Dear Friends,

In the crisp breeze of March, promises whisper softly, carried on the wings of anticipation. Inspired by Antonio Carlos Jobim's melodic rhythms, this month unfolds like a serenade, each note a reminder of new beginnings and possibilities.

March, with its fleeting days, holds the promise of rebirth and renewal, akin to the budding flowers after a winter's slumber. It's a time of transition, where nature sheds its old coat and adorns itself in vibrant hues of green and gold.

In the gentle sway of March's dance, there's a melody of hope, promising brighter tomorrows and sun-kissed dreams. Like the gentle strumming of Jobim's guitar, March invites us to embrace the symphony of life, to let go of the past and embrace the melody of the present.

With every sunrise, March whispers secrets of transformation, urging us to chase our desires and reach for the stars. It's a month of beginnings, where seeds of inspiration take root and blossom into beautiful realities.

As we journey through the tapestry of March, let us heed the promises it holds, for in its fleeting moments lie the keys to unlock our deepest desires and aspirations.

Like the timeless melodies of Jobim's songs, let us savor each note of March, for within its embrace, magic awaits.

See you very soon at The Invisible Dog.

Lucien Zayan


Leni’s Last Lament

Brave New World Repertory Theatre

March 15 - 30, 2024

In Leni’s Last Lament, which swept top awards at its one-night-only United Solo Festival in Manhattan last March, Hitler’s controversial filmmaker, Leni Riefenstahl, poses as a misunderstood victim as she attempts to justify and sanitize her notorious past. Set in Leni’s editing room and presented as a macabre, comic cabaret with a live accordionist — the play is a wild ironic ride full of hard-to-believe insights into this provocative figure as she reassembles her life to create a more palatable portrait. Leni’s Last Lament opens on March 15 for Women’s History Month.

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Spring Menu at SAM, la Salle A Manger

It's time to reserve your lunch or dinner at la Salle A Manger, the private and intimate supper club of The Invisible Dog. SAM welcomes you for your business meeting, celebratory gathering or just for the pleasure to spend a moment with friends. The proceed goes to our artistic program. Another way to support our mission and our artists.

Discover more about SAM, visit our instagram account

Info and reservation by email


Represent Brooklyn, unleash your creativity, and be part of history at the Brooklyn Museum. To kick off our 200th anniversary celebration, the Brooklyn Museum is hosting The Brooklyn Artists Exhibition, an exhilarating major group show that will illuminate the unparalleled breadth and depth of talent in our borough. 

Opening October 4, 2024, and filling the Museum’s Great Hall, The Brooklyn Artists Exhibition will feature artworks in all mediums, spotlighting artists who have lived or worked in Brooklyn during the last five years (2019–24). Prepare to be dazzled: the exhibition will bring together an unprecedented number of Brooklyn artists, surpassing any previous showcase in the Museum's history. 

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La Douleur

Based on the text by Marguerite Duras

Starring Dominique Blanc

US Premiere Wednesday, March 13 & Thursday, March 14 7:30 pm

FIAF Florence Gould Hall

Directed by Patrice Chéreau and Thierry Thieû Niang

Based on Marguerite Duras’ 1985 text The War: A Memoir, this performance recounts the anguish of a woman awaiting her husband’s return from the Dachau concentration camp. In 1945, as the globe celebrated an end to World War II, Duras (1914-1996) was despondent; her husband remained missing, and she had no idea if he was dead or alive.

French actress Dominique Blanc reprises her 2010 Molière Best Actress Award-winning role in this wrenching performance. Re-staged by Patrice Chéreau (Jahrhundertring) with choreography by Thierry Thieû Niang (Une jeune fille de 90 ans), La Douleur is resonant with Duras’ physical and psychological turmoil throughout WWII. The adaptation echoes the simplicity and intensity of Duras’ writing.

80 min

In French with English supertitles

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Jude Griebel

Massey Klein Gallery is pleased to present Revenants, a solo exhibition of new sculptures and works on paper by Jude Griebel. The exhibition will be on view from February 10th through March 23rd. An opening reception will be held on Saturday, February 10th from 4-7pm. This is the artist’s first exhibition with the gallery

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