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April 27, 2022

In This Issue:
  • A Message from Shelley Spires: "It's time to catch-up on our celebrations and our traditions that recognize our Providers and Employees..."  

  • A Message from Dr. Edward Vance: "You are often the first 'voice' or face that our patients meet when they need to see their provider..." 

  • Alert - Switch to eCW 11e Set for June 1

  • AAPHC T-shirts for Sale

  • Kudos to the Team

  • AAPHC Good News Stories

  • TeleECHO Session Set for May 4

  • AAPHC Community Events

Celebrating Our Provider & Employee of the Year

A Message from Shelley Spires, CEO:

Unfortunately, COVID put a number of our celebrations on the backburner for the past two years.  

Now, it’s time to catch-up on our celebrations for our AAPHC Family and hopefully see our organization return to many of our traditions, especially when it comes to recognizing and rewarding our team members.  

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be officially announcing and highlighting our:

  • 2020 Provider of the Year,
  • 2020 Employee of the Year,
  • 2021 Provider of the Year, 
  • 2021 Employee of the Year 

Please note these will not be unveiled in any particular order.  We are in the process of alerting the winners this week and getting their reactions caught on camera. So stay tuned as we unveil the winners – and their reactions – in upcoming issues of The Pulse. 

Each year our team members submit their nominations of a provider or employee they feel has gone above-and-beyond for our organization. The nomination forms are filled with examples of dedication and service that our providers and employee have for their patients and their fellow co-workers! 

First up, and drum roll please, is our 2021 Provider of the Year …

Congratulations Vanessa Kurtz, FNP-C! 

Vanessa is such a bright spot within our organization with her positivity and unfailing drive to assist the students at Alice Coachman Elementary School.  Vanessa, who is a provider at our Alice Coachman School-Based Health Center, is a constant “ray of sunshine” for anyone who meets her…whether that’s her students, her fellow co-workers or the faculty at the school.  

Additionally, Vanessa is known to host fundraisers – like a Lemonade Stand to raise funds to get the school a washer and dryer for students who didn’t have access to laundry machines.  Or, she’s consistently launching Uniform, Coat, Book and School Supply Drives throughout the year so the students have what they need for their school day.  Vanessa does all of this because she’s committed to improving her school, her SBHC and our community as a whole. 

Dr. Hotz always says that to work at AAPHC you have to possess a “servant’s heart” – one that is dedicated to helping and serving others above one’s own self. Vanessa is a prime example of what it means to have a servant’s heart and ensure that everyone around her – from her staff, her students, her faculty, her family, and her community – receives what they need to be happy, healthy and successful.  And, she does it with such a friendly and positive attitude! 

Thank you Vanessa for being a part of our AAPHC Family. And, congratulations on being named the 2021 Provider of the Year! 


Shelley Spires,

Chief Executive Officer

* Stay tuned! Next week we’ll be unveiling another one of our winners! 

Honoring Our Administrative Professionals

A Message from Dr. Edward Vance, CMO:

Today, April 27, is Administrative Professionals’ Day and I would like to take a moment to thank all of our Administrative staff throughout AAPHC.  Please know that your providers and clinical staff appreciate all that you do each and every day!   

We could not be successful caring for our patients and community members without the work that you do on the front end before the patients ever reach the exam rooms.  

You are often the first “voice” or face that our patients meet when they need to see their provider.  The work you do is so valuable for our organization and truly sets the tone of each patient experience with our offices.  

Over the past two years during this pandemic, especially with all that we faced together, you have been such an important part of our AAPHC Family. You often shouldered a lot of the stress when it came to ensuring that our patients were answered, scheduled and/or followed-up with in a timely manner regarding questions, patient forms, appointments, COVID vaccines, COVID testing, insurance, medical records or billing.  Your work each day is so incredibly appreciated by your Care Teams! 

I hope you know how much the work you do is truly seen and recognized within Albany Area Primary Health Care.  Your role is a vital one with our organization and we would not be a strong Community Health Center without you.  

Happy Administrative Professionals’ Day from the providers and clinical staff at AAPHC! 


Edward Vance, M.D.

Chief Medical Officer

Switch to eCW 11e on June 1

Mark your calendars! AAPHC will be making the switch to eCW version 11e on June 1. 

In the coming days, IT will begin releasing communications on upcoming Training Sessions and Fast Facts to help you prepare for the switch to 11e.

Please make sure to check your e-mail, read your weekly issue of The Pulse and check-in during your Huddles for the latest information.

We'll be releasing a lot of information to ensure you have a smooth transition to 11e.

AAPHC T-Shirts for Sale

Ordering T-shirts:

Need to add some new AAPHC T-shirts to your closet?  Check out the details below to place your orders.   

Please send all payment and order details to sent to Cristy Bruner at or interoffice mail to Cristy Bruner, AAPHC Admin.

All shirts are short-sleeved and have the AAPHC logo.

Blue and Teal:

  • Tie-Dye $15   S-XL
  • Tie-Dye $18   2XL-4XL


Black, Neon pink, Lemon yellow, Sage/Mint, Red, Purple, Blue:

  • Solid   $10   S-XL
  • Solid   $12   2XL-4XL


Black, Grey, Royal:

  • Performance T  $20              


Black, Grey, Royal:

  • Perf Polo   $25

Kudos to the Team

Kudos to East Peds and

Dr. Sarah Waling:

"Happy that they have a doctor that really listens to what I had to tell her. She has given me knowledge that she will do what she can for my children. Sarah Waling made me comfortable and happy that I still go to this place for my kids and the ladies at the front desk were friendly. They were getting people ready on time to go to the back .A+"

Kudos to our Northwest Albany team, Will Koopal & Dr. Sumaili:

"I am very happy with my PA, Will Koopal, and all of the equally wonderful women who work there."

"Staff is awesome. They greet me like they've known me forever. Dr. Sumaili is the best and the favorite doctor I've ever had in my 54 years of life. All clinics should be modeled after this one."

AAPHC Good News Stories

Vickye Cook Recognized by her SAMC Team for All She Does

"Today after lunch, Mrs. Vickye Cook was gifted with a beautiful set of flowers as a sign of appreciation for all her contributions at SAMC.

From answering the phone, registering patients, and helping the nurses and providers from time to time, Mrs. Cook loves what she does for our community in providing quality care. She goes above and beyond for each patient that walks through our doors.

Thank You Mrs. Vickye Cook for all that you do!"

TeleECHO Session Set for May 4

Save the Date -

Second TeleECHO Session

The second session of the TeleECHO for the Georgia Colorectal Cancer Control Program is taking place next Wednesday, May 4 from 4 - 5 p.m.

There was a wonderful turnout from AAPHC providers and staff at the previous session and we are hoping to have a strong AAPHC presence once again! 

Providers interested in participating in this free event will receive 1.2 hours CME/CNE credit.

The sessions are not only for providers!  And this next section, on the topic of Patient Reminders, would be beneficial for all staff within the Care Teams.


Robby Amin, M.D., Clinical Liaison

Horizons: South Georgia's Cancer Coalition

AAPHC Community Events

The Fine Print:
Thank you for reading this issue of The Pulse.  This E-newsletter is released each Wednesday and is intended for the providers and employees of Albany Area Primary Health Care (AAPHC) only. Announcements may be submitted to for inclusion in the E-newsletter. We reserve the right to edit content as appropriate to fit the format of our E-newsletter.

The information, forms and materials found within this E-newsletter are protected by AAPHC. Content may not be copied, reproduced, transmitted, distributed, downloaded or transferred outside of our organization in any form or by any means without AAPHC's prior written consent. For questions or concerns, please e-mail