What is IMH Endorsement®?
Infant Mental Health (IMH) Endorsement® for Culturally Sensitive, Relationship-Focused Practice Promoting Infant Mental Health is an internationally recognized credential that supports and recognizes the development and proficiency of professionals who work with or on behalf of infants, toddlers, and their families. It is based on a set of Competencies designed to support and enhance culturally sensitive, relationship focused practice within the framework of infant mental health. An applicant demonstrates acquisition of these competencies through education, work, specialized training and reflective supervision experiences.
How do I find out more about IMH Endorsement®?
For more information about IMH Endorsement® click on the link below.
Early Childhood Mental Health Endorsement®
The Wisconsin Alliance for Infant Mental Health is currently exploring adding Early Childhood Mental Health Endorsement (ECME-E) in Wisconsin. The ECMH-E® is meant to provide a path to Endorsement® for professionals who are promoting and implementing infant and early childhood mental health principles in their work with or on behalf of children ages 3 up to 6 years old and their families.
Why should I pursue IMH or, eventually, ECMH Endorsement®?
For young children, mental health is synonymous with healthy social and emotional development. So, Infant Mental Health (IMH) Endorsement® truly compliments and underscores the work that we do as Pyramid Model trainers and coaches in the early childhood field! As our work continues to grow, we are working to create opportunities for Pyramid Model trainers to pursue IMH Endorsement.® We’ll talk more about this at our upcoming Pyramid Model communities of practice.
Endorsement enhances your professional credibility and your confidence in working with infants, young children and their families; plus, you’ll gain recognition and belong to a network of professionals in WI.