March 2023

Vol. 2, Issue 3 

Hang on, school nurse friends - spring break is near! Ernest Agyemang Yeboah once said “Only those with tenacity can march forward in March.” You have worked so hard and deserve a much needed break! We hope your time away is relaxing and helps rejuvenate you to make it through the final stretch of this school year. We are working to finalize the summer virtual school nurse workshops, so more details will be coming soon. We also have several Children’s of Alabama clinicians that will be spending time with some of you at MEGA conference this year, and we are so excited to see you in person! On behalf of Children's of Alabama, thank you for all of the continuous love, compassion, and care you give to your students.

The Monthly Spotlight

Bleeding Disorders Awareness

March is bleeding disorders awareness month. According to the CDC, more than 3 million people in the United States are affected by bleeding disorders - a condition in which the blood does not clot properly. 1 Some of the more common symptoms can include easy bruising and frequent or hard to stop nosebleeds,1 though symptoms may differ depending on the type of bleeding disorder. 2 To learn more about the different types of bleeds you may see and what steps you should take for each one, please take a moment to listen to a presentation from our Pediatric Hematology-Oncology department.

  1. Centers for Disease Control
  2. National Heart Lung and Blood Institute

Did you know...

Visit our website for more info

If you have any questions concerning school nurse workshops or any other school nurse resources available at Children's of Alabama, please reach out to our School Nurse Liaison, Ginger Parsons, via telephone at (205) 638-6287 or email at

Need help educating your students and parents?

Check out KidsHealth

  • Printable resources with advice on children's health, behavior, and growth from before birth through the teenage years
  • Information on a variety of topics including how the body works, homework help, and more
  • Approved by doctors, and has separate sections written specifically for parents, teens, and kids

Inside Pediatrics 

Inside Pediatrics is a free monthly podcast series featuring specialists at Children’s of Alabama and the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). Episodes cover topics related to child health and wellness, research and treatment, and frequently complement articles appearing in Inside Pediatrics magazine.


If you have any suggestions on future content you would like to see featured in our newsletter, please reach out to us via email at

Think First Alabama is part of a National Injury Prevention Foundation dedicated to preventing brain, spinal cord, and other traumatic injuries. This program is available to your school free of charge, and is designed to provide age appropriate injury prevention education for children K-12th grade. For more information or to schedule a session at your school. please reach out to Julie Farmer via telephone at

(205) 638-2729 or email at


Children's of Alabama partners with multiple state agencies to provide FREE teen driving safety summits to schools throughout Alabama. If you are interested in having a mini summit at your school this spring, please reach out to Arlene Lester with State Farm.

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