Enriching lives and sharing Christ through quality, classical Lutheran education.

The Purple Note

November 8, 2024

MLS Website

Upcoming Dates


8 No School

11 No School

12 Beginning Bells 3:30

13 Advanced Bell Choir 3:30

13 Martin's Artists 4:00

16 Royce Cheadle Benefit


18 Stem Club 3:30

19 Beginning Bells 3:30

20 Advanced Bell Choir 3:30

20 Martin's Artists 4:00

25 Stem Club 3:30

26 Beginning Bells 3:30

12 Christmas Concert

19-31 No School

MLS Calendar

Wednesday Chapel


Services are held every Wednesday at 8:20 am at Zion Lutheran Church. Visitors are welcome to attend! Our chapel services are streamed on the MLS Facebook page.

Chapel offerings for the 1st quarter will go to help Royce Cheadle, one of our kindergarten students who is battling leukemia. We continue to keep Royce and his family in our prayers!


Monday, November 11 - No School

Tuesday, November 12 - Taco Dish

Wednesday, November 13 - Chicken Nuggets

Thursday, November 7 - Sunbutter and Jelly Sandwich

Friday, November 8 - Pizza Dish

Vegetable and Fruit are served with every meal.

Art Club Updates

There will be NO Art Club on November 6th and 27th and December 4th and 18th.

Parent/Teacher Conferences and I:55 Book Fair

The I:55 Book Fair will be held at Martin Luther School next week. Books can be ordered online using the link below starting Tuesday, October 29th. The online store will close Monday, November 11th. Every purchase from the in-person book fair or online benefits the teachers and students at MLS. Online orders will be shipped directly to the purchaser. All orders over $50 receive free shipping.

I:55 Book Fair

Giving Hearts Day -- HELP WANTED

We are looking for anyone who would be interested in helping with the Giving Hearts Day activities to make it a great success for our school. If you are looking for way to get involved with the school to benefit a great fundraiser, please let Beth know at beckers@lutherschools.org or stop in the office.

HELP NEEDED - In the Kitchen

We are looking for extra help in the kitchen to help Miss Carmen. If you are interested in coming in, please take a look at the sign up form below. We are looking for help each day from 9:30-12:00pm to prepare and serve lunch. It is a great way to see students!

Kitchen Help Sign Up

WINTER SPORTS - Middle School

Winter Sports are around the corner! 

Sports include:


Boys Basketball

Girls Basketball





Our 6th-8th grade students have the opportunity to participate in sports that are offered at the public schools. Students can participate at the school determined by the district in which you live.

Most winter sports have their sign up dates and parent meeting dates already up on your specific middle school website under the "Athletics" tab and the specific sport tab. 7th and 8th graders will need a sports physical dated after April 15th, 2024. (6th graders do not need sports physicals). 

Note: you will sign up for activities on-line but won’t be able to pay your registration fee on-line because you don’t have a student ID #, so you can just drop it off at the appropriate middle school office.  

WINTER SPORTS - Elementary School


Check the Bismarck Parks and Recreation website for sports you are interested in.

Girls Basketball has just started, but there’s still time to sign up for Boys Basketball Grades 3-5.

Quick tip - If there are only a couple of Martin Luther kids in your age group, you will get moved around quite a bit year after year, so if you find a team you like, sign up as that elementary school the next year. It’s also beneficial to pick an elementary school that feeds the same middle school district if you would like to continue to participate in sports at the middle school level.

At the elementary level, coordinate with your friends if you want to play together. You can pick any school you want.   


By request! 

I’ve heard that parents have been asking for access to the infamous “Timeline” song and the other recitation songs we use in our classes. There are a couple of options:

You can buy the memory work recitations chants and songs from Classical Conversations on iTunes. We are using Classical Conversations Foundations Cycle 3 Volume 3. The cost is $6.99 on iTunes. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find it on Spotify.

You can also check out the Timeline song via this link on YouTube. The song is set in a lower key than what we use at school so it’s not as easy for the kids to sing, but it has great pictures!

"Timeline" on YouTube


Plans are in the works for MLS once again offer a STEM Club this year! Michael Kindel sparked the interest of our students last year by introducing our students to 3-D printing. Now that our year is underway, it’s time to continue our STEM journey.

