The Quill

Quick Updates for Independent Lifelong Learners

August 14, 2022


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Course Registration Is Still Going Strong

Summersession - Tuesday, 8/16 to Thursday, 8/18

  • The New Yorker Roundtable
  • Timely Topics
  • SPECIAL PRESENTATION: The Ochberg Orphans by David Rabinowitz

LLAIC Zoom Happy Hour - Thursday, 8/18

No Geniuses on Wall Street - Monday, 8/22

Let's Go: Georges Island - Tuesday, 8/30

LLAIC Lit-Lovers - Friday, 9/9

French Conversation Group

Movie Mavens

Spanish Conversation Group


There are still places left in most of our exciting fall courses.

Visit our website to select the courses you want to take. You can sort them by day, time, and Course Leader. Each description shows the starting date for the course, the number of weeks it will run, the course content, any required reading materials, and a bio of the Course Leader. The few classes that are in person are so noted next to the course title.

Click here for an updated schedule of courses and venues. However you sort the listings on the website, you'll see the option to "Register for a Course" at the bottom of each page.

REMEMBER: To register for our courses, you'll need to sign up for membership. 

If you still need help after reading the relevant instructions, call one of these helpful people.

  • Phyllis Cohen 508 651 9630
  • Richard Mansfield 978 443 4404
  • Barbara Mende 617 505 5951
  • Peter Schmidt 339 223 3973

Don't miss the last week of exciting programming that awaits you during the last week of Summersession. Click on the links below to request Zoom invites for the sessions you want to attend this week. You'll receive them the day before each event.

TUESDAY - THE NEW YORKER ROUNDTABLE: The sixth and final week of Summersession begins on Tuesday, August 16 at 10 a.m. with a short story discussion. Everyone who enjoys short-form literature is invited to attend. No signup is necessary; just request a Zoom link before tomorrow noon.

On Tuesday, August 16, we will discuss "A Duet" by Ian McEwan. Read it here or in the August 8 issue of The New Yorker. Click here for a Zoom invitation.

WEDNESDAY - TIMELY TOPICS: The August 17 TImely Topics will be led by Richard Mansfield. Click here to see the topics we'll discuss, along with whatever else comes up before Wednesday.

Click here for a Zoom invitation. Newcomers are welcome!

THURSDAY - SPECIAL PRESENTATION - THE OCHBERG ORPHANS BY DAVID RABINOWITZ (rescheduled due to previous technical difficulties). David Rabinowitz, who grew up in South Africa and now lives in the greater Boston area, will present his story as one of Ochberg's orphans. 

In 1921, in Russia, a million children were without parents after six years of civil war, famine, disease, and murderous anti-Semitic attacks. Deeply saddened by these events, South African businessman Isaac Ochberg rescued 175 of these orphans and brought them to his country where many were adopted. 

Before you attend David's presentation, we recommend that you watch the video "Ochberg's Orphans." David's story and that of his mother, which you can learn about on the 18th, are fascinating! 

Click here for a Zoom invitation.

All sessions begin at 10 a.m. on Zoom. Each session is scheduled to last for 75 minutes. We hope you will take advantage of the last installment of this wonderful programming which is offered as a FREE benefit of your LLAIC membership.




At our July Happy Hour we talked about scams, meeting people by coincidence, names being changed at borders, keeping birth names, women once not being able to have credit cards, children who cook, restaurants with outdoor seating, attitudes toward Covid, continuing to hold classes on Zoom, art crime, and the hot weather. 

We hope you'll all join us on Thursday, August 18, from 4 to 5 p.m. Bring your drinks, snacks, and conversation. New members are especially welcome.

Click here to request a Zoom invitation before noon on Wednesday, August 17. You'll receive it that day.



MONDAY, AUGUST 22 @ 10:30-12:00

Are you an experienced investor, or are you new to "the market" and want to know more? We are an easygoing discussion group that deals with all market-related topics. Bring your opinions, insights, and questions. Or just listen.

Click here before noon on Sunday, August 21, to request a Zoom invitation. If you have any questions about the group, contact Richard Lewis: or 617-448-4439.

Georges Island, a Boston Harbor Island and National and State Park

Tuesday, August 30, 2022 at 9:30 AM

Meet at the Ferry Center at Long Wharf North

Bring a picnic lunch so we can eat together at a picnic table

The graceful granite archways of historic Fort Warren will greet you as you arrive for your visit to Georges Island. This Civil War-era fort is the main attraction of Georges Island and it is sure to bring out your inner history enthusiast.

