October 2, 2023    Week 07


Fall Conferences

Now six weeks into the semester, we’re readying for co-teacher conferences. 

  • Conference sign-ups will be on your parent Blackbaud account. Tomorrow we will send an email letting you know that a link on the Resource Board is live, which will look like this.
  • Like last year, “Prime Time” for conferencing is on Monday, Oct. 9, when the majority of our teachers are available and on campus. We have other times available, too; most are after school or virtual meetings. We don’t have much room or time to meet during the on-campus school day. Childcare is not available for these meetings.
  • We want to meet with you! If the time slots fill up, or if you can’t find one that works for you, just email the teacher to ask to set up an alternate time. 
  • Note that we have many more teachers than classrooms. For that reason, we are meeting in various smaller rooms throughout the campus and also remotely. Meeting locations will be assigned after scheduling; you may or may not be meeting your teacher in her/his actual classroom. We’ll provide a map to help you find your way. 

Making Your Conferences Count

Conferences last only a short time, so you’ll want to be prepared with your insights as you come into those meetings.  Most important is for the parent and teacher to each give their perspective of what they are seeing in the student’s work and habits, celebrate areas going well, ask and answer questions, and make a plan to address any concerns. Replacing a mid-term report card, this collaboration is one of the most valuable parts of our model as we partner to help students take their next steps of learning.

Grade Level Lesson Plans



1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

6th Grade

7th Grade

8th Grade

9th Grade

10th Grade

11th Grade

12th Grade

Mixed-Grade Level Lesson Plans

7th Pre-Alg. Flanagan

7th Pre-Algebra Null

7th Bridge Null/Fothergill

8th Grade Math Johnson

Algebra 1 Teter

Geometry Teter

Algebra 2 Young

Pre-Cal Young

Calculus Young

Statistics Almond

Latin A Watson

Latin B Boyd

Latin 1A Boyd

Latin 1B (Pre-AP) Boyd

Latin 2 Wade

Latin 3 Wade

Latin 4 Wade

Spanish 1 Hower

Spanish 2 Hower

Spanish 3 Hower

AP Spanish 4 Hower

German 1 Hedderly

German 2 Hedderly

7th-12th Gr. Math Tutoring Sign-Up

Optional Ready Bodies Home Lesson 

Chapel Handbook

Co-Teacher Continuing Education Bank

ID Badges Required on Campus Tomorrow, Oct. 3

Thank you to everyone who has picked up ID badges in the past two weeks! If you have not yet received your ID badge, please drop by the North Desk, and our staff will be happy to get yours to you. Please remember that all adults will be required to wear an ID badge while on campus beginning tomorrow, October 3; you may read more details regarding those protocols here. If you missed having one made, please reach out to Mrs. Hamson and upload a photo to Blackbaud in order to have your badge printed with the next batch. If you have a grandparent or babysitter that will require regular building access, please contact Mrs. Stafford to create a Blackbaud account for them. Thank you for supporting our measures to improve the safety of our students, families, and staff while on campus!

Fall Fling, Oct. 31

Our next Fun Lunch is Tuesday, Oct. 31, and students and staff are invited to wear costumes. The guidelines:

  • Wear non-scary costumes inspired by literature or a historical figure from your student’s current history period. This is not a jeans and t-shirt day, so if your student doesn't dress up as a character, s/he must wear a uniform. 
  • Leave all weapons at home (yes, even pretend ones!)
  • House points are awarded to top costumes in Upper School.

Labels Help Us Help You

Our lost and found basket already has a few items in it. If you haven’t already, please take a moment to write first and last names on your child’s water bottles, outerwear, and other school items. 

Co-Teacher Connect, This Thurs., Oct. 5

All co-teachers are invited to participate in a reading and discussion of an excerpt from a chapter of Consider This: Charlotte Mason and the Classical Tradition by Karen Glass during our first Co-Teacher Connect Meeting this Thursday, October 5. We’ll read together and discuss the how and the why of cultivating humility as an intellectual virtue in ourselves and in our children. We’ll meet in the small sanctuary following chapel dismissal.

