September 15, 2023

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Dear Prestonwood Montessori at E.D. Walker Families,

Our school is not just a building; it is a vibrant community that thrives on collaboration, open communication, and unwavering support. Together, we guide the light that illuminates the path for our children, helping them discover the brilliance within themselves. Dedication and passion light up their journey of learning and creativity, inspiring them to discover their purpose and pursue it with passion.

We firmly believe that when we work as one pack, we can achieve remarkable things for our children and that we are already doing just that as we enter into week 6 of the BEST school year yet.

Ashley Toole (Principal)

Kimtesha Madlock (Assistant Principal)

P.S. Check out PWM 101 - this resource will continue to be updated throughout the school year!

In this week's newsletter: 

  • #BetterTogether Month in Review
  • Community Updates
  • Upcoming Events
  • Field Trips
  • Note From the Guides
  • Primary Family Style Meals
  • Amplify and Eureka
  • PTO Updates

Special Edition Coming Soon:

  • Extracurricular Activities also known as "Pups at Play"

Upcoming Events:

9/15 - First Day of Hispanic Heritage Month

9/16 - Lil' Longhorns Spirit Clinic

9/21 - W.T. White Football Feeder Pattern Night

9/21 - Coffee with the Principals

9/23 - FAM JAM Festival

9/25 - Fire & Ice Show

9/27 - Until Everyone Can Read, Dyslexia Event + Amplify and Eureka Info Session

10/2 - Custodian Appreciation Day

10/5 - W.T. White Homecoming

10/12 - 10/16 - Fall Break, no school

10/26 - Texas Winds Concert

10/27 - Book Character Day + Trunk or Treat

#BetterTogether Month in Review

Fridays are Spirit Days!

Thank you PTO for giving a new spirit shirt to every Prestonwood Pup!

We are so grateful!

Your child’s safety is a top priority for us. During the first month of school we conducted a Fire, Severe Weather, and Lockdown Drill.

We conduct various safety drills throughout the school year so all students and staff know what to do in case an emergency does happen and are not afraid when the alarm is sounded.

Emergency Response Protocol

Community Updates

Attendance Matters

Attendance is so important to student learning and growth. Our goal is 98% student attendance. Please make sure your child is at school unless they are ill or if there is an emergency.


We are looking for 100% participation.

Help us get there!

SCHOOL STARTS AT 8:00 AM. Morning circle and student lessons begin right away to maximize the Montessori work cycle.

Students will be counted tardy beginning at 8:01. Parents must exit their vehicles and sign students in when dropping off after 8:00 AM. Please help us ensure that all of our Pups are here on time!

Need to pick up your child early? Children will not be released after 2:15 pm. At the end of the day students are in specials, napping, or in the classroom learning.

We understand that things come up and there are some important appointments that need to be scheduled. Remember we are all working together to provide the best education for your child every minute of the school day.


We appreciate our families and staff for helping us create a safe and efficient dismissal system. At this point, we are mostly done by 3:30pm. Please make sure to be in the carline before 3:30pm. If you arrive after, we ask that you park and walk into the foyer to sign your child out.

We all want to see our children succeed in their education, and one crucial way to help make that happen is by participating in the Family and Community Engagement Office Parent Survey. Your feedback provides valuable insight into how we can better support our students and families. By taking just a few minutes to complete the survey, you can help shape the future of our school community. Let's work together to ensure that every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential. Take the survey here!


PWM Pups are invited to learn routines to perform at the September 21st football game!

Register today!

Prestonwood Pups get in free with a Prestonwood or Walker Spirit shirt!

Hope you can join us on Tuesday, September 21st for Coffee with the Principals!

Have something you'd like to discuss? Let us know here.

Interested in learning more about Amplify, Eureka, and Montessori curriculum?

Join us in the library!

September 27th

5:30 - 6:00 pm

Fam Jam is a community event bringing resources, information, and fun to our families and community. Fam Jam has a whole host of exciting activities that will keep both parents and students entertained.

Hope to see you on Saturday, September 23!

Education Go Get It Week September. 27th – 29th

Wednesday, September 27

Students will watch a video about the variety of choices they have to pursue a career of their dreams: a Dallas ISD high school, a technical school, college or university

Thursday, September 28

Think College Thursday, every Thursday teachers and staff rep their college/university. Students are encouraged to rep their guide's school by wearing their guide's school colors. Look out for your Guide’s Class Dojo Education Go Get It message to learn more about the colors to wear on this day. 

Friday, September 29

Students are encouraged to wear their school spirit shirts, because their educational journey begins here at PWM. Students will participate in an activity to create their own school banner. They will work alone or in a small group to choose a topic of study or area of expertise, a school name and school colors.

PWM students, guides, and staff are excited to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month!

Check out a few of the resources used to celebrate and learn in the classroom.

- A PowerPoint Mr. Moreno created including all the countries in South and Central America. 

-A Culture Matters eBook  can be used with students to introduce heritage months and the value of celebrating and learning more about cultures of the many different people that live in this country. 

-Google Slides with facts/videos showcasing Hispanic figures and their accomplishments. During morning announcements, one figure will be presented each day.

September 25th

6:00 - 8:30pm

The Dallas IDA and Succeed with Dyslexia have collaborated to host an event featuring stories from successful individuals with dyslexia, including Jack Churchill (Winston Churchill's great-grandson)!