Please join us at 9:30 AM (in front of the Ferry Center) for the 45-minute ferry ride to Georges Island. You will need to reserve your ticket ahead of time ( or come early and purchase it at the ticket center at Long Wharf North. Ticket price for seniors is $22.95 roundtrip. We have chosen the 1:00 PM return time but there are also departures at 3:00 and 5:00 PM.

Georges Island is one of a group of Boston Harbor Islands. Fort Warren, a Civil War era fort, was built to protect Boston Harbor. It was also used as a training facility for union soldiers during the Civil ar. For more information, please view this YouTube video.

There are ranger-guided and self-guided tours, or you can stop by the visitor center, which has exhibits. Drinks, ice cream, and wraps are available for purchase. 

While this park is not fully ADA-accessible it does feature wide paved pathways around the exterior of Fort Warren and throughout island picnic areas. Visitor Center, exhibits, and multi-stall restrooms are at ground level with no steps, as well as composting toilet units in the island picnic areas. All piers, docks and gangways are ADA-compliant, though gangways may be steep at low tide. Park ferries are generally accessible.

Temperatures on the harbor can often be cooler than on the mainland. Dress in layers and don’t forget to bring water, snacks, sunscreen, bug spray, a hat, a face mask, and a trash bag to carry out any trash.

Parking is available at the Boston Harbor Garage (a three-minute walk) and there are other parking garages a little further away. The app called Spot Hero is very useful as it features reduced parking rates if reserved ahead of time, as well as showing you most of the garages nearby, their rates, and the distance to your destination. If possible, we recommend people carpool or take public transportation. The stops nearby Long Wharf are, Blue Line: Aquarium, Orange Line: State or Haymarket, Green Line: Haymarket. From North or South Station, it is a 0.7-mile, mostly flat 15-minute walk.

For more information please contact:

Ileen Conn       (978) 985-5421    

Margalit Lai    (508) 272-8447

Please complete the attached reservation form (with emergency contact information and cell phone numbers) so we will know who will be joining us. This can be emailed or mailed to Ileen Conn at the address on the form. 



FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 @ 10:30-12:00


Please note that there are several books by this same title (it’s not possible to copyright titles), so be sure you read the one by Archer Mayor. Although there are only a few copies in the Minuteman Library System, there are many inexpensive used copies available on Amazon, as well as new paperbacks.

Lt. Joe Gunther of the Brattleboro, Vermont police force has a serious problem: in a community where a decade could pass without a single murder, the body count is suddenly mounting. Innocent citizens are being killed and others set-up seemingly orchestrated by a mysterious ski-masked man. Signs suggest that a three year-old murder trial might lie at the heart of things, but it’s a case that many in the department would prefer remained closed. A man of quiet integrity, Lt. Gunther knows that he must pursue the case to its conclusion, wherever it leads.

Open Season is the first of Archer Mayor’s twenty-three Joe Gunther novels, a series of gripping police procedurals set in New England, where small-town charm, stoicism and civility sometimes conceal brutal truths.

If you wish to attend the meeting, please click here by noon on Thursday, Sept 8th, and you will receive a link by the end of the day. The meeting will open 15 minutes early so we can socialize before we begin the discussion. Contact Joan if you have trouble signing up. All book lovers are welcome. 

Coming up:

  • Friday, October 14: The Netanyahus: An Account of a Minor and Ultimately Even Negligible Episode in the History of a Very Famous Family by Joshua Cohen.


  • Friday, November 11: Norwegian by Night by Derek B. Miller.



The French Conversation Group is reading Le Chateau de ma Mere by Marcel Pagnol.

We are a group of intermediate to advanced level speakers. We read books aloud, taking turns, and stopping often to discuss any interesting aspects of what we are reading. If you are interested in this group, please contact Betty Salzberg at



We will return on September 16. Watch this space for details and Zoom links.


¡Bienvenidos a La Tertulia!


The LLAIC Spanish Conversation group, La Tertulia, is taking July and August off. The group will return in September to meeting every other Monday.

The hosts for the group are Miriam Grodberg and Larry Krakauer. Contact Miriam at with any questions.

Learn more about LLAIC at
Call us: (508) 453-1205
Write us:

Editor: Barbara Mende
Contributing Editor: Shelly Levine
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