February 23, 2023 | VOLUME 35, ISSUE 6


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First Sunday in Lent

Sunday, February 26, 2023


Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7

Romans 5:12-19

Matthew 4:1-11

Psalm 32

Preacher: The Reverend Jennifer Wagner Pavia

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Sunday, March 12

Grassroots neighbors at 1:30 PM and 5 PM

Saturday, March 18

Neighbors 4 Neighbors at 10 AM


Bible and Breakfast

Tuesdays | 9:30 AM

Luther Hall & Zoom

Midweek Eucharist

Tuesdays | 6:00 PM


Evening Prayer

Wednesday | 7:00 PM

Luther Hall & Zoom

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Earlier this month, Liz and Dan Mohler gathered with guests in the backyard of their home for Beer & Brats, one of the Sisters of Bede fundraising events. The evening featured Carl Townsend's famous, award-winning homebrew and homemade root beer-- and delicious brats and cheese. There are more SOB events on our calendar (see below). Questions? Please see Daphne Moote.


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March 12 | 1:30 PM & 5:00 PM

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Grass Roots Neighbors is a volunteer community organization. They meet the immediate needs of our neighbors experiencing food and housing insecurity. GRN mobilizes to fill the gaps in existing services by providing assistance with love and respect. The organization's vision is to be a community effectively involved in ending poverty. ​

Among their outreach programs, GNR cooks and delivers a hot meal every Sunday to various encampments on the Westside. Once a month, St. Bede's with Holy Nativity assists GNR with preparing and providing meals. There are now four different volunteer time slots:

  • 2 - 4 PM (mostly chopping of fruits and veggies)
  • 4 - 6 PM (mainly packaging food)
  • 6 - 8:30 PM (loading and distributing the food)
  • 7:30 - 10:30 PM (distributing food in Venice by bike)

GNR utilizes the kitchen facilities at Holy Nativity Episcopal Church.

GNR, Holy Nativity, and St. Bede's have created a Google Sign-Up Form to assist with monthly volunteer coordination. Please click the button below to access the volunteer sign-up form.



Are you planning to attend worship online and want an easy way to make a pledge payment? Do you want to ditch the checkbook and set up reoccurring payments? Are you looking for a convenient way to make a one-time special gift to St. Bede's?

Did you know you can make donations online to St. Bede's, securely and easily?

Visit the St. Bede's website and at the top of every page, look for the "Donate" button. When you click on the "Donate" button, you will be transported to St. Bede's Vanco eGiving and Payment Process Site.

Vanco is an industry leader in online payments. More than 40,000 churches, faith-based groups, nonprofits, schools, and educational organizations trust Vanco to securely complete transactions every day. Vanco complies with PCI Level 1 standards, the highest security standard in the payment processing industry.

You are invited to set up one-time or recurring gifts using credit, debit, or bank transfer on Vanco's secure payment processing platform. Giving online through the Vanco site saves time and the hassle of remembering to bring your offering. In addition, you decrease the expense incurred by St. Bede’s from handling and processing checks and cash.


A newsletter serving the Diocese of LA

The Rev. Anne Sawyer named interim dean and priest-in-charge of L.A.’s St. John’s Cathedral


[The Episcopal News] The Rev. Anne Sawyer — a former rector of New York City’s St. Mark’s Church in the Bowery and co-founder of Imago Dei Middle School in Tucson, Ariz. — will serve as interim dean and priest-in-charge of St. John’s Cathedral, Los Angeles, by appointment of Bishop John Harvey Taylor and under a vestry agreement ratified Feb. 19.

“Dean Sawyer is an institution builder, a prophet of justice, and a gifted pastor,” Taylor said. “She will bring experience and new vision to bear as our cathedral lives further into its destiny as a spiritual, cultural, and civic hub in the heart of our diocese and the city of Los Angeles. My diocesan colleagues and I look forward to walking with her, her fellow leaders, and the faithful cathedral congregation in the months ahead.”

“It is my great pleasure to welcome our new dean-in-charge, the Rev. Anne Sawyer, to our beloved cathedral,” Erik Knutzen, senior warden of St. John’s. “We are thrilled to have such a distinguished and experienced leader join our community.”

“I am truly grateful for the call to serve as interim dean and priest-in-charge of St. John’s Cathedral,” said Sawyer, whose ministry there is scheduled to begin mid-March. “I am excited to work with the good people of St. John’s as we live fully into their next phase of ministry and development in the heart of downtown L.A., and into our relationships with God through love.”

Read more here

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Service in Beaumont remembers Absalom Jones, challenges worshippers to be ‘prophets of resistance’

[The Episcopal News] The Rev. Stacey Forte-Dupré challenged worshippers at the Feb. 19 first annual Absalom Jones service at St. Stephen’s Church in Beaumont to be “prophets of resistance” amid an appreciative chorus of “Amens” and “Hallelujahs."


Prayer, prophecy, and praise are ways to honor God while offering nonviolent resistance to disrupt the domination, power, and oppression in the world today, she said.

“Absalom Jones is an example of a nonviolent way of resistance. His life and ministry offer us an example of prayer as resistance,” said Forte-Dupré, who planned the service and served as preacher. She is part of the Inland Empire Deanery collaborative ministry triad.

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Venerable food pantry breaks ground for new facility at Woodland Hills church

[The Episcopal News] For several decades the West Valley Food Pantry has been feeding and aiding the San Fernando Valley’s food insecure from the Prince of Peace Episcopal Church’s parking lot, and now “we are finally going to have our own home,” rejoices executive director Debbie Decker.

Decker hosted Bishop John Harvey Taylor, along with state and local community and civic leaders, for a Feb. 11 groundbreaking ceremony for “the dream that is becoming reality,” or what she hopes will eventually become the 7,500-square-foot West Valley Food Pantry Community Center, a project in two phases.

The $5 million first phase “will house pantry operations, a warehouse, our offices, a distribution room and a small meeting space along with bathrooms” for the center, which feeds an average 700 families and senior citizens weekly.

“We’re still using the parish hall for storage and main parking lot. We have a drive-through operation,” said Decker during a Feb. 14 phone interview from her office. “I’m looking at the security camera on my desk and there’s a line of cars going through right now. It takes about five minutes to check people in, ask them what their preferences are. They get a choice.

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