Enriching lives and sharing Christ through quality, classical Lutheran education.

The Purple Note

December 2, 2023

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Upcoming Dates:


14th MLS Christmas concert at Zion/MLS 6:30

15th Shepherd Preschool Christmas program

18th MLS Preschool Christmas program 6:00

19th Last day of school before Christmas break. NO AFTER SCHOOL ABC CARE.

Wednesday Chapel Services:

Services are held every Wednesday at 8:20 am at Zion Lutheran Church. Visitors are welcome to attend! Our Chapel Services are streamed on the MLS Facebook page.

Chapel offerings for the 2nd quarter will go to Orphan Grain Train (OGT), specifically helping victims in the Ukraine at this time.

If you would like more information on OGT, go www.ogt.org

Now it's YOUR turn to order your very own Martin Luther School swag! Check out these options we have available! The turn around time makes it possible for these to be Christmas gifts. Enjoy!

Click here to view and order!

Martin Luther School In-House Chess Tournament (MLS students /chess club participants only.)

Monday, December 18th 3:30-5:30


Led by Todd Wolf

It's getting close to the countdown! Please have your raffle tickets (sold or unsold) into the school by Friday, December 8th.

Classical Education Question of the Week:

It seems like a lot of older books are used to teach reading. Aren't these out-dated?

ANSWER: Yes, we do use what we would call "classics." When our students read these novels, we are doing more than teaching "reading." We recognize and reinforce examples of virtue. We look for right and wrong. We see connections between our spelling words, our Latin studies, and insights from previousl novels. So much goes into our choice of novels for our students to read.

For a further explanation, click on the link below.

Click here to learn more about the importance of quality literature in classical education