Grandparents’ Day Volunteers Needed

We are looking forward to welcoming our grandparents for Grandparents’ Day on Thursday, October 19 (grandparent registration link here). It’s not too late to sign up as a parent volunteer; please email us with your interest and availability

Kindergarten Admissions

2024-2025 online applications will go live on October 17. We will consider assessments in early November for kindergarten siblings whose application packets are completed and submitted by October 31. As in previous years, we will begin considering assessments in January 2024 for sibling candidates applying for first through eleventh grade. Please reach out to Dr. Baird with any questions!


Missing school is challenging for all involved, especially the student, as real-time experiences and discussion cannot be replicated while there is still accountability for the information and work. Along with this, our shortened calendar creates issues with making up work from extended absences, affecting student learning.  Since sickness and other unavoidable situations cause absences already, we strongly encourage you to reserve planned trips for one of our extended breaks.  

If your child will be absent from school for any reason, please notify his/her teachers as well as the school nurse (who acts as attendance manager). Planned absences must be approved by an administrator in order to be counted as excused.

Upcoming School-wide Events

October 5: Co-Teacher Connect

October 9-12: Parent Teacher Conferences

October 12: Green-Out Day

October 13-16: Fall Break

October 19: Grandparents’ Day

October 24: Informational Meeting and School Tours

October 31: Fall Fling: Fun Lunch Event

November 9-10: School Pictures


A Prayer Before a Teacher Conference

Thank you for these teachers whom you have appointed to play a special role in my child’s story. Give them wisdom, insight, and a generous spirit as they prepare for these upcoming conversations with me and other parents. 

As we meet together, may this time help us to be better partners for the benefit of my child. Give me boldness and clarity to speak about the big and small concerns on my mind. Help me receive feedback about my child with humility and grace. Please give us unity of spirit and purpose as we seek to help this child mature in every aspect, for his/her good and for your glory.


5th and 6th Grade Group Conferencing on Fri., Oct. 6 

We will have slots available for conferencing with your child’s 5th and 6th grade teachers as a group during the regular school day on Friday. We have a schedule planned for students that will allow them to still have their school subjects, while still allowing their teachers to meet with you. More spaces will be available for group conferencing on Monday, Oct. 9. Please schedule conferences with Ms. Boyd (6th grade Latin) or a different level math teacher as needed.

Co-Teacher Meetings

We are looking forward to meeting with you in grade level groups. There will be time to meet other parents, interact with teachers, and receive additional training.  

  • Second Grade: Tuesday, Oct. 17 at 8:20 am. Our workshop focus will be addition and subtraction bar models. 
  • Third Grade: Tuesday, Oct. 24 at 8:20 am. Our workshop focus will be multiplication and division bar models for multiple-step real world problems. 


Andrew Powitzky, Burke Mattix, Justin Byrd, Tate Hodge, Caleb Summers, and Rebekah Elliot compete in our annual FPT Rubik's Cube competition. Way to go to all of our competitors!

Upcoming House Service Projects and Socials

Bonhoeffer will hold their next social on Saturday, October 7 from 5:30 - 8pm at the Dosas’ home; please RSVP here

Augustine will hold their first service project of the year on October 28 from 9-11am at Oak Creek Academy in Killeen. Stay tuned for more details.

Scarves and Ties Ceremonies

Students new to Rhetoric School (9th-12th grade) will receive their house tie or scarf in a short ceremony in House Chapel over the next few weeks. Parents, don't worry if you can't attend. We will video it for you. 

Augustine October 20

Bonhoeffer October 27

Elliot November 3

Wilberforce November 10


Logic School students exercise leadership and team-building skills during last week’s Navigators course.

10th and 11th Grade College Meeting, Oct. 10 

College planning meeting for Junior and Sophomores and parents, Tuesday, Oct. 10 at 3:45 pm in the small sanctuary. Get important information regarding your college search, applying to college, the SAT/ACT, and your Senior Capstone Trip!  

Please bring a laptop if possible. 

College Fair, Oct. 24

UMHB is hosting the TACRAO Central Texas College Fair at the Bell County Expo Center on Tuesday, October 24, 2023, from 6-8pm.

Scholarship Opportunity

The Betty Martin Chapter of the National Society DAR will award two $1,000 scholarships to promote American history to two high school seniors in the Bell County area. Find the application here.

