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May 11, 2022

In This Issue:
  • A Message from Shelley Spires: "We're announcing the 2020 Employee of the Year..."

  • A Message from Dr. Edward Vance: "You are such an essential part of our Care Teams and you ensure that our patients receive the very best care possible..."

  • RSVP for Shirley Harpe's Farewell Party 

  • Attention Providers - Deadline for CME Approaching Soon

  • How to Prepare for 11e

  • Memorial Service & Tribute for Mirian Worthy

  • Dr. Faulk Expanding Podiatry Care to Dawson Medical Center

  • Kudos to Our Team

  • AAPHC Good News Stories

  • Have a 2022 Graduate?

AAPHC's 2020 Employee of the Year

A Message from Shelley Spires, CEO:

In a prior column of The Pulse, I spoke about how AAPHC was finally returning to our traditions after two years of the pandemic.  One of those important traditions is the annual naming of our Provider of the Year and our Employee of the Year, which are both selected by a nomination process from their fellow staff members.    

Today I’m happy to share that our 2020 Employee of the Year is Shirley Harpe, AAPHC’s Vaccine Coordinator!   

This recognition is much-deserved for Shirley who remains a valued and dedicated member of our organization. For many years Shirley has ensured that we were meeting our key metrics around immunizations, especially for our pediatric patients.  She has been fiercely dedicated to increasing pediatric vaccination rates to protect our youngest patients from illnesses and diseases that we’ve nearly eradicated.  With her efforts, we’ve made sure we’re protecting our community from an outbreak of measles, mumps or something much worse.  

When not focusing on our pediatric vaccinations, she’s also working to make sure that our adult population are getting their shots. And, she’s tirelessly worked on flu vaccine campaigns to protect our patients from severe cases of flu.  

Shirley was also on the frontlines when it came to our organization getting the first doses of the COVID vaccine.  She was researching storage procedures, as well as proper doses and how not to waste such a critical supply of these much-needed vaccines. Shirley was critical in setting up our Mass Vaccination Center and getting COVID shots directly in arms. She was also there training our team of Volunteer Vaccinators and making sure that the Mass Vaccination Center ran smoothly.  Shirley was also essential when it came to moving the vaccines into the offices and developing the schedules for our Care Teams. 

I could go on and on about Shirley and her contributions to our organization. She is, and has always been, a major superstar within AAPHC!  

Recently, Shirley informed me that she would be leaving us at AAPHC. She has decided to relocate to Atlanta to be closer to her family.  To say that we’ll miss her is such an understatement!  Shirley has been such an important part of our AAPHC Family for many years and we’ll be more than a little heartbroken when she leaves us at the end of the month. We wish Shirley nothing but happiness on her new adventure.  

Congratulations Shirley! 


Shelley Spires,

Chief Executive Officer

To read about the 2022 Provider of the Year, please CLICK HERE.

Shelley Spires, CEO, and Shirley Harpe, AAPHC Vaccine Coordinator

and 2020 Employee of the Year

Nurses Deserve to be Highlighted for Their Work

A Message from Dr. Edward Vance, CMO:

John Edward Vance_ MD_ AAPHC.JPG

As we continue to celebrate Nurses Week, I want to take a moment to highlight the extraordinary work of the AAPHC clinicians across our organization.  I, on behalf of all the providers here, want to personally say thank you for all that you do each and every day.  

You are such an essential part of our Care Teams and you ensure that our patients receive the very best care possible.  Additionally, you are such a strong support system for your AAPHC’s providers. We couldn’t do what we do without you.

If you ever wondered how valued you are at AAPHC please take a moment to read the responses to our Patient Satisfaction Surveys. Our patients love you!  They take the time to write in about their nurse and how special you made their visit with AAPHC. Or, how you helped make them feel more comfortable during their exam.  Each month our Surveys are filled with kudos for our nurses and the work you do. 

Throughout the pandemic we all have taken on more with workloads, but I have to give a special kudos to our clinicians for truly stepping up during a very difficult time.  Each time we were met with a new challenge, I witnessed how much you rose to the occasion. You never failed to support our organization, our patients and our community.

This week we honor our clinicians during National Nurses Week, but please know that the appreciation doesn’t stop after a few days. Our appreciation of you continues all year long!


Edward Vance, M.D.

Chief Medical Officer 

RSVP for Shirley Harpe's Farewell Party

To RSVP, please e-mail Cristy Bruner at Cristy.Bruner@aaphc.org.

Attention Providers - 

CME Deadline Approaching Soon

CME Deadline Approaching

Providers - please mark your calendars!   The CME for providers must be used by 5/31/2022.   

