February 2024

Vol. 3, Issue 2 

Love is in the air, and school nurses excel at loving others, especially their students. Dozens of studies show that people who have social support and love from their family, friends, and community are happier, have fewer health problems, and therefore live longer. May your month be abundant with love, and be assured that Children's of Alabama cares for you!


The Monthly Spotlight


February is a great time to spotlight one of our most requested presentations of 2023. POTS stands for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. It is a clinical syndrome of orthostatic intolerance-sustained increase in heart rate within 10 minutes of upright posture / tilt table test. Symptoms are chronic and relieved by lying down.

Dr. Camden Hebson's POTS slides can be found here.

American Heart Month

This month is dedicated to increasing awareness about pediatric heart disease and honoring cardiac patients and their families. A heart defect effects roughly 40,000 children every year. These defects range in severity and there is no difference in how often it happens between ethnic groups.

Women's Heart Health Month

While you're busy taking care of others, don't forget to take care of yourself too.

Women vs. Men Heart Attack Symptoms

The Children's of Alabama Dental Clinic provides comprehensive dental care for children under the age of 15. The clinic also provides emergency dental services and treatment to children with special needs and/or physical challenges, as well as those who are medically compromised. Visit the Children's of Alabama Dental Clinic's website here.

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

February is also Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. Children ages 12-19 experience the highest rates of rape and sexual assault nationwide1. 1 in 3 teens will experience physical, sexual, or emotional abuse from someone they’re in a relationship with before becoming adults2. Those in abusive relationships tend to carry these unhealthy patterns of violence into their future relationships. Discussing warning signs of dating abuse, talking about healthy relationships, and being a listening ear help make a big difference in the lives of young people3.

1 & 3. Youth.gov - Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month

2. Love is Respect - Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

SANE Program

Children's of Alabama offers skillful care to pediatric and adolescent patients who have experienced or who are suspected to have experienced sexual abuse through their SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) program. The nurses provide comprehensive care to make sure the child's needs are met and the healing process begins.

Did you know...

  • The Insulin Pump Therapy and Diabetes in the School Setting videos are now available on our website. Stay tuned for the full length recordings of the remaining sessions soon!
  • The slides from each of this summer's workshops are also available on our website.
  • Our website houses numerous free resources you can access at any time, including full recordings of previous school nurse workshops.

If you have any questions concerning school nurse workshops or any other school nurse resources available at Children's of Alabama, please reach out to our School Nurse Liaison, Ginger Parsons, via telephone at (205) 638-6287 or email at ginger.parsons@childrensal.org

Visit our website for more info

Do you have students who have diabetes whose providers are at Children's of Alabama?

If you have students with diabetes whose provider is located at Children's of Alabama, please read the following notice regarding dietary needs in the school setting.

Read the notice here

Think First Alabama is part of a National Injury Prevention Foundation dedicated to preventing brain, spinal cord and other traumatic injuries. This program is available to your school FREE of charge and is designed to provide age appropriate injury prevention education for children of all ages.

For additional information view the Think First Alabama flyer, or to schedule a session at your school, reach out to Julie Farmer via telephone at 205- 638-2729 or email at julie.farmer@childrensal.org

Need help educating your students and parents?

Check out KidsHealth

  • Printable resources with advice on children's health, behavior, and growth from before birth through the teenage years
  • Information on a variety of topics including how the body works, homework help, and more
  • Approved by doctors, and has separate sections written specifically for parents, teens, and kids

If you have any suggestions on future content you would like to see featured in our newsletter, please reach out to us via email at healthedu.safety@childrensal.org.


Inside Pediatrics 

Inside Pediatrics is a free monthly podcast series featuring specialists at Children’s of Alabama and the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). Episodes cover topics related to child health and wellness, research and treatment, and frequently complement articles appearing in Inside Pediatrics magazine.

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