July 29, 2022 | VOLUME 34, ISSUE 26


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8th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 13)

Sunday, July 31, 2022


During Ordinary time, "Track 1" is utilized.

Hosea 11:1-11

Psalm 107:1-9, 43

Colossians 3:1-11

Luke 12:13-21

Preacher: The Reverend John Lipscomb

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Saturday, July 30

Parish Caretaking Day

9:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Campus Wide

Sunday, July 31

Sunday Serenades: Katie Thiroux Trio

5:00 PM


More Info

Monday, August 1

Sisters of Bede

7:00 PM

Luther Hall & Online

Please Note:

No 6:00 PM Eucharist this Tuesday

Rev. Ryan is on vacation 


Bible and Breakfast

Tuesdays | 9:30 AM

Luther Hall & Zoom

Midweek Eucharist

Tuesdays | 6:00 PM

Sanctuary & Watch Online

Evening Prayer

Wednesday | 7:00 PM

Luther Hall & Zoom

Education Forum

Wednesday | 7:30 PM

Luther Hall & Zoom

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The Los Angeles County Health Department declined to impose a universal public indoor mask mandate this week, citing a "decent decrease" in cases and hospitalizations. Thus, masking indoors at St. Bede's will not be required as anticipated. However, people are strongly encouraged to wear a mask indoors. As a reminder, if you are feeling ill or have any COVID-like symptoms, please stay home. 




Women Bishops in the Anglican Communion

1998 Lambeth Conference

2008 Lambeth Conference

2022 Lambeth Conference


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Archbishop of Canterbury warns against exploitation of world’s poorest in first Lambeth Conference address

[Episcopal News Service – Canterbury, England] In the first of three keynote addresses to the Lambeth Conference, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby underscored the importance of wrestling with social challenges and warning that new “empires of financial, economic, scientific and technological power” risk further exploiting the world’s most vulnerable people.

The archbishop urged Anglican bishops to “look outwards” and called on the communion to consider how the church can address the challenges of the 21st century, drawing on 1 Peter.

“Many of us come [to Canterbury] aware of what Peter calls the roaring lions; the sense – and often the reality – of attack, hostility, danger and uncertainty,” Welby said.

“For those here who came in 2008, we have seen since then the impact of the collapse of Western banking systems, the end of globalization of trade, COVID-19, the catastrophe over world food prices and availability, a major war involving a nuclear-armed power, as well as hundreds of other conflicts impacting so many, and with growing force and spread, the impact of climate change.

“On top of those global changes, there have been great roaring of lions in so many of our own countries. Wars, persecution, civil disorder, poverty have struck hard at the weakest and the poorest in the flock, killing thousands who put their trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.”

Some lions, he said, can be “domesticated and made to serve,” as when science and technology are harnessed to provide life-saving tools like COVID-19 vaccines. Some lions, like climate change, “cannot be domesticated and tamed to serve. [They] must be slain.”

In advance of the 2022 Lambeth Conference, Welby had said he hoped to unite the 85-million-member communion under common expressions of faith and social engagement, rather than focusing on debates over human sexuality that have divided bishops at past conferences. Bishops were to come together around the theme “God’s Church for God’s World.” Aspects of that theme were to be presented in a series of 10 “Lambeth Calls,” including science and faith, mission and evangelism, interfaith relations, climate change and human dignity.

Yet even before bishops began arriving in Canterbury, controversy ignited over the inclusion of language from a 1998 Lambeth resolution that homosexuality is forbidden, marriage is only for heterosexual couples and unmarried people should practice abstinence.

Earlier in the day, Welby, during a press conference, reiterated that the Lambeth Conference is not a legislative body. It can engage in a kind of “moral suasion” on certain issues but “cannot tell anyone what they must do.”

Rather than consider resolutions, bishops will be asked to consider the Lambeth Calls; it was the draft call on Human Dignity that included language in opposition to same-sex marriage, language that has since be modified. Late morning on July 29, rattled by the draft’s modification, conservative bishops from the Global South announced that they intend to introduce their own resolution again calling for the affirmation Resolution 1.10 passed almost a quarter of a century ago.

“For many years,” Welby said in his address, “churches, provinces and dioceses have continued to work superbly in their own areas. But too often the Anglican Communion has been known best – when it’s known at all as a communion – for looking inwards and struggling with its own disagreements.

“Those questions, especially on the Christian and Anglican approach to human identity and sexuality, will not be solved at this conference. However, my prayer is that while we are aware of them, because they really matter, we turn as a communion outwards to the entirety of the world that God loves so much that God sent his Son to die for its salvation.”

The Lambeth Conference, the once-a-decade gathering of bishops from across the 42-province worldwide Anglican Communion, is underway at the University of Kent, with some 650 bishops and 480 spouses from over 160 countries in attendance through Aug. 8.

In his two remaining addresses, Welby said he will look at God’s church, and then at bishops’ vocation in leading God’s church, which exists for the sake of the salvation of God’s world. 



