 3D models
  • Continent Globe
  • Maps


In the Lower Elementary hallways, children are collaborating on large projects and presentations, reading to other children, and helping one another in any way they can. We are so impressed by the community our children are building through learning and social experiences. 

Students attended Library Orientation with Ms. Locklear and have started checking out library books. If your child brings home a library book, please make sure they take care of their book and bring it back each day.

Language Studies

What are we learning?

  • Analyzing simple and compound sentences 
  • Prepositions 
  • Verb Tenses 
  • Author’s Purpose 

What materials are being used?

  • Sentence Analysis 
  • Grammar Box & Command Cards 
  • Home Sweet Home Dollhouse
  • Small Group Reading 
  • SRAs

Math Studies

What are we learning? 

  • Solving word problems 
  • Determining the value of money  
  • Adding with regrouping (1st) 
  • Subtracting with regrouping (2nd, 3rd
  • Multiply 2- or 3-digit numbers (2nd, 3rd)

What materials are being used? 

  • Coins and dollars 
  • Golden beads
  • Stamp Game
  • Bead Frames
  • Checkerboard

Cultural Studies

What are we learning? 

  • Parts of plants and animals: fish, roots, plants, fruits 
  • Life cycle of plants and animals: frogs, fruits, vegetables, dragonfly 
  • State names and locations  
  • State symbols 
  • Native American History 

What materials are being used?

  • 3 part cards 
  • Puzzles 
  • Research books and iPads


Fajita Pete’s on Preston Forest will give PWM 10% of ALL sales made between 12pm-8pm on Tuesday December 13, 2022!

located at: 6060 Forest Ln Suite 892, Dallas, TX 75230


Pickup the kids from after school activities and head over to Boston Market on 12/15 to join us for an in-person social and dinner with a 20% Giveback! No time to stay? Place your order anytime between 12pm-8pm and mention Prestonwood PTO or use code FUNDRAISER online.


Let's gather our Pups for an After School playdate and squeeze out the last bits of sunlight before daylight savings time sets in. Join us immediately after school on Friday December 2nd around the corner at Jamestown park.


Donate for our cans and coats drive from 11/14-12/2! The primary and lower classes with the most donations will win a pizza party (4 winners total!). Volunteers needed to help manage the drive:

Sign up here!

All members of Prestonwood PTO are invited to join us for a Holiday Party on Thursday December 8th from 7-9PM at the Vitruvian Park Tavern in Addison. Light apps will be provided and drinks will be available for purchase at the bar. The Vitruvian Lights in Addison will make for a stunning backdrop to this holiday celebration so make it a date night and come join us for some fun as we celebrate the many PTO wins this year has brought! (Please note this is an adults only event)

Tamale orders will be delivered 12/1 to the winter market.

Share with family and friends as they can order, too!

Missing Newsletters? 

Check out the PTO website if you're missing any newsletters. You'll find all newsletters as well as useful information about merchandise, our teachers and more! 


Follow us on all of your favorite social media channels!   


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Prestonwood Parents' Group


Prestonwood and Walker


Prestonwood Montessori at E.D. Walker

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