Enriching lives and sharing Christ through quality, classical Lutheran education.

The Purple Note

February 1, 2025

MLS Website

Upcoming Dates


2/3 Parent Middle School meeting

2/4 Beginner Bells

2/4 Chess Club

2/5 Advanced Bells

2/5 Art Club

2/11 Beginner Bells

2/11 Chess Club

2/12 Advanced Bells

2/12 Art Club

2/17 No School

2/18 No School

2/20 MAYFEST mtg. (See info below)

2/25 Beginner Bells

2/25 Chess Club

2/26 Advanced Bells

2/26 Art Club

MLS Calendar

Wednesday Chapel


Services are held every Wednesday at 8:20 am at Zion Lutheran Church. Visitors are welcome to attend! Our chapel services are streamed on the MLS Facebook page.

2nd quarter Chapel Offerings are going to assist hurricane victims in North Carolina.

3rd quarter Chapel Offerings will assist ministry in Mexico. More information to come when our local missionaries return next week. They will share their experience during Lutheran Schools Week!


Monday, February 3 - Corn Dog

Tuesday, February 4 - Taco Dish

Wednesday, February 5 - Pulled Pork

Thursday, February 6 - Sunbutter and Jelly Sandwiches

Friday, February 7 - Pizza Dish

Vegetable and Fruit are served with every meal.


For the month of February, MLS students in grades 5-8 are organizing a food pantry drive for our LCMS churches that have Free Little Pantries at their locations. As a school, our goal is to fill the “heart” near the south door entrance with all the donated items provided by students, their families, and LCMS church members. Be sure to stop by and watch our heart grow during the month! The students have created some fun theme days for the month—pick and choose which to do OR bring an item every day…we appreciate all donations!  

What is Mayfest?

Mayfest is...

  • Our school BIGGEST fundraiser. Tuition covers roughly half of the cost needed to maintain costs for MLS. The rest comes from donations and fundraisers. Mayfest is what keeps our MLS going!
  • an elegant, but fun event held at the Bavendick Stateroom located at the Energy Center at BSC. Our auctioneer, Jonathan Larson, provides great entertainment for the evening!
  • dependent on the work of volunteers. We need the help from as many of our families as possible!

I want to volunteer! What can I do?

  • Solicit donations for our live and/or silent auctions We have an online silent auction during the week that precedes Mayfest. A live auction is held on the night of mayfest at the event itself. We are a looking for items both large and small! We will share some examples of donations and past donors this week to help you become familiar with how Mayfest works.
  • Attend our next planning meeting! (THURSDAY, February 20th, 5:30 )This is the best way to learn more about how Mayfest works and how enriching it can be to be included in the implementation of this great event.
  • Watch for more information to come via Purple Note and the bulletin board outside of the school office.

Donation Form

2025-26 Registration

Registration for the 2025-26 school year has opened for K-8th Grade students and for returning or wait listed Pre-K students.

K-8th Registration

Setup Code (if asked):



Since we have moved to the classical education approach, it has been more important than ever to add the additional 6th-8th grade classes to our program at Martin Luther School. This is where we see our students blossom as they engage more at the dialectic or logical level. Because this is such a crucial time for our students, we would like to visit with all of our 5-7th grade families to see how we can best facilitate and meet the needs of our families and their children.

Working together and communicating as a team is very important as we strive to improve our middle school program. (I want to emphasize the communication aspect.) Regardless of what your current plans for the upcoming years, we would love to hear from everyone involved.

An email was sent out requesting an RSVP to ensure that we can have as many people there as possible. Many thanks to those who have responded! I have been able to arrange individual meeting times for those who are unable to make the Feb. 3 date. I look forward to meeting with or hearing from all of you. We are on the cusp of something great andwant to know how we can improve this together as a team!

If you haven't already, please RSVP at wolfgram@lutherschools.org. Thanks so much for your attention to this!


An opportunity is available for incoming Kindergarteners to visit the MLS classroom, meet the teacher and spend a little time with the current class. They will be able to be with the class for a few hours to experience what it is like at MLS. Use the link below to sign up

Visit our Website


School communications will be sent to all parents who are signed up for Remind. This will be used in addition to email. We realize that people may not check their emails on a regular basis and maybe missing information from the school. Please make sure you have downloaded the remind app and signed up with the information in the picture on the left. Make sure notifications for Remind are turned on so you don't miss anything.


The Learning Fair will be held on May 15th instead of February 20th.

Updated Calendar


Art Club will resume this Wednesday. The cost for materials for this semester will be $25. Please make checks payable to Megan Ferderer.

