September 25, 2023    Week 06


“What’s Brewing,” Thurs., Sep. 28th 

Parents, please join us for “What’s Brewing with Mr. Billman” on Thursday, Sep. 28 immediately following chapel in the gym. These meetings keep you up to speed on school-wide happenings, including strategic initiatives. We’ll take some time for your questions during the session, and administration and board members will be on hand after the meeting for your questions, as well. As always, we’ll have some good coffee!

Now six weeks into the semester, we’re readying for co-teacher conferences. 

  • Conference sign-ups will be on your parent Blackbaud account. A link on the Resource Board will go live next week, looking like this
  • Like last year, “Prime Time” for conferencing is on a Monday (Oct. 9) when we’ve asked our teachers to be available and on campus. We’ll have even more conference slots open on this day than we did last year. We have other times available, too; most are after school or virtual meetings. We don’t have much room or time to meet during the on-campus school day. Childcare is not available for these meetings.
  • We want to meet with you! If the time slots fill up, or if you can’t find one that works for you, just email the teacher to ask to set up an alternate time. 
  • Note that we have many more teachers than classrooms. For that reason, we are meeting in various smaller rooms throughout the campus and also remotely. Meeting locations will be assigned after scheduling; you may or may not be meeting your teacher in her/his actual classroom. We’ll provide a map to help you find your way.

Grade Level Lesson Plans



1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

6th Grade

7th Grade

8th Grade

9th Grade

10th Grade

11th Grade

12th Grade

Mixed-Grade Level Lesson Plans

7th Pre-Alg. Flanagan

7th Pre-Algebra Null

7th Bridge Null/Fothergill

8th Grade Math Johnson

Algebra 1 Teter

Geometry Teter

Algebra 2 Young

Pre-Cal Young

Calculus Young

Statistics Almond

Latin A Watson

Latin B Boyd

Latin 1A Boyd

Latin 1B (Pre-AP) Boyd

Latin 2 Wade

Latin 3 Wade

Latin 4 Wade

Spanish 1 Hower

Spanish 2 Hower

Spanish 3 Hower

AP Spanish 4 Hower

German 1 Hedderly

German 2 Hedderly

7th-12th Gr. Math Tutoring Sign-Up

Optional Ready Bodies Home Lesson 

Chapel Handbook

Co-Teacher Continuing EducationBank

ID Badges Required on Campus Starting Oct. 3

Thank you to everyone who has picked up ID badges in the past week! If you have not yet received your ID badge, please drop by the North Desk, and our staff will be happy to get yours to you. Please remember that all adults will be required to wear an ID badge while on campus beginning next Tuesday, October 3; you may read more details regarding those protocols here. If you missed having one made, please reach out to Mrs. Hamson and upload a photo to Blackbaud in order to have your badge printed with the next batch. If you have a grandparent or babysitter that will require regular building access, please contact Mrs. Stafford to create a Blackbaud account for them. Thank you for supporting our measures to improve the safety of our students, families, and staff while on campus!

Co-Teacher Connect, Thurs., Oct. 5

All co-teachers are invited to participate in a reading and discussion of an excerpt from a chapter of Consider This: Charlotte Mason and the Classical Tradition by Karen Glass during our first Co-Teacher Connect Meeting next Thursday, October 5.  We’ll discuss the how and the why of cultivating humility as an intellectual virtue in ourselves and in our children. We’ll meet in the small sanctuary following chapel dismissal.

Adam Rowe and Cady Sanchez get to know some new friends during the Austin Reptile Show presentation to Mrs. Porterfield’s fourth grade class.

Grandparents' Day Registration Now Live

Grandparents will receive invitations this week to our Grandparents’ Day on Thursday, October 19. Grandparents can register here, whether they have received an invitation or not. If you’d like your child’s grandparents to receive communication like this from the school, add their contact information here. Parents interested in volunteering for this event can send an email to [email protected].

Upcoming School-wide Events

September 28: What’s Brewing with Mr. Billman

October 5: Co-Teacher Connect

October 9-12: Parent Teacher Conferences

October 12: Green-Out Day

October 13-16: Fall Break

October 19: Grandparents’ Day

October 24: Informational Meeting and School Tours

Thank you to all of the parents and preschoolers who joined us for our first Preschool Playdate last week; we look forward to hosting another one in the near future!


Grammar School faculty are reading Consider This by Karen Glass for professional development this year. This is a helpful reminder of the primary goal of education:

“It was [the desire of Plato and Aristotle] to teach children not only to know what was right, but to love what was good, true, and beautiful so that their conduct would reflect their wise understanding. These older writers considered knowledge not merely an accumulation of information, but a process of learning how to live rightly.” (Consider This, p. 18, emphasis mine)

To reflect:

  • Do you agree that good character and conduct is a primary measure of a successful education? Why or why not?
  • How can we use our home day work to help our children truly love what is good, true, and beautiful?
  • What does “right living” look like for your child’s age and developmental level?
  • How can you apply this truth to your own education and development, not only that of your children?


Some of our first grade students excitedly collect their snails for the annual aquarium project.

The Importance of Grammar School Conferences 

Parent-teacher conferences are especially important for co-teachers of young students as we forge strong partnerships for the good of each child.  We ask that all PreK-6th grade co-teachers/parents attend a conference with their child’s teachers to communicate about progress.  This important time helps us learn how to better serve your child and you. When times are posted, if you don’t see a time that works on the schedule, please contact your child’s teacher directly.  We look forward to seeing you soon!

Fourth Grade Long Division Workshop, Sep. 28

Join Mrs. Porterfield and other 4th graders and co-teachers this Thursday, September 28, after school from 3:30-4:30 upstairs in Room 247 for this workshop designed for co-teachers and fourth grade students. Note this change from the original room. Parents who are attending, please gather your children from their afterschool pickup locations to bring them to the workshop with you. 