PSAT, Oct. 25

All students in 9th, 10th, and 11th grades will take the PSAT at school on Wednesday, October 25 at 8 am. Please arrive at 7:40am (and no later than 7:55am. This year’s test will be in a digital format for the first time which brings significant changes both to format and content. It’d be a good idea to take a practice test, found here. We have a few laptops to share, but we’ll need most students to bring a laptop (requirements here). Note that Chromebooks are not able to run the necessary software.

RamFam Friday Feast

Rhetoric School students (9th-12th) and Faculty/Staff are invited to place your order for Italiano’s Pizza by Thursday, October 5 at 4pm. 


Case Hodge evades opponents and helps the Rams pull off a win at a recent Flag Football game.

Week in Review


Logic Green - W against St. Mary’s, Temple (25-20, 25-22)

Logic Green - W against Grace Academy (25-4, 25-6)

Logic White - lost to Grace (20-25, 14-25)

JV - lost to Grace (20-25, 22-25)

Logic White - lost to St. Mary’s, Temple (15-25, 25-22, 12-15)

JV - lost to Valor Prep in 3

Varsity - W against St. Mary’s, Taylor (25-21, 25-9, 25-7)

Varsity - W against Grace (25-23, 25-23, 10-25, 18-25, 15-11)


Rams won, 33-19, remaining undefeated in the season.


Rams won, 7-1, also remaining undefeated in the season.

Basketball Season Coming Soon

Today is the last day for students in 7th-12th grades interested in basketball to register in Blackbaud.


Rhetoric School students interested in applying for a manager position with the girls’ basketball teams should contact Coach Hodge.

Upcoming Games


Monday, Oct. 2

Logic School v. Austin Royals Purple at Temple Nazarene

Green, 5 PM

White, 6:15 PM

Tuesday, Oct. 3

Logic School at Taylor Saint Mary's

Green, 5:30 PM

White, 6:30 PM

Varsity at Waco Methodist, 5:30 PM

Thursday, Oct. 5

Rhetoric School

JV v. Texas Wind at Waco Parkview, 5:30 PM

Varsity v. Sterling is being rescheduled for the week of 10/23. More information to come.

Flag Football

Tuesday, Oct. 3

Logic School at Taylor St. Mary's, 5:30 PM


Thursday, Oct. 5

Rhetoric Rams v. Gold at Heritage Park, 6:30 PM


Providence Profiles

Cathy Profiles,

Common Arts

Mrs. Hines has taught at Providence since 2021 and holds a BS in Communication Disorders from Truman State University and MA in Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education from University of Oregon. 

“Prior to joining Providence, my philosophy of education was that children should be taught HOW to learn and to ENJOY learning. When God led our family to Providence, it was a perfect match. I so appreciate how our school does not merely fill the students’ heads with knowledge, but rather, we equip the students to be lifelong independent learners, even after they graduate and head out into the world. 

I often say that I do not “teach” the Common Arts elective, but rather, I “facilitate” it. Because I do not know most of these skills myself, I schedule guest presenters who are knowledgeable in each skill. As each guest teaches my class, I am learning right alongside my students, and hopefully modeling the joy of learning, even at my age. 

One thing that is super exciting for me is when I hear from students or parents about how a student took a lesson we discussed in class and used it out in the real world. Some of my students, past and present, have used skills learned to land a job, show appreciation to a family member, help in a medical situation, and even decide on their career field.”

Sara Jarolik,


This is Mrs. Jarolik’s first year teaching at Providence. She has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education from UMHB as well as 15 years teaching experience divided among Temple ISD, New Braunfels ISD, Rogers ISD and The Master’s School in San Marcos.

What a joyous privilege it is to introduce classical education to our youngest grammar students here at Providence. I love seeing the excitement and wonder in every new discovery. The memory work component in classical education is so much fun in kindergarten, and I am amazed at how quickly our students can memorize! It is exciting to lay this key foundation in learning, and to see the connections and growth it provides. I think my favorite component so far has been the quality literature study provided in our Five in a Row curriculum that richly encompasses lessons in art, science, geography and history. Last week, we read Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans and learned about France. We explored paintings by French Impressionist Claude Monet, and marveled at his paintings of water lilies. We experimented with blending and highlighting using watercolor crayons and paint brushes. We are excited about our upcoming field trip to UMHB to see real-life water lilies and to create our own watercolor impressions of God’s lovely creation.”

Mailing Address:
2608 N Main Street Ste B193
Belton, TX 76513