Here are some goals for the upcoming year:

We will offer STEM Club to students 3rd grade on up.

There will be a $10 fee per student. 

Session 1. Review 3D printing and programming.

We would like to “up our STEM game” by working together to purchase our OWN 3-D printer. (Hence the $10.00 fee.).  We will meet on Mondays after school beginning on October 14. (October 14,21,28, November 4,18,25) from 3:30-4:30


Session 2. Learning to code and program. We are looking at using the program Arduino or Raspberry Pi chips. 


Session 3. Introduction to robotics!! We would love to start this this year, even with just a short introduction toward the end of the year.

STEM Club Sign Up


The Purse Raffle has been a great success so far. Thank you for your dedication and help with this project. Ticket hand in will be available before and after school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday until the drawing is held. Extra tickets will also be available at this time. If you have any questions, please ask in the office.

We are asking for help with the Raffle Ticket Fundraiser by being available before school (8:00-8:15) or after school (3:00-3:15) to collect sold tickets and hand out tickets to be sold. If you are able to help, please sign up below.

Raffle Help Sign Up
Art Club Sign Up


One of our kindergarteners, Royce Cheadle, is battling cancer in Fargo. He is not able to be in the classroom at this time. While he is away, his teachers are working to support his education. They have put together an Amazon Wish List for Royce which includes hands-on learning activities that will support him in his education at this time. Please consider supporting him by purchasing an item to send to him. If you do order an item, please order it off of his Wish List specifically. That way we will know it has been ordered and will reduce the chance of duplicates.


Amanda Cheadle 

244 Boeing Ave. 

Bismarck, ND 


Thank you for considering!

Royce's Wish List

Royce's Wish List


Martin Luther School Guardians is a program to involve the fathers/father figures at our school. We appreciate the gifts that they can bring whether be assisting with security or engaging with students at in various activities such as lunch, recess, or chapel. Your presence can make such a difference in the lives of our students.

We are asking male volunteers to be present during the day at Martin Luther School. The amount of time available is not limited to a whole day. We would appreciate a volunteer sign up for at least a half day (morning or afternoon) but if you are only able to be present a few hours, please do not hesitate to sign up.

To become a MLS Guardian, please fill out the Volunteer Form and submit. Please fill out and return the Authorization for Background Check to the school office. Forms are also available in the school office. Once the appropriate documentation is submitted, please sign up to spend time at Martin Luther School as the MLS Guardian. Each Guardian will receive a T-shirt to wear during your time in school acting as the MLS Guardian

MLS Guardian Volunteer Form
Authorization for Background Check
MLS Guardian Sign Up


We use the Remind app to inform our families about cancellations due to weather, any emergencies that may arise, as well as general reminders about concerts, events, etc. To join our group, follow the procedure as is shown in the photo.

Below is our newly-revised code of conduct. This will discussed at our all-school Monday Morning Meetings and will be reinforced throughout the year.

Martin Luther School Code of Conduct

Because Christ lives in us, we strive to:                                                         

+    Cheerfully obey the authority under which we are placed. ~Romans 13:1

+    Appeal respectfully, but we do not negotiate or argue.

+    Encourage one another. ~1 Thessalonians 5:11

+    Avoid pointing out the shortcomings of others to build ourselves up. 

~Matthew 7:3                                                                                                           

+    Tell the truth. ~Proverbs 12:17

+    Respect our class by not interrupting the teacher or distracting the class in any way.

+    Speak truthfully and not spread rumors. ~Proverbs 26:20

+    Present ourselves in a modest and God-pleasing manner. ~1 Corinthians 6:19-20

+    Avoid activities that exclude others.

+    Admit wrong actions and not make excuses for them. ~1John 1:9

+    Forgive others when they are repentant. ~Colossians. 3:13

+    Comfort others when they are in need.

+    Do our work without complaining. ~Colossians 3:23

+    Clean up messes that we see, especially if we are responsible.

+  Treat each other with kindness, respect, and patience, as brothers and sisters in Christ.

~Ephesians 4:32

Martin Luther School's Facebook page has changed. The Martin Luther Page is still visible, but we are unable to add to it. To see the up to date Facebook page, click on the following: Our New Facebook Page.
