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Book edited by
Terry James
Lawlessness has raised its satanically-inspired head for all to see. Today, chaos and turmoil inflame the world. Geopolitical and cultural/societal upheaval rips at the heart of America and the world. Much of humanity is in a state of growing rage.
Stage-setting for the rise of Antichrist by the powers and principalities, both human and demonic, is in every direction one looks upon the globalist-dominated, end times horizon.
With Terry James as editor, the book features 17 contributors including Jan Markell, Dave Reagan, Nathan Jones, Tom Hughes, Mike Gendron, WilfredHahn, Ryan Pitterson, Jim Fletcher, Todd Strandberg, and others.
Find the BOOK here for $18 + S/H
Or call us M - F CST at 763-559-4444.
Basic Bible Prophecy is a straightforward, clutter-free breakdown of what the Bible makes known about the future. With seasoned prophecy author Ron Rhodes as your guide, you’ll get a big-picture overview of the essentials of Bible prophecy, complete with helpful charts and info-graphics.
You’ll understand the
- Primary players, places, and events relevant to Christ’s second coming
- Timeline the Bible gives for when each event will take place
- Sovereignty and trustworthiness of God, who has a perfect plan for your future
Basic Bible Prophecy will help you view history past and still-to-come as a reason to live expectantly, righteously, and with a Christlike perspective. Most of all, you’ll discover how prophecy can fill you with confidence, peace, and a heart of praise, grateful that all of eternity rests under God’s control.
If one is new to eschatology, this is a great resource!
Find the Book here for $15 + S/H
Or call us M-F CST:
The Purge
By Jan Markell
February 2, 2021
The road ahead in America will be the greatest challenge ever for people of faith. The Godless Left is now in charge of our country: White House, House, and Senate. And these secularists are urging all leaders to stick it to people of faith. To take away every aspect of religious freedom.
In their sights are churches, ministries, and individuals who refuse to see government as god.
In May of 2017 in the Rose Garden, President Trump used his executive pen to ensure Christians and other people of faith don’t have to check their beliefs when entering the halls of government. He also prevented the federal government from going after pastors and other leaders who speak about political issues from a moral perspective.
Four years of this environment was too much for secularists to tolerate. The Left wants people of faith to be targeted, bullied, and silenced.
So, new on the scene to counter Christians is the organization Secular Democrats of America. They see Christians as a “Christian nationalist movement” giving cover for “white supremacy.” They insist that rather than faith, Americans employ reason, science and evidence, and disentangle government policy from the influence of sectarian religious interests that have become dangerously entrenched at all levels of government.
This outfit has a 28-page document urging the Biden Administration to strip First Amendment rights from Christians who advocate for traditional biblical positions on the sanctity of life, marriage, education, and the family.
It encourages the purging of social conservatives from all levels of government. Christians are deemed enemies of the state. The document encourages that Christians be ostracized from society. A few extremists encourage sending Christians to re-education camps.
This is today’s Progressive, yet some Christian leaders discouraged believers from even voting in the 2020 election including Dr. John Piper. They were offended by the character of President Trump, but are okay with this new assault on every person who has faith.
Beth Moore called Trumpism “dangerous to the saints of God.” Really?? And today’s Progressive movement is not? Are you folks deluded?
Let’s go back to 2016 when Hillary Clinton stated that people with “deep-seated religious and cultural beliefs, cultural codes and structural biases have to be changed.” She was not challenged by anyone on the left. Do you think that a Chinese-supporting Biden Administration won’t welcome this challenge?
Yes, elections have consequences but that worn out phrase is hardly a comfort. Yes, the Bible calls the last days “perilous.” Yes, Romans 1 is the prevailing mentality of the last days—a depraved mindset. We just want that shining city on a hill back.
Reality check: That is very likely not going to happen ever again! What's coming is the New World Order.
But Christians are still called to be salt and light and to delay the decay no matter how much we are persecuted! God has spent all of 2020 reminding us that this world is not our home. We are only briefly passing through. Why would anyone want to cling to this?
A new day is coming. A new world is coming. Very very soon.
(Be sure to catch our current radio program on this topic. Find the video version below.)
NOTE: This article is from our Winter 2021 print magazine. If you would like to receive them free for one year, sign up here. After one year, we appreciate a donation of any amount. The publication is quarterly.
Awaiting His return,
Jan Markell
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One-hour Video:
Discussion about the coming persecution of Christians in America as the left calls for a purge.
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