Siblings may join us down the hall in room 247. 

3rd and 4th Grade Reading Tutoring

Soon we will be starting our after school reading club to help students sharpen their reading skills. Please fill out this form if you would like your 3rd or 4th grade child to participate. An email will be sent to those who sign up with more information soon.


Fastest Providence Time: Rubik’s Cube on Sep. 29

The Rubik’s cube FPT is this Friday, September 29 in House Chapel. Any student who wishes to compete must bring a standard 3x3x3 cube. No need to register in advance.


Congratulations to Lillian Hodge, who won first place for “A Sea War Massacre” in the National Junior Classical League’s Creative Writing Contest, and Elena Barnett and John Sims, who tied for second place with their submissions! With multiple ties in 3rd through 10th place, Mr. Wade’s students knocked it out of the park, as 14 out of 20 students who placed in this nationwide competition represented Providence. Click here to see a full list of winners and their entries. Amazing job!

Logic Retreat, Nov. 7

Logic School is returning to the Baylor Challenge Course for its annual retreat on Tuesday, November 7. We will depart in the morning after chapel and return just before pickup time, so it is an all-day event.  Stay tuned for more details as we get closer to the date of the retreat.

Letters of Recommendation

Begin requesting letters of recommendation for college applications soon through Naviance. Here’s how!

PSAT, Oct. 25

Save the date! All students in 9th, 10th, and 11th grades will take the PSAT at school on Wednesday, October 25. This year’s test will be in a digital format for the first time which brings significant changes both to format and content. It’d be a good idea to take a practice test, found here. We have a few laptops to share, but we’ll need most students to bring a laptop (requirements here). Note that Chromebooks are not able to run the necessary software.

RamFam Friday Feast

Rhetoric School students (9th-12th) and Faculty/Staff are invited to place your order for Chick Fil A by Thursday, September 28 at 4pm.


Week in Review


Varsity lost to Chisholm Trail Academy in 4 sets but came away with a ‘W’ in their 2nd district game of the season against Memorial Christian. The JV team competed locally in the CTCS Tournament. They won two games and lost two.

Flag Football

The Rams won both of their games last week to move to 4-0 at the halfway point of the season.  Keep it going, fellas!

Basketball Registration

Registration for Logic School and Rhetoric School basketball for girls and boys is available on Blackbaud this week through Monday, October 2. 

Upcoming Games

Flag Football

Tuesday, September 26

Providence vs. Austin Royals

at Temple Crossroads Park, 5:30 PM


Saturday, September 30

Providence vs. Black

at Heritage Park, 12:00 PM


Monday, Sept. 25th

Logic Rams v. Temple St. Mary’s at Temple Nazarene

Logic-Green, 5:30 PM

Logic-White, 6:45 PM

Tuesday, Sept. 26th

Varsity, Taylor St. Mary’s, 6 PM

Thursday, Sept. 28th

Rams v. Grace Academy at Georgetown Richarte HS 

Logic-White v. Grace-A, 6:15 PM

Logic-Green v. Grace-B, 7:30 PM

JV v. Grace, 6:15 PM

Varsity v. Grace, 7:30 PM

**$5 gate fee for HS games.

Friday, Sept. 29th

JV at Waco Valor, 6:00 PM

Monday, Oct. 2nd

Rams v. Austin Royals Purple at Temple Nazarene

Logic- Green, 5:00 PM

Logic- White,  6:15 PM


Providence Profiles

Jessica Skaggs,

Second Grade

Mrs. Skaggs has been teaching at Providence since 2018 and holds a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from Baylor University. She has been a co-teacher to her own two children since 2012.

I get most excited about a great book. In Little Pear, we watch and learn as Little Pear grows a little older and a little wiser. In Heidi, we feel the sadness of Heidi's homesickness and listen in as Grandmamma teaches her to pray in those moments. In Charlotte's Web, we think about the meaning of true self-sacrifice in friendship between Charlotte and Wilbur. These stories help shape our ideas about a life filled with truth, goodness, and beauty. I recently had a discouraging Amazon search for quality books for a child's birthday. The suggested books from my search were really, really low quality, and if I didn't already have some in mind, it would have been hard for me to sort through the junk to find the treasures. It is such a joy to work in a community committed to equipping parents (like me) with treasures to feed our children's minds and souls. [Lastly, being] a Christian teacher looks like intentionally reminding students how each subject we study enlarges our understanding of God's character. It means asking how the predictability of addition shows us the character of God or tracing the theme of pride and power through the lives of ancient historical leaders and comparing that to the character of Christ.”

Nathan Wade,

Latin 2, 3 and AP-level 4; 9th Gr. Humanities (Ancient History); Music Appreciation

Mr. Wade has been teaching at Providence since 2022 and holds a Bachelor of Science in Education degree with teaching concentrations in Latin and History from Baylor University and a Master of Latin degree from the University of Florida. 

Classical education excites me because it recognizes the importance of Latin instruction.  Translating Latin into English trains the brain to do skills that studying modern languages does not.  The benefits extend far beyond the roots of our English vocabulary into the crafting of grammatically correct sentences, focusing on small details, and logical conclusions.  I also appreciate the inclusion of primary source documents into the study of history, especially those written in Latin. [I appreciate] that Providence parents are very supportive of the teachers and very knowledgeable about how assignments benefit their children long term.I am grateful to teach in an environment where I can discuss the loving God and beautiful Savior we worship as Christians. I enjoy discipling students and making lasting bonds of care and concern for my little brothers and sisters in Christ that would be impossible in a restrictive secular environment.”

Mailing Address:
2608 N Main Street Ste B193
Belton, TX 76513