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August 14| 1:30 PM & 5:00 PM

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Grass Roots Neighbors is a volunteer community organization. They meet the immediate needs of our neighbors experiencing food and housing insecurity. GRN mobilizes to fill the gaps in existing services by providing assistance with love and respect. The organization's vision is to be a community effectively involved in ending poverty. ​

Among their outreach programs, GNR cooks and delivers a hot meal every Sunday to various encampments on the Westside. Once a month, St. Bede's with Holy Nativity assists GNR with preparing and providing meals. There are now four different volunteer time slots:

  • 2 - 4 PM (mostly chopping of fruits and veggies)
  • 4 - 6 PM (mainly packaging food)
  • 6 - 8:30 PM (loading and distributing the food)
  • 7:30 - 10:30 PM (distributing food in Venice by bike)

GNR utilizes the kitchen facilities at Holy Nativity Episcopal Church.

GNR, Holy Nativity, and St. Bede's have created a Google Sign-Up Form to assist with monthly volunteer coordination. Please click the button below to access the volunteer sign-up form.



Youth Summer Program hosted by Daphne Moote

Production by the Children's Group, entitled, "The DAMLA (W)RAP."


A newsletter serving the Diocese of LA

Mental health justice is focus of diocesan town hall; speakers urge state funding of 9-8-8 national lifeline

[The Episcopal News – July 27, 2022] Lives will be saved by the new 9-8-8 national crisis line and related mental health-care alternatives to unnecessary incarceration or tragic deaths, U.S. Congresswoman Katie Porter and other speakers said during a July 19 online Town Hall hosted by the Bishop's Commission on Gospel Justice and Community Care. (Video of the full 90-minute town hall program is here.)

California state funding of the Miles Hall Lifeline Act (AB988) is now key to optimal implementation of new call centers, said town hall speakers, notably Tawn Hall, mother of the late Miles Hall, a 23-year-old man who was fatally shot during a local police response to a mental-health crisis that he was experiencing on June 2, 2019 in Walnut Creek, Calif.

In advance of an Aug. 1 state senate appropriations committee meeting, letter-writing to lawmakers has been recommended by the diocesan commission, notes its chairperson, Sister Patricia Sarah Terry of St. Cross Church, Hermosa Beach. [Please see related story below for further information.)

Urging support also for the pending bipartisan Mental Health Justice Act that she authored at the federal level, Porter said this bill will replicate an Orange County model to “allow police to focus on public safety while building deeper trust between officers and the people they serve, and it will provide mental-health first-responder units with the resources they will need to be successful.”

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Conservative bishops refuse to take Communion with LGBTQ+ bishops, demand ‘sanctions’ for churches that allow for same-sex marriage

Leaders of a group of conservative Anglican bishops say they will refuse to take Communion while worshiping alongside partnered gay and lesbian bishops at the Lambeth Conference, and they plan to submit and force a vote Aug. 1 on their own measure opposing same-sex marriage and the ordination of gay, partnered clergy.

The group, which calls itself the Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches, counts 23 Anglican provinces as members and says it represents 75% of Anglicans around the world, particularly in Africa and Asia. “For too long, the Anglican Communion has been driven by the views of the West. In the Global South, we often feel that our voice is not listened to or respected,” South Sudan Archbishop Justin Badi, chairman of the Global South Fellowship, said in a news conference July 29.

Badi’s group is engineering a confrontation with The Episcopal Church and at least five other provinces that have pursued inclusive LGBTQ+ policies. The conservative bishops want to “impose sanctions” against those provinces, without specifying the sanctions or citing the authority under which they would be enforced. Their strategy runs counter to efforts by Lambeth Conference planners, including its convener, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, to publicly downplay disagreements over human sexuality and reject perceptions that the typically once-a-decade Lambeth Conference is a legislative body with any authority over its member provinces. An estimated 650 bishops are meeting from July 26-Aug. 8 at the University of Kent.

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With same-sex marriage in the spotlight, where does it stand across the Anglican Communion?

As the Lambeth Conference gets underway here, the status of same-sex marriage and LGBTQ+ inclusion in the Anglican Communion has unexpectedly taken center stage. Though the controversial statement saying the Anglican Communion “as a whole” rejects same-sex marriage has now been removed from one of the proposed “Lambeth Calls,” it has heightened the differences among the provinces on the issue.

Some bishops have spoken of a 1998 Lambeth resolution rejecting same-sex marriage as the “official teaching” of the Anglican Communion. However, the Anglican Communion is not one church but a group of distinct churches, known as provinces, and does not have a codified set of “official teaching[s]” beyond the Nicene and Apostles’ Creeds, except perhaps the Lambeth Quadrilateral. The Lambeth Conference is not a legislative body, and its resolutions (or, in this case, “calls”) have no binding authority.

Whatever happens at this 15th Lambeth Conference will have no direct effect on the same-sex marriage policies that each church has adopted. These practices vary widely across the Anglican Communion, which has 42 provinces covering at least 165 countries. The vast majority do not allow same-sex marriage, which is only legal in 32 countries.

Here is an overview of the few provinces (and, in some cases, dioceses) that do allow same-sex marriages and those that offer blessings to same-sex couples, and those where the status is unclear or disputed.

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