Come experience a powerful dyslexia simulation that will challenge your brain and leave you feeling inspired!

Register Here

The Counseling Department is looking forward to supporting your scholar's social-emotional, academic, and career development growth this year.  Could you please complete this brief survey to help us plan and develop quality programs that best meets the needs of your scholar and family.  Your input is valuable and your responses are anonymous.  Thank you for your time!


As we’re nearing the end of the first 6-weeks of the school year, the children are more normalized every day. Normalization allows the classroom to function with little interference from the guide or any adult. We spend a healthy amount of time modeling, practicing, and enforcing normalization.

Stages of Normalization 

  1. The child does something because they want to. 
  2. The child does something because they are asked to do it. 
  3. The child does something because they know it is right.

Children who are normalized not only know the ground rules, they follow them because doing so leads to peace and harmony in their environment. As a result, the child is able to fully engage and exercise self-discipline and peace while working freely in the Montessori environment. 

Observations from PWM classrooms:

  • Children coming in with their belongings for the day and putting them in the appropriate spaces
  • Then sitting down to converse with their friends with a soft voice (or level 1). 
  • Children on breakfast duty are now aware of procedures and own them: getting to it right away when entering class. 
  • Children restore the environment after meals and work cycles maintaining order in the classroom.
  • Children look to their work plan to guide them instead of asking the guide “what's next?” 
  • Sustained periods of focus and concentration on challenging work. 
  • Children utilize the calming corner when they feel intense emotions and practice self-regulation.

Written By: Ty Rhodes

We are super excited to FULLY kick off family-style meals in our classrooms this year! Thank you to our primary parents and our PTO, with the given supply funds, we were able to obtain glass plates, glass cups, forks, spoons, napkin clothes, placemats, and a dishwasher for every classroom!


The classroom community within the Montessori learning environment represents a family between the guides and children who learn, eat, and grow together. That is why family-style meals are an important practice in the Montessori classroom, as it is much more than just enjoying meals together.


How does family-style eating impact our children?

In an early childhood Montessori learning environment, it is important to set the stage for the child to eat meals together. The child plays an active role in the setup, and cleanup routines, taking responsibility and pride in maintaining their learning environment in a neat and orderly manner before, during, and after a meal. Children as young as 18 months of age can learn to handle breakable objects with respect.

Through guidance and careful observation, children learn to analyze the weight of these breakable items and learn how to properly utilize and position them on the tables. As guides, we always make sure to normalize spills or breaks of the material our children handle because we know it is inevitable, and cleaning up is part of our daily instruction. When a child spills or breaks something, as guides, we may ask the child, “What do we need to do when we spill something?” The child may grab a rag or the broom, and the guide would observe or assist as needed. On many occasions within our classroom, other children are ready to help their friends clean up the spill. Through this process, children learn that mistakes are a natural thing, and they are ready to address them, cultivating experimentation, confidence, and independence.


Thank you all for the support in obtaining our family-style meal materials and enriching our students’ Montessori experience!

Written By: Evelyn Negrete

Montessori Leaders help guide our campus in curriculum, philosophy, and practice.

Together they have:

50+ years of Montessori Experience

Certifications from American Montessori Society and American Montessori Internationale in Primary, Lower and Upper Elementary.

Supported the establishment and continued instructional training at:

  • Edwardo Mata Montessori
  • George B Dealey
  • Harry Stone Montessori
  • Lumin Network of Public Charter Montessori
  • Montessori Academy at Onesimo Hernandez
  • Alcuin School

Amplify and Eureka

An important component of our day is the three-hour Montessori work cycle, children receive lessons and select materials to work while developing their skills/knowledge with adult guidance. 

This year the district is supporting campuses with Eureka, a math curriculum that develops conceptual understanding and provides opportunities to connect learning with real-life application problems. What Eureka does to enhance Montessori curriculum is take conceptual math through Montessori manipulatives and make it applicable to standardized tests which we want our children to be successful on. 

We also added a new component to our day in addition to the 3-hour work cycle meant to increase literacy and reading comprehension using Amplify curriculum. This is an opportunity for children to practice what is known in the Montessori world as a “going out” when a child leaves the classroom in pursuit of knowledge about a topic. In this case, they will “go out” to join their same grade-level peers to receive grade-specific reading and writing lessons and complete relevant work. Amplify curriculum is based on the Science of Reading, which refers to the growing body of research that deconstructs how children learn to read. 

At Prestonwood Montessori at E.D. Walker, we are committed to the success of our children by anchoring everything we do in Montessori curriculum, materials, and philosophies. As we also implement new curriculum, we are continuously collaborating in Professional Learning Communities and Professional Development to ensure that we do what is best for children. 


Thank you to everyone who attended our first PTO meeting of the school year! Below are important links from the meeting.

Upcoming PTO Events

  • Thirsty Lion Giveback all month long at the Walnut Hill/75 location. Be sure and mention to your server that you are from Prestonwood Montessori. 
  • September 22 iCode Spirit Night
  • September 24 Paint and Brunch Pack Party
  • 10/21 Last day of soccer season and Taco Joint Giveback at Inwood/Forest Location


Follow us on all of your favorite social media channels!   


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