December 2016  Vol 55    Same Canoe Newsletter  Art . Food . Farms . Sustainability
How Can We Create a Sane Society? .  Some Good Trouble . Tiny Houses for Standing Rock & Hawaii  
Real Food : Real Farms . Muddled Merriment, Plant Beverage Workshop . Grow your own Chocolate!   

One Island News
Standing Rock
Armed with Prayers
What's at Stake?
Native Sovereignty and
1/3 of US Farmland 

View a well produced key-points slide show on the human and watershed issues. 
Generosity and Compassion
Dakota Skipper Tiny House donation 
Tiny Houses for  
Standing Rock

 One powerful antidote to fear is generosity, as one community of friends in Oregon has well proven. When they heard of the Standing Rock protest to protect a watershed in North Dakota, they tried to imagine the encampment making it through the harsh winter in tents and tipis.

Asking themselves, how can
we help?

 they realized Oregon timber turned into tiny house was a better idea for living at the winter encampment. Soon they were planning a gift to support the 'Water Protectors'.

"This feels like a new America I want to be a part of"
said Eric Hansen, who donated two off grid solar systems to join the tiny House donations.

This group of friends felled trees, milled lumber, contructed 3 modular homes, and then hauled them on a 35' flatbed truck all the way to Standing Rock.

One of the houses will remain mobile on a truck, and is the home of Mni Willi, 'Water is Life', the first baby born at the encampment.

The Dakota Skipper, pictured on the Tiny House above, is an endangered butterfly native to the watershed being threatened by the oil pipeline.

Love and Determination
From North Dakota to Utah, Standing for the Earth with Love and Determination

The Utah Bears Ear area is an ancestral ground for five tribes and holds over 100,000 archaeological sites. This area is being considered as a future National Park due to its cultural and geologic significance. It is also under threat of natural resource extraction.

Good Read on Standing Rock and Bears Ear:
Indians vs. Cowboys -
protecting the land. Article from


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  Real Food   
Real Farms 
A food system change and resource development initiative

A Hawaii Farm Success Story

Island Harvest is an organic grower of Macadamia Nuts using innovative Natural Farming methods. They are an employee-managed company harvesting over 1.5 million pounds of nuts a year from 700 acres of well managed orchards in North Kohala. Their environmental and employee practices are based on respect and cooperation - a great green business model.

Congratulations on their 25th Anniversary! 

See the Island Harvest article in the Kohala Mountain News.
Click on November, see pg 20

Organic, natural farming
in action!
Check out the videos by Chris Trump on You Tube. 
How Can We Create Positive Change for 
Building a Sane Society?  
Whatever age we are, what ever vote we cast, we can universally agree we have never seen anything like the maelstrom taking place in the United States.

Should the economic, climate, environmental and social challenges we all face - that impact every American today - be answered by a return to a 'rape, pillage and plunder' modus operandi, we are taking a very troubling step backwards in our human problem solving methods.
In fact, to many, that Neanderthal-like vs Homo Sapien-like choice is an outrage against our precious human potential. And yet, answering fear and hate with fear and hate does not appear to be a
workable step forward.

 If we have indeed met the enemy and  
he is us .. what next?
The Antidote to Fear is Generosity and Compassion, Love and Determination.
And a willingness to engage in 'Some Good Trouble'.

Join Hands, Amplify the Good Work

Pogo Comic above by Walt Kelly, 1971, corresponding with Earth Day founding and the artist's concern about human waste and pollution.
Some Good Trouble

Barbara Kingsolver is a renowned author of evocative fiction, local food, and natural history books and articles.

Kingsolver's family story of a year eating local, Animal, Vegetable, Miracle is widely appreciated as a personal account of the challenges of hyper-local food sourcing. Another good "Green is a Verb' read.

Her recent article in The Guardian "... Now Everything Counts" is highly recommended as a path toward considering the honor of "some good trouble" in the footsteps of Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau and echoing Martin Luther King.

"... our next step is to wear something on our sleeve that takes actual courage: our hearts."

 Robert F. Kennedy Jr taking a Stand at Standing Rock. Read his article and watch the video on his and Sierra Club's opposition to this pipeline.

"Standing in the streets with a huge crowd of fellow believers really does change something, not just through the message sent out, but also the one that's absorbed."

   Hawaii Affordable Housing     

Tiny houses may not need building permits if considered mobile trailers, or under a threshold in size
Join the conversation at the first
Tiny House Planning Group
Sat., January 28th, 2-5 pm in North Kohala
with State Representative Cindy Evans
at the green-built Algood Barn. 
Includes presentations and break-out sounding sessions.
Your voice is welcome. Let's change the law! 

Click here to read island resident views on Tiny Houses.
Post your thoughts using the link above.

Click here to read about Micro Housing for the Homeless
opening in Kona this month!

Tiny houses are being approved as temporary and permanent dwellings in communities across the US, including for the homeless in Hawaii. These units are different than Ohana cottages and would not affect the traditional limits on full size dwellings per lot.

A smaller footprint saves resources and is a creative solution to a variety of housing challenges:  
Farm Workers, Seniors, Disabled, Homeless, Returning kids, Short term guests, Artist-live-work.

Here in Hawaii, a State-level bill is being developed that would have the power to revise out-dated County zoning and building code restrictions for residential and farm lots and directly help to solve one of our greatest challenges: Affordable Housing.

Since opening this conversation with an eye on doubling local food production by providing new farm worker housing, the conversation has broadened to the larger Affordable Housing issue.

What ever your small housing interest, all voices welcome at the first Planning Group on Saturday, January 28th in Hawi.  

email for driving directions

Smart Planning . Smart Housing
Change the Law!
Share your vision of the benefits of
Tiny Homes for Hawaii farms online.  

Easy to use testimony write-in box at bottom of linked page. 

Pick and muddle fresh  fruit and herbs
Have a little Merriment with your Muddle

Plant based beverages with 
with Donna Maltz   
and Dawn Barnett
Always in Season Farmstead, Hawi  
Sat., December, 3rd, 2-5pm

Come learn the Magic of Mead, fermented Kombucha, and hand-pick Healthful Fruit and Herbs for infused concoctions. Recipe sharing welcome!
$25 per person. $40 with book. 

Sign-up for the class and tastings and you can also pre-order the delightful Drunken Botanist book to pick up at the class. The instructors' fabled concoctions will also be available for sale as holiday gifts. 

Green is a Verb - Grow It!

Have you heard about the global Chocolate shortage? Grow it Now!

If your Winter Holidays are filled with chocolate, why not grow your own? Cacao seedlings of the special Criollo variety are available individually, for gardens in groups of ten, or discounts for orchards in groups of 20. Order online; free delivery.

Hawaii is the only state able to grow cacao and we are home to award winning chocolates. In fact, our seedling trees were contract grown by a nursery using seeds descended from the same mother trees that earned North Kohala the distinction of the top international chocolate award for delicious bars produced by Madre Chocolate and grown in Kapa'au!

Hawaii chocolate makers need new growers. Feed the Island!

per tree cost $10-$20, with Community Food Forest donation options.