September 2019 Newsletter

The Pulse of the Community: What has United Way been up to?

Making college affordable

United Way of Greater Mercer County (UWGMC) assists students and parents (free of cost) with completing the online FAFSA form (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). The form should be filled out in the fall of senior year of high school in order to get the most financial assistance. All students should be submitting a FAFSA regardless of income to maximize their college aid. For the second year in a row, UWGMC, will be partnering with Boys and Girls Clubs of Mercer County, to assist college bound students with the college application process. FAFSA assistance is also available by appointment at the UWGMC office in Lawrenceville.
It's all about the essay
During the summer, United Way of Greater Mercer County (UWGMC),  held 4 college admission essay seminars to help students become closer to getting into their college of choice. Students learned techniques from Debbie Meola, College Consultant, on how to write a compelling college admissions essay. The response from the parents has been a positive one, "My son is going to be junior this fall and signed up for the workshop at the Lawrence Library. He had a great experience and found it very useful. We are trying to get him prepared for the future and this was very helpful. This opened up his mind to ideas for the college application essays," said Carole Bursac, Investors Bank VP. 
This fall, UWGMC, will be hosting additional seminars (free of cost) to serve college bound seniors at Boys and Girls Clubs of Mercer County and Millhill Child and Family Development.

500 households and counting!
This August, United Way of Greater Mercer County (UWGMC), reached an exciting milestone! 500 households have been served through its Community Benefits Enrollment Program. Using Single Stop technology, trained Community Benefits Enrollers evaluate a household's financial status and connect them to federal benefits including NJSNAP (food assistance) and health insurance. Community Benefits Enrollers and Connectors can be found in multiple locations throughout the county including the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen and Arm In Arm. Working with trusted partners allows UWGMC to minimize barriers to accessing available resources.

Thanks for your support!
The following companies support United Way of Greater Mercer County's mission through workplace giving, corporate engagement, or have chosen to designate their donations to a partner non-profit.   Click to view list
UWGMC is grateful to their individual supporters!

A note from our President & CEO

Volunteer Corner

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