How to Prepare for 11e

Memorial Service & Tribute for Mirian Worthy

We have just received word about the upcoming Mirian Worthy Memorial Service & Tribute. Please see below for details: 

Saturday, May 14, 2022

2:00 p.m.

ASU West Campus - Allied Health Building (Building J)

Multi-Purpose Room

Dr. Faulk Expands Podiatry Care to Dawson Medical Center

Kudos to Our Team

Kudos to Amanda Roufs:

"Kudos to my provider Amanda Roufs, CPNP. She goes above and beyond making sure our little ones are taken care of.  We had a young man having stomach issues and we referred him to a specialist in Macon. The little boy was still having gastric issues. She then did a referral for him to be sent to Emory. I am so happy the mom and Amanda communicated openly. At Emory, the child was diagnosed with cancer and immediately began treatments. It is very important to take your time with patients and listen. Whenever mom called, I would send the message to her or ask mom to bring him. That to me said a lot without speaking words. It is good to work along side a person that truly cares. As the Bible states, 'Let the work I do speak for me. KUDOS!"

~ Valencia West, LPN

Kudos to LMAC Team:

"I just wanted to say my three days at LMAC was amazing! From the entire staff who greeted me daily and to great teamwork (staff members would come and check on me to make sure everything was okay and if I needed anything). Dr. Babka is a great provider - always thanking me for working with her. I just want to say thank you all for making me feel at home away from home EAPAC!!!!" 

~Octavia Beale, LPN

Kudos to Tori Roberts:

"I want to give a big shout-out to Tori Roberts! She goes up and beyond for her patients and any patient that is at the office she is hands on ready to help in any way she can."

~Barbara Tubbs,

IDP Facilitator

Kudos to Baker County Nurses:

"The Baker nurses rock!! They are a well-oiled machine; all the cogs turning together to make sure the patients are the first priority." 

~ Dr. Frances Ferguson, 

Baker Country Primary Health Care

Kudos to D'onna Shorter & Cynthia Nickens

"I want to thank D’onna Shorter and Cynthia Nickens for their compassionate care towards a patient and her son. I had a patient come in for a nexplanon removal and she also had her two year old son with her. Unfortunately a patient cannot hold a child while laying down on the examination table for nexplanon removal; this would be too dangerous given a scalpel is used. D’onna and Cynthia played with and held the patient’s son while I removed the nexplanon. The patient’s son was comfortable and happy, which helped the patient be relaxed and at ease while I removed the nexplanon. This would have not been possible without D’onna and Cynthia and their compassionate care." 

~Dr. Samuel Waling

Lee Medical Arts Center

Kudos to Our Northwest Office:

"I’ve been dealing with daycare cooties and school cooties between my kids, and the NW staff is wonderful about working them in to be seen. I know as a mom, I get stressed out when my kids aren’t feeling well and they always work with me to get them their medicines and make them feel better. And to let me get a sigh of relief knowing that my children are well cared for. The customer service is beyond excellent and I am so happy my whole family is seen there. I don’t know what I’d do without them.”

~ Tiiffany Gainous,

AAPHC Admin 

Team Work Definitely Makes the Dream Work for Nurses Week!

"A huge thank you to everyone who helped Lisa Rathel and I with the Nurses Week gift bags. 

Especially Cristy Bruner (who helped manage all of the boxes being delivered and taking over the lobby area), Tennasha Graham (who packed bags and tied bows until late), and Steven Thompson (who graciously carried empty boxes and packing materials to the dumpster for us.)   With your help we definitely got everything together so we could celebrate our nurses in style!"

~ Brandy Church,

Marketing & Communications

AAPHC Good News Stories

ATSU Honors Jim Womack, PA-C

To honor Jim Womack on his retirement, as well as his work preparing ATSU students for medical careers, the school prepared this plaque as a surprise for him.  He was so appreciative of the support shown for his work with ATSU.

Congratulations Graduates! 

Happy Graduation to all the graduates across Southwest Georgia!   

Are you celebrating a graduate in your family?  Send in your photos and details and we'll share in the next issue of The Pulse. 

E-mail your Graduates info to Communications@aaphc.org.

The Fine Print:
Thank you for reading this issue of The Pulse.  This E-newsletter is released each Wednesday and is intended for the providers and employees of Albany Area Primary Health Care (AAPHC) only. Announcements may be submitted to Communications@aaphc.org for inclusion in the E-newsletter. We reserve the right to edit content as appropriate to fit the format of our E-newsletter.

The information, forms and materials found within this E-newsletter are protected by AAPHC. Content may not be copied, reproduced, transmitted, distributed, downloaded or transferred outside of our organization in any form or by any means without AAPHC's prior written consent. For questions or concerns, please e-mail Communications@aaphc.org.