Last Sunday after Epiphany
Sunday, February 19, 2023
Exodus 24:12-18
2 Peter 1:16-21
Matthew 17:1-9
Psalm 2
or Psalm 99
Preacher: The Reverend Jennifer Wagner Pavia
Wednesday, February 22
Ash Wednesday services at noon and 7 PM
Sunday, March 12
Grassroots neighbors at 1:30 PM and 5 PM
Saturday, March 18
Neighbors 4 Neighbors at 10 AM
Bible and Breakfast
Tuesdays | 9:30 AM
Luther Hall & Zoom
Midweek Eucharist
Tuesdays | 6:00 PM
Evening Prayer
Wednesday | 7:00 PM
Luther Hall & Zoom
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Our first Sunday with the Rev. Jennifer Wagner Pavia | |
This Sunday, January 19, will be our first with our new rector, the Reverend Jennifer Wagner Pavia. She comes to us from Holy Faith in Inglewood, where she served as priest in charge. Let's welcome her on this first Sunday! | |
Did you really think Legos are just for kids? (It's understandable, especially if you picked up and organized your son's Legos for 15 years, and he refused to let you give them away even after he left for college.)
Well, we're here to tell you that Legos are for people of any age and that Kathy Russell is hosting her fourth year of Lego building as a Sisters of Bede event. What's more, there are still spaces available!
Please see Kathy for more information.
(And if you discover that Legos are truly your passion, we'd like to challenge you to build a replica of St. Bede's!)
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March 12 | 1:30 PM & 5:00 PM
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Grass Roots Neighbors is a volunteer community organization. They meet the immediate needs of our neighbors experiencing food and housing insecurity. GRN mobilizes to fill the gaps in existing services by providing assistance with love and respect. The organization's vision is to be a community effectively involved in ending poverty.
Among their outreach programs, GNR cooks and delivers a hot meal every Sunday to various encampments on the Westside. Once a month, St. Bede's with Holy Nativity assists GNR with preparing and providing meals. There are now four different volunteer time slots:
- 2 - 4 PM (mostly chopping of fruits and veggies)
- 4 - 6 PM (mainly packaging food)
- 6 - 8:30 PM (loading and distributing the food)
- 7:30 - 10:30 PM (distributing food in Venice by bike)
GNR utilizes the kitchen facilities at Holy Nativity Episcopal Church.
GNR, Holy Nativity, and St. Bede's have created a Google Sign-Up Form to assist with monthly volunteer coordination. Please click the button below to access the volunteer sign-up form.
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Are you planning to attend worship online and want an easy way to make a pledge payment? Do you want to ditch the checkbook and set up reoccurring payments? Are you looking for a convenient way to make a one-time special gift to St. Bede's?
Did you know you can make donations online to St. Bede's, securely and easily?
Visit the St. Bede's website and at the top of every page, look for the "Donate" button. When you click on the "Donate" button, you will be transported to St. Bede's Vanco eGiving and Payment Process Site.
Vanco is an industry leader in online payments. More than 40,000 churches, faith-based groups, nonprofits, schools, and educational organizations trust Vanco to securely complete transactions every day. Vanco complies with PCI Level 1 standards, the highest security standard in the payment processing industry.
You are invited to set up one-time or recurring gifts using credit, debit, or bank transfer on Vanco's secure payment processing platform. Giving online through the Vanco site saves time and the hassle of remembering to bring your offering. In addition, you decrease the expense incurred by St. Bede’s from handling and processing checks and cash.
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A newsletter serving the Diocese of LA
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Visit to castle’s dungeon in Ghana offers ACC lessons on church’s complicity in the trans-Atlantic slave trade
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[Episcopal News Service] Anglican Consultative Council members from 39 provinces, including The Episcopal Church, paused their week of business sessions in Ghana to spend Feb. 15 visiting Cape Coast Castle, a United Nations World Heritage site where centuries ago enslaved Africans were held before being loaded onto ships bound for colonies in North and South America and the Caribbean.
Leading the visit, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby was joined by Archbishop Cyril Kobina Ben-Smith, who is hosting this ACC meeting as head of the Province of West Africa, and West Indies Archbishop Howard Gregory, who is a descendant of African slaves.
Cape Coast Castle was built in the 1650s and passed through Swedish, Danish and Dutch possession until becoming a headquarters for British colonial administration in the 1660s. Africans were taken from their homes and held in dungeons at the castle, with squalid, overcrowded conditions and little ventilation. It was one of 50 castles on Africa’s west coast, 39 of them in Ghana, that served as points of embarkation for slave ships. An estimated 12 million to 25 million Africans passed through Ghana’s ports to be sold across the Atlantic as slaves.
The ACC members’ visit to the castle “was a reminder that the abomination of transatlantic chattel slavery was blasphemy: Those who imprisoned men and women in those dungeons saw them as less than human,” Welby said in written remarks released after the trip.
Read more here
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Western New York priest takes to the mountain offering ecumenical service to skiers
[Diocese of Western New York] It’s not a requirement that priests called to the Diocese of Western New York learn to ski, but it keeps happening all the same. That’s because for more than 20 years, a worship service at the top of a slope has provided clergy who are willing to brave the mountain with an opportunity for creative evangelism.
Today the 30-minute ecumenical service at Holiday Valley Resort in Ellicottville, New York, is sponsored by St. John’s, Ellicottville, and St. Luke’s in nearby Jamestown each Sunday afternoon between New Year’s Day and Holy Week.
The Rev. Luke Fodor, rector of St. Luke’s and an avid downhill skier, leads the service. But when he first came to town from Long Island in 2014, despite being an accomplished triathlete and water sports enthusiast, he had never been on snow skis.
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Executive Council wraps meeting where divided COO vote intensified ongoing dismantling racism discussion
[Episcopal News Service – San Francisco, California] A divided vote on one of The Episcopal Church’s executive leadership positions was a first-day flashpoint at the recently concluded Executive Council meeting here, intensifying an internal debate over how to dismantle systemic racism in the church. Some members argued that Executive Council itself and its processes may exemplify the problem.
“This issue brought to the forefront the issues of racism and white privilege, and if the council doesn’t address that, then that will set the tone for our relationships going forward,” Joe McDaniel, a lay member from the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast, told Episcopal News Service between sessions on Feb. 10.
Most of the internal debate over hiring a successor for former Chief Executive Officer Geoffrey Smith, who retired at the end of 2022, happened in closed sessions, and the council’s electronic vote in favor of Jane Cisluycis did not identify how individual members voted. Over the Feb. 9-12 meeting, however, some members expressed in committee meetings and in interviews with ENS that this experience underscores the need to do more to dismantle racism, both within the governing body and across the church.
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