STEM will resume shortly. Watch for more information to come on this.

Chess Club is back!

Tuesdays, January, 14, 28, and February 4, 11, 3:30-4:30

Students in grade 1 on up are eligible.

Students will need to provide their own snack. The cost is $25 per student, payable to Sam Wolf.

Sign up for chess!
Click here for Playground!

There has been much discussion about what to do to update our playground.  Through PTL fundraisers and other donations, we have raised considerable funds over the years. As good stewards, we need to plan wisely how we envision the playground project to proceed.

What are the immediate needs and/or simplest way to make improvements?

·       Wooden swing set needs to be removed!

o  What to put in the smaller area on the west side of school. (wooden playground.)

·       More swings need to be provided

o  Metal? Wooden? Location?

·       Different climbing components added

o  Geodome

o  Various balance components

Some suggestions have also been expressed. This would require more extensive fundraising.

·       A concrete slab and basketball hoop

·       Terracing the area on the south side of the 5th grade room

·       Resurfacing the turf

·       An additional larger playground component

What maintenance needs to be addressed?

·       Engineered mulch

·       Metal top of the retaining wall

·       Wooden fence

What do our current funds cover for the items we would like to get?

While I might have a plan for how to move forward, I don’t want to limit this to just my ideas. I welcome the insights and creativity of others and propose that we establish a playground committee and start moving forward. I would welcome input from teachers, parents, as well as a voice from Zion properties.

HELP NEEDED - In the Kitchen

We are looking for extra help in the kitchen to help Miss Carmen. If you are interested in coming in, please take a look at the sign up form below. We are looking for help each day from 9:30-12:00pm to prepare and serve lunch. It is a great way to see students!

Kitchen Help Sign Up


By request! 

I’ve heard that parents have been asking for access to the infamous “Timeline” song and the other recitation songs we use in our classes. There are a couple of options:

You can buy the memory work recitations chants and songs from Classical Conversations on iTunes. We are using Classical Conversations Foundations Cycle 3 Volume 3. The cost is $6.99 on iTunes. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find it on Spotify.

You can also check out the Timeline song via this link on YouTube. The song is set in a lower key than what we use at school so it’s not as easy for the kids to sing, but it has great pictures!

"Timeline" on YouTube


Martin Luther School Guardians is a program to involve the fathers/father figures at our school. We appreciate the gifts that they can bring whether be assisting with security or engaging with students at in various activities such as lunch, recess, or chapel. Your presence can make such a difference in the lives of our students.

We are asking male volunteers to be present during the day at Martin Luther School. The amount of time available is not limited to a whole day. We would appreciate a volunteer sign up for at least a half day (morning or afternoon) but if you are only able to be present a few hours, please do not hesitate to sign up.

To become a MLS Guardian, please fill out the Volunteer Form and submit. Please fill out and return the Authorization for Background Check to the school office. Forms are also available in the school office. Once the appropriate documentation is submitted, please sign up to spend time at Martin Luther School as the MLS Guardian. Each Guardian will receive a T-shirt to wear during your time in school acting as the MLS Guardian

MLS Guardian Volunteer Form
Authorization for Background Check
MLS Guardian Sign Up

Below is our newly-revised code of conduct. This will discussed at our all-school Monday Morning Meetings and will be reinforced throughout the year.

Martin Luther School Code of Conduct

Because Christ lives in us, we strive to:                                                         

+    Cheerfully obey the authority under which we are placed. ~Romans 13:1

+    Appeal respectfully, but we do not negotiate or argue.

+    Encourage one another. ~1 Thessalonians 5:11

+    Avoid pointing out the shortcomings of others to build ourselves up. 

~Matthew 7:3                                                                                                           

+    Tell the truth. ~Proverbs 12:17

+    Respect our class by not interrupting the teacher or distracting the class in any way.

+    Speak truthfully and not spread rumors. ~Proverbs 26:20

+    Present ourselves in a modest and God-pleasing manner. ~1 Corinthians 6:19-20

+    Avoid activities that exclude others.

+    Admit wrong actions and not make excuses for them. ~1John 1:9

+    Forgive others when they are repentant. ~Colossians. 3:13

+    Comfort others when they are in need.

+    Do our work without complaining. ~Colossians 3:23

+    Clean up messes that we see, especially if we are responsible.

+  Treat each other with kindness, respect, and patience, as brothers and sisters in Christ.

~Ephesians 4:32

Martin Luther School's Facebook page has changed. The Martin Luther Page is still visible, but we are unable to add to it. To see the up to date Facebook page, click on the following: Our New Facebook Page.
