From the Pastor's Desk
Chris Currie, Senior Pastor

Hello St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Community,

In year 2001, I answered the call to ministry. In early September, I made preparations to pack my things and move to Princeton, New Jersey, to commence theological education. On September 11th, two hijacked airliners hit the twin towers in New York City, and on September 13th, I was making my way to seminary to that same region to begin ministry in a time of upheaval, crisis, and rebuilding.
On Friday, September 14th, the seminary held a service on the national day of prayer. At the service, the President of Princeton Seminary, Tom Gillespie, mentioned that he thought now more than ever, it was a critical time to be entering the work of ministry and the task of theological education. Now more than ever, he declared, the world needs the church's ministry and pastors, chaplains, and repairers of the breach.
Assistance and Pastoral Care for SCAPC Community

We have been reaching out to members in the hopes of identifying any needs among our congregation and how we can be of service. If you need any form of assistance and/or pastoral care, please email [email protected] and our staff will respond as soon as possible. In the meantime, we hold you all in prayer!
No On-site Church Events until at least September 12

Owing to power outages, on-site church events through at least September 12 have been either cancelled or moved to a Zoom format. Please be watching your inbox or phone for communications from individual church group leaders for details.

The church building sustained no major damages, but there are minor issues we will need to resolve before reopening.
Worship Plans

Our plan is to post our worship service, officiated by Chris Currie and Sarah Chanellor-Watson, this Sunday at 6:00 a.m. on our worship page. An email with the link to the page will be sent that morning as well.
Financial Donations

Unfortunately the church is unable to receive online donations at this time because of a PayPal issue. Please be watching for future communications regarding financial donations.
RHINO Update

Thank you so much to all who have reached out to us with kind words and prayers. We are currently regrouping as a church staff and RHINO Board. We are assessing how we can best serve our community in New Orleans and our neighbors in the surrounding bayou communities in the aftermath of Hurricane Ida.
We know many of you will want support us either by giving monetary donations and/or volunteering when the time comes. We are in the process of creating a way to give online, so please look for that in the coming days.
We ask that you continue to lift the people of South Louisiana in your prayers. We will update you soon on ways you can help. We appreciate your generosity and support during this time and always.
Ways to Support Community at Large

There are many ways that you can assist community members in need in the aftermath of the storm. To find out how you can help, you can view this article which was posted by nola.com this morning and lists local volunteer/donation needs. You can also visit the NOLA Ready Twitter page or NOLA Ready Facebook page for the latest assistance needs.
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