Unfortunately, COVID put a number of our celebrations on the backburner for the past two years.
Now, it’s time to catch-up on our celebrations for our AAPHC Family and hopefully see our organization return to many of our traditions, especially when it comes to recognizing and rewarding our team members.
Over the next few weeks, I’ll be officially announcing and highlighting our:
- 2020 Provider of the Year,
- 2020 Employee of the Year,
- 2021 Provider of the Year,
- 2021 Employee of the Year
Please note these will not be unveiled in any particular order. We are in the process of alerting the winners this week and getting their reactions caught on camera. So stay tuned as we unveil the winners – and their reactions – in upcoming issues of The Pulse.
Each year our team members submit their nominations of a provider or employee they feel has gone above-and-beyond for our organization. The nomination forms are filled with examples of dedication and service that our providers and employee have for their patients and their fellow co-workers!
First up, and drum roll please, is our 2021 Provider of the Year …
Congratulations Vanessa Kurtz, FNP-C!
Vanessa is such a bright spot within our organization with her positivity and unfailing drive to assist the students at Alice Coachman Elementary School. Vanessa, who is a provider at our Alice Coachman School-Based Health Center, is a constant “ray of sunshine” for anyone who meets her…whether that’s her students, her fellow co-workers or the faculty at the school.
Additionally, Vanessa is known to host fundraisers – like a Lemonade Stand to raise funds to get the school a washer and dryer for students who didn’t have access to laundry machines. Or, she’s consistently launching Uniform, Coat, Book and School Supply Drives throughout the year so the students have what they need for their school day. Vanessa does all of this because she’s committed to improving her school, her SBHC and our community as a whole.
Dr. Hotz always says that to work at AAPHC you have to possess a “servant’s heart” – one that is dedicated to helping and serving others above one’s own self. Vanessa is a prime example of what it means to have a servant’s heart and ensure that everyone around her – from her staff, her students, her faculty, her family, and her community – receives what they need to be happy, healthy and successful. And, she does it with such a friendly and positive attitude!
Thank you Vanessa for being a part of our AAPHC Family. And, congratulations on being named the 2021 Provider of the Year!
Shelley Spires,
Chief Executive Officer
* Stay tuned! Next week we’ll be unveiling